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I am writing code for a face recognition memory task and I am having trouble with presenting the fixation cross between stimuli. I need the fixation cross to be presented for 500 ms between stimuli (which include faces that are presented for 3 sec each) but, as it's written right now, the fixation cross is presented at the same time as the face. Can you please help me with the code to present the fixation cross, then a stimulus, and then the fixation cross again.
Here's the current code for a single stimulus' trial:
<trial learningWIfaceitems> /ontrialbegin = [values.category = "Wifaceitems"] /ontrialbegin = [values.itemnumber = list.learningwifaceitems.nextvalue] /stimulusframes = [1 = Wifaceitems; 2= fixationcross] /trialduration = values.picturepresentationduration </trial>
<values> /picturepresentationduration = 3000 /fixationcross_height = 5% /fixationduration = 500 </values>
Thank you for your help!