Free Inquisit 5 Workshop at ICPS 2017 Vienna

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Millisecond is pleased to present a free Inquisit 5 workshop immediately preceding the ICPS 2017 conference in Vienna, Austria. 
Inquisit 5 for Online and Mobile Psychological Research
Time: Thurs, Mar 23, 14:00-16:00
Location: Austria Center Vienna, Hall N1.
Presented by Sean Draine, PhD, Founder/CEO of Millisecond.
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Inquisit 5 is a mature, powerful, easy to use platform for gathering psychological data in the lab, over the web, and on mobile devices. In this workshop, we’ll demonstrate tools for creating custom, high-precision psychological tests that can be administered online and that adapt to the various form factors of modern connected devices. We’ll also cover new features like animation, drag & drop, drawing, and more. Come and see how Inquisit can “mobilize” your research.

Please register so that we can estimate attendance and notify you when we have a room assignment. Walk-ins are also welcome.
See our Facebook event page.

We'll update as we have more info.

Edited 8 Years Ago by seandr

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