Multiple Randomization for Risk Tasking Task

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 43
New to programming an entire task on inquisit. Not sure where to begin. I need participants to select an one of two images, one being a 'risky' choice and one being a 'safe' choice. I also want to randomize which of the two images end up being risky and safe. 

If they chose the safe option they have a 10% chance of getting an image that represents a lose of 20 points, a 10% of getting an image that represents a gain of 20 points, and the other two images are a 40% of gaining 10 points or 40% of losing 10 points. 

The risky option has the ratios flipped, so 40% of gaining/losing 20 points, 10% of losing/gaining 10 points. 

We also DO NOT want total points to show anywhere on the screen. 

They have a learning phase that I have already programmed where they will be learning the values of the images so they will already know how many points they will have as a result 

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