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I want to measure participants' reaction time in response to stimulus onset. I currently have /beginresponsetime written into the code, and while it does measure reaction time, there is no longer a fixation cross presented after each stimulus' trial (the triangle stimulus just goes into the next stimulus without a fixation cross separating each trial). I have copied/pasted the triangle trial below so you can give me suggestions on how to measure reaction time AND keep the fixation cross. Thank you.
<trial triangle> / ontrialbegin = [values.category = "triangle"] / ontrialbegin = [values.itemnumber = list.triangleitems.nextvalue] stimulustimes = [0 = fixationcross; 500 = triangle; 1200 = shape.eraser; 1201 = fixationcross] /stimulustimes = [0 = triangle; 1500 = shape.eraser; 1501 = fixationcross] /inputdevice = keyboard / isvalidresponse = [values.responsekey] iscorrectresponse = [values.responsekey = 1] / beginresponsetime = 0 / timeout = (values.fixationduration + values.trianglepresentation) / posttrialpause = rand(values.iti_min, values.iti_max) </trial>