I have aquestion concerning the modification of the dot probe paradigm. I am currentlyusing the script of the alcohol DOT PROBE TASK - with images (Katja Borchert,last updated: 08-17-2015). I have donesome modifications – I replaced „alcohol“ with „highcaloric” and „neutral“ with“lowcaloric” because I would like to compare attentional bias to low- and highcaloricfood stimuli. Then, I have changed the name of the items accoding to the nameof my pictures.
I would nowlike to change the DP. Originally, the DP comprises 10 practice trials, 40alcohol/neutral (10*4) trials and 40 filler trials. I would like to keep the 10practice trials and 40 filler trials but do more comparisons betweenhigh/lowcaloric food (instead of 10: 20 pairs of pictures --> 80 trials). I have changed the scriptaccording to my needs and it runs. But when I controlled the rawdata, I haveseen that for example some pictures pairs are presented 3 times, whereas otherpictures pairs 5 times. So I am pretty sure I have done something wrongmodifying the script (1. listing more items (<itemhighcaloricTarget_images>); 2. changing the lists (<listhighcaloricTarget_itemnumbers> <list highcaloricTarget_positions><list highcaloricTargetprobe_congruence>) as well as 3. the parameter <blockImageDotProbeTask>.
Is thereanything more I have to do that the script works the way I want?
Thanks alot for your help!