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Hello everybody, I am working with audio-based Implicit Association Tests (IATs). Because we have a huge amount of different audio files, we passed the upload limit for the web script when using audio files in the .wav version. That's why we changed our script and exclusively used .mp3 audio files to avoid to pass the upload limit. However, we encountered a problem when using .mp3 files instead of .wav files. We are aware of the fact that we should use the <video> command when working with .mp3 files, but we are working with different randomization trials which seems less feasible when using the video command instead of the sound command.
Interestingly, the script (Inquisit 5) worked without any errors after having replaced all .wav file endings by the file ending .mp3 on our MAC computers (only replacing the endings, no further changes were made), but NOT in WINDOWS. The WINDOWS systems showed different errors (e.g xyz is not a .wav file, or cannot locate xyz). Because our script works perfectly with the .wav endings, we wondered whether it might be possible to adjust the functions in MAC and windows to make it possible to play .mp3 file endings in the WINDOWS versions. It is important for our study that the script works both in MAC and Windows versions. I am looking forward to hearing from you Thank you for your time