Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3,
Visits: 88
Hi guys,
my experiment looks like this: I have 50 questions. In the first phase, i'm presenting one question at a time, each followed by a survey page on which the subject states if he already knows the answer or not. If the subject answers "yes", the question should not be taken into the the later stages of the experiment. I have tried this:
item questions1> /1... </item>
<text questions1> / items = questions1 </text>
<trial ScreeningQuestions> / stimulustimes = [0 = questions1] / timeout = 500 / ontrialend = [ text.questions2.appenditem(text.questions1.currentitem) ] </trial>
<radiobuttons q1> "3" means that the answer is not known / optionvalues = ("3","2","1") </radiobuttons>
<surveypage p1> / questions = [1= q1] / ontrialend = [ if (radiobuttons.q1.response =! 3) text.Fragen2.removeitem(text.Fragen2.itemcount) ] </surveypage>
However, the questions do not get removed from questions2, no matter what answer is given. It would be great if someone could help me out here.