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I am writing code for a face recognition memory task and I am having trouble with presenting the fixation cross between stimuli. I need the fixation cross to be presented for 500 ms between stimuli (which include faces that are presented for 3 sec each) but, as it's written right now, the fixation cross is presented at the same time as the face. Can you please help me with the code to present the fixation cross, then a stimulus, and then the fixation cross again.
Here's the current code for a single stimulus' trial:
<trial learningWIfaceitems> /ontrialbegin = [values.category = "Wifaceitems"] /ontrialbegin = [values.itemnumber = list.learningwifaceitems.nextvalue] /stimulusframes = [1 = Wifaceitems; 2= fixationcross] /trialduration = values.picturepresentationduration </trial>
<values> /picturepresentationduration = 3000 /fixationcross_height = 5% /fixationduration = 500 </values>
Thank you for your help!
Group: Administrators
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/stimulusframes = [1 = Wifaceitems; 2= fixationcross]
You present the stimulus 'Wifaceitems' in the trial's 1st display frame. Then, immediately, you follow that up with the stimulus 'fixationcross' in the trial's 2nd display frame. A display frame's duration depends on your display's refresh rate: With a display running at 100Hz, the duration of a single frame is 10 milliseconds. I.e., 'Wifaceitems' is displayed and then -- only 10 milliseconds later -- you draw the fixation cross to the screen.
To "to present the fixation cross, then a stimulus, and then the fixation cross again", you'll want to use /stimulustimes instead for -frames and specify something like this:
<trial learningWIfaceitems> /ontrialbegin = [values.category = "Wifaceitems"] /ontrialbegin = [values.itemnumber = list.learningwifaceitems.nextvalue] /stimulustimes = [0=fixationcross; 500 = Wifaceitems; 3500= fixationcross] /trialduration = values.picturepresentationduration + values.fixationduration + values.fixationduration / validresponse = (0) </trial>
You may also want to review the "How to erase stimuli" topic in the documentation if you want to get rid of "Wifaceitems" at the time the fixation cross is displayed again at 3500ms.
Group: Forum Members
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I am displaying a series of faces while text ("Old" indicating the face was previously presented, and "New" indicating the face was not previously presented) is displayed under each face. For some trials, there is a flash of several consecutive faces before the target face is presented and I'm not sure why. Also, the data is not saving to an Inquisit file after the task is completed. Can you please look at my code and give me suggestions on how to fix the code and save the data? I have copy/pasted my trial's code for your reference.
<list testWIfaceitems> /items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20, 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40) /replace = false </list>
<values> /completed = 0 /itemnumber = 0 /category = 0
/countcorr_WIfaceitems= 0 /countcorr_BIfaceitems= 0 /countcorr_BAfaceitems = 0 /countcorr_WAfaceitems = 0 </values>
<data> /file = "OREmemory_rawdata.iqdat" /columns = [build, date, time, subject, group, values.itemnumber, values.category, values.countcorr_BAfaceitems, values.countcorr_BIfaceitems, values.countcorr_WAfaceitems, values.countcorr_WIfaceitems, response, correct, latency] /separatefiles = true </data>
<trial testWIfaceitems> /ontrialbegin = [values.category = "Wifaceitems"] /ontrialbegin = [values.itemnumber = list.testwifaceitems.nextvalue]
/stimulusframes = [1 = wifaceitems, old, new] /inputdevice = mouse /validresponse = (Old, New) /iscorrectresponse = [(values.itemnumber < 21 && trial.testwifaceitems.response == "Old")|| (values.itemnumber > 20 && trial.testwifaceitems == "New")] / timeout = 5000 /ontrialend = [values.countcorr_wifaceitems] </trial>
Thank you for your help.
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
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> For some trials, there is a flash of several consecutive faces before the target face is presented and I'm not sure why. Please post a self-contained example that shows this. Something in your script is displaying those "several consecutive faces", but the code you posted is irrelevant to that. > Also, the data is not saving to an Inquisit file after the task is completed. Not sure what that means. (1) Make sure you have the latest Inquisit version installed (donwload it from ). (2) Make sure it's properly registered. If you are using an unregistered copy, make sure the trial period hasn't elapsed (if it has, Inquisit will no longer record data).