How to? randomly select exactly the same number of items from a list into 2 within sub. conditions /...

How to? randomly select exactly the same number of items from a list...
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Posts: 9, Visits: 209
Hi Everybody, Hi Dave

Sadly i couldn't  figure out yet how to program the following experimental scenario:

Basically its a false memory (DRM) task, flavored with lateral word exposition in the encoding phase.
But here i'm only interested in the recognition phase.
Overall i got 4 x 2  lists of words and i want to check if the study participants after seeing a word  press "Y" ( this word has been presented earlier)  or "N" (no it hasn't.)
Additionally in line with a within subjects design  the subjects should be randomly prompted to make  fast or slow decision (700ms or 2500 ms after the word onset respectively) by means of presenting them an error beep and shortly after (300ms) a "too slow" text message - see piece of "code" below. I also wanted to provide them with RT feedback after every trial. The RTs should be recorded as well.

<trial critAslow> 
/ stimulustimes = [0=FPcritA;2500=prompt;2800=slowmessage]
****** how to incorporate the RT feedback here so that it is visible and not erased by the / responseinterrupt = immediate property? probably via trial.critAslow.latency but where and how?:)*****
/ validresponse = ("t", "n")
/ correctresponse = ("t")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ posttrialpause = 2000

The word Lists
* (A & B) refers to left or right in the encoding phase (which varies according to even or odd sub ID)
Crit lures A*             - 30 items
Crit lures B*             - 30 items
weak lures A*           - 30 items
weak lures B*           - 30 items
Studied words A*      - 60 items
Studied words B*      - 60 items
unrelated words (A)   - 60 items
unrelated words (B)   - 60 items
I wanted that for every participant exactly half of the words from every list will be randomly assigned to the fast and the "remaining" half to the slow retrieval condition.
Is that doable?

I would greatly appreciate any kind of help



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Kuba - 8 Years Ago
Dave - 8 Years Ago
Kuba - 8 Years Ago
Dave - 8 Years Ago
Kuba - 8 Years Ago
                         list.nitems is set to sample randomly without replacement. You can...
Dave - 8 Years Ago
                             Thanks This clarifies this issue perfectly. I said in the last post,...
Kuba - 8 Years Ago
                                 > but would it stiil be possible to record only the respnse after...
Dave - 8 Years Ago

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