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Hello everybody,
in my experiment a picture is presented to each participant. Then 9 slightly modified pictures are presented to the participants. For each of the 9 pictures they should decide whether (1) something has changed (question1), and if so (2) what has changed (question2) and (3) to which degree it has changed (question3). This process is repeated for 3 times with different pictures. question1 should be a dichhotome question ("yes", "no") question2 should be an open question ("enter your answer") question3 should be a slider without an anchor (0-100% or even better: from -100 to +100%)
(1) My first question is: How can I realise that question1 and question2 are only presented, if question1 is answered with "yes"? (2) If it is not possible to use the slider-function withhout an anchor, how can I integrate e.g. a VisualAnalogueScale into my script? Therefore I copied a version from the Millisecond Forums and modified it (see below). (3) Somehow my openended question does not work properly. Have I missed something?
<variables> /group=(1 of 10) (firstb = block1A, secondb = block4A, thirdb = Pause, fourthb = block1B, fifthb = block4B, sixthb = Pause, seventhb = block1C, eighthb = block4C) /group=(2 of 10) (firstb = block1A, secondb = block4A, thirdb = Pause, fourthb = block1B, fifthb = block4B, sixthb = Pause, seventhb = block1C, eighthb = block4C) /group=(3 of 10) (firstb = block1A, secondb = block4A, thirdb = Pause, fourthb = block1B, fifthb = block4B, sixthb = Pause, seventhb = block1C, eighthb = block4C) /group=(4 of 10) (firstb = block1A, secondb = block4A, thirdb = Pause, fourthb = block1B, fifthb = block4B, sixthb = Pause, seventhb = block1C, eighthb = block4C) /group=(5 of 10) (firstb = block1A, secondb = block4A, thirdb = Pause, fourthb = block1B, fifthb = block4B, sixthb = Pause, seventhb = block1C, eighthb = block4C) /group=(6 of 10) (firstb = block1A, secondb = block4B, thirdb = Pause, fourthb = block1B, fifthb = block4A, sixthb = Pause, seventhb = block1C, eighthb = block4C) /group=(7 of 10) (firstb = block1A, secondb = block4B, thirdb = Pause, fourthb = block1B, fifthb = block4A, sixthb = Pause, seventhb = block1C, eighthb = block4C) /group=(8 of 10) (firstb = block1A, secondb = block4B, thirdb = Pause, fourthb = block1B, fifthb = block4A, sixthb = Pause, seventhb = block1C, eighthb = block4C) /group=(9 of 10) (firstb = block1A, secondb = block4B, thirdb = Pause, fourthb = block1B, fifthb = block4A, sixthb = Pause, seventhb = block1C, eighthb = block4C) /group=(10 of 10) (firstb = block1A, secondb = block4B, thirdb = Pause, fourthb = block1B, fifthb = block4A, sixthb = Pause, seventhb = block1C, eighthb = block4C) </variables>
<defaults> / screencolor = (250, 250, 250) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 12pt) </defaults>
<expt> / preinstructions = (begin) / blocks = [1=firstb; 2 = secondb; 3 = thirdb; 4 = fourthb; 5 = fifthb; 6 = sixthb; 7 = seventhb; 8 = eighthb] / postinstructions = (finish) </expt>
******************************************************************************************************************* extract from the script *******************************************************************************************************************
<block block1A> / trials = [1=otherface1A_2sec] / preinstructions = (instr1) </block>
<surveypage picture1A> / caption = "Please answer the following question: " / fontstyle = ("Arial", 12pt, true) / questions = [1=picture1A; 2=question1; 3=question2; 4=question3] / showquestionnumbers = false / showpagenumbers = false / finishlabel = "continue" </surveypage>
<image picture1A> / items = ("otherface1A.jpg") / position = (45%,15%) / imagesize = (20%, 20%) </image>
<picture otherface1A> / items = otherface1A </picture>
<item otherface1A> /1="otherface1A.jpg" </item>
<radiobuttons question1> / caption = "Do you see any changes between the first picture and the second one?" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 12pt,true) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 11pt, false) / options=("yes", "no") / orientation=horizontal / required=true / position = (10%,75%) </radiobuttons>
<openended question2> / stimulusframes = [1=question2] / validresponse = (anyresponse) </openended>
<text question2> / items = "What do you think has changed on the picture?" / position = (50%, 30%) </text
******************************************************************************************************* VAS, slightly modified version *******************************************************************************************************
<trial question3> / stimulusframes = [1=question, leftborder, rightborder, line, leftanchor, rightanchor] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (line) / branch = [trial.showresponse] </trial>
<trial showresponse> / stimulusframes = [1=X, responsevalue] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (noresponse) / timeout = 1500 / recorddata = false </trial>
*** Scale Items ***
<shape line> / shape = rectangle / color = (0, 0, 0) / size = (700, 6) / position = (50, 75) / erase = false </shape>
<shape leftborder> / shape = rectangle / color = (0, 0, 0) / size = (6, 30) / position = (16, 75) / erase = false </shape>
<shape rightborder> / shape = rectangle / color = (0, 0, 0) / size = (6, 30) / position = (84, 75) / erase = false </shape>
<text question> / items = ("Wie sehr hat sich diese Region verändert?") / position = (50, 25) / select = sequence / erase = false </text>
<text leftanchor> / items = ("viel kleiner") / position = (10, 75) / size = (50, 50) / erase = false </text>
<text rightanchor> / items = ("viel größer") / position = (90, 75) / size = (50, 50) / erase = false </text>
*** Response Indicator ***
<text X> / fontstyle = ("Arial", -35, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / items = ("o") / txcolor = (255, 0, 0) / txbgcolor = (transparent) / hposition = (trial.VisualAnalogueScale.responsex / display.width) * 100 / vposition = shape.line.vposition </text>
<text responsevalue> / items = ("<% expressions.roundedvalue %> %") / position = (50, 85) </text>
I am sorry, that this script is that long. I hope, that someone of you can help me with that problem. It would really help me a lot!
Best regards, Daniel