Hi everyone,
I'm attempting to run my first web based implicit experiment after using the desktop version for years. Setting it up was pretty painless, but of the 6 computers we've piloted it on so far, only 1 person got straight into the study. Another 4 managed to get in after quitting out and re-launching the link, and 2 weren't successful at all.
Checking the logs, it seems like there may have been a bit of server downtime on Friday night NZ time (probably very early morning PST):
08/12/2016 - 11:04:56 System error 12002: The operation timed out Line 192, File win\WinUtil.cpp
08/12/2016 - 11:04:56 Errorjames.green/master/master.iqx.unknownUnable to open file '
http://www.millisecond.com/myaccount/scripts/james.green/master/ibuprofen.jpg'.08/12/2016 - 11:04:56 Errorjames.green/master/master.iqx.picture.primeibuprofen.itemsUnable to load the picture
08/12/2016 - 11:11:08 Errorjames.green/master/master.iqx.unknownSystem error 12002: The operation timed out Line 192, File win\WinUtil.cpp
08/12/2016 - 11:11:08 Errorjames.green/master/master.iqx.unknownInternet error 12002: The operation timed out .
At the same time, I couldn't log into the website, or even get a ping response.
However, on most of the attempts since then, it is either very, very slow to load (like at least a minute) or need to try again. Any advice?