Group: Forum Members
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HI ! i made a likertscala for presented pictures. How can i make a dropdownbox or radiobuttons instead of the likertskala? The idea is, that whenever a picture is presented, a dropdownbox or radiobuttons (what´s the different?) with 7 options should be seen under the picture and the subject has to choose one option.
thx a lot for your help.
<block likertlight> / preinstructions=(lightness) / trials = [1-18 = lightness] </block>
<item pictures> /1 = "picture 1.png" /2 = "picture 2.png" /3 = "picture 3.png" /4 = "picture 4.png" /5 = "picture 5.png" /6 = "picture 6.png" /7 = "picture 7.png" /8 = "picture 8.png" /9 = "picture 9.png" /10 = "picture 10.png" /11 = "picture 11.png" /12 = "picture 12.png" /13 = "picture 13.png" /14 = "picture 14.png" /15 = "picture 15.png" /16 = "picture 16.png" /17 = "picture 17.png" /18 = "picture 18.png" </item>
<picture patches> / size = (55%, 55%) / items = pictures / position = (50, 45) / select = noreplace </picture>
<text questionlight> / items = ("Wie hell ist dieses Farbfeld?") / position = (50,80) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.04%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<likert lightness> / anchors = [1="dunkel"; 7="hell"] / stimulusframes = [1 = patches, questionlight] / mouse=false / numpoints=7 / position= (50,96) / anchorwidth = 100 / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.04%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) </likert>
<page lightness> Wie "hell" schätzen Sie die folgenden 18 Bilder auf einer Skala von 1 (sehr dunkel) bis 7 (sehr hell) ein? Bitte wählen Sie eine Option mit dem Nummernfeld ihrer Tastertur aus und bestätigen Sie diese mit der Entertaste. </page>
<instruct > / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.18%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / screencolor = #808080 </instruct>
:) :) :) :)