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You either need two Inquisit Web licenses for that, i.e., have two separate launch pages (one per IAT) and then go
Launch page for IAT A -> redirect to Qualtrics -> redirect to launch page for IAT B
or you need to work it out via <batch>. I.e.
<batch> / subjects = (1 of 2) / groupassignment = groupnumber / file = "IAT_A.iqx" </batch>
<batch> / subjects = (2 of 2) / groupassignment = groupnumber / file = "IAT_B.iqx" </batch>
You would pass in the groupnumber via a URL query parameter thus:
- Have participants start at launch page passing in query parameter equal to 1: They will receive IAT A. -> redirect to Qualtrics -> from Qualtrics redirect back to same launch page with query parameter set to 2: They will now receive IAT B.
Finally, as an alternative to the above scenarios, if Inquisit's own <survey> capabilities are sufficient for your purposes, you could implement the survey as an Inquisit script. This would obliterate the need for any redirection back and forth, and you could simply <batch> things together like so:
<batch> / file = "IAT_A.iqx" / file = "survey.iqx" / file = "IAT_B.iqx" </batch>