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Please forgive my ignorance.

I want to create a test where the subject hears and audio stimulus and then has to make a spoke response.

This happens five times. The audio asks them a question, and then they answer.

The audio should be recorded for each answer and be placed in a folder with their unique ID on it (or something like that).

I'm not sure where to start, can someone point me in the right direction?

If there is something like this already in existence it would be much easier for me to adapt something than to start from scratch.

Thanks heaps for your help! -once again, sorry for my incompetence.

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You should set up two <trial> elements -- one that plays back the audio question, another one that records the spoken response.

In a nutshell:

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-5 = sequence(q,a)]

<trial q>
/ stimulustimes = [0=questionaudio]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 100

<trial a>
/ stimulustimes = [0=responseprompt; 5000=responseprompt]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ trialduration = 5000
/ responseinterrupt = frames

<video questionaudio>
/ items = ("q1.mp3", "q2.mp3", "q3.mp3", "q4.mp3", "q5.mp3")
/ playthrough = true

<text responseprompt>
/ items = ("Please Respond now")

You may also want to check out the Stroop with voice recording script available in the library if you need another example.

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Thanks heaps for your reply.

But the script is not capturing any audio, or only very short snippets, but nothing usable.

Is there a way that I can record until the participant presses a button to say they are ready for the next stimulus?

This would suit my application much better.

I have taken a look at the Stroop task example, but I think that this would have the same problem, it is looking out for one or two words, I need it to grab a whole sentence or two.

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Posts: 4, Visits: 18
Is there a way that I could make a page (a block?) that plays the audio and then has a next button, and that page just uses the soundcapture attribute to capture whatever is said until the particpant clicks "next?"

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Yes, you could do that. Change the <trial a> definition to

<trial a>
/ soundcapture = true
/ stimulustimes = [0=responseprompt, nextbutton]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (next)

<text responseprompt>
/ items = ("Respond and click 'next' when done.")

<text nextbutton>
/ items = ("Next")
/ txbgcolor = gray
/ position = (50%, 80%)

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