Noreplace does not/will not work for item selection?

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Posts: 2, Visits: 20

I am trying to run a ST-SB-IAT and I want one block to run each trial once (8 trials) and each trial has 6 items. I want each trial and each item run once, so I've used the noreplace command (?) in both the picture element and in the block element.

Block structure:
<block measureSC>
 /trials=            [1-48=noreplacenorepeat(targAhi, targAlo, targBhi, targBlo, SCattrAhi, SCattrAlo, SCattrAhi, SCattrAlo)]
 /bgstim=            (label_targA,label_targB, label_SCattrAhi, label_SCattrAlo, divider)
 /preinstructions=    (measureSC)
 /responsemode =     correct
 /onblockend =         [values.SCd = expressions.d]

Picture element structure:
<picture SCattrAhi> /items = SCattrA /select = noreplacenorepeat /resetinterval = 0 /position = (50, values.posHI) /size = (20%, 20%) </picture>
<picture SCattrAlo> /items = SCattrA /select = noreplacenorepeat /resetinterval = 0 /position = (50, values.posLO) /size = (20%, 20%) </picture>
<picture targAhi> /items = targA /select = noreplacenorepeat /resetinterval = 0 /position = (50, values.posHI) /size = (20%, 20%) </picture>
<picture targAlo> /items = targA /select = noreplacenorepeat /resetinterval = 0 /position = (50, values.posLO) /size = (20%, 20%) </picture>
<picture targBhi> /items = targB /select = noreplacenorepeat /resetinterval = 0 /position = (50, values.posHI) /size = (20%, 20%) </picture>
<picture targBlo> /items = targB /select = noreplacenorepeat /resetinterval = 0 /position = (50, values.posLO) /size = (20%, 20%) </picture>

I know that the SCattr trials are in there twice - that's supposed to be like that. I want every picture in the items list to be presented like this: SCattrAhi x2; SCattrAlo x2, targAhi x1; targAlo x1; targBhi x1; targBlo x1.

What am I doing wrong? I've scavenged through the threads on this forum that mention these topics but none of the fixes have helped me so far.


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