Removing the Practice Trials on AAT (mouse version)

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Jodie Smith - Tuesday, January 17, 2017
I am clueless with coding and wondered if anyone was able to help me edit the AAT (mouse version) 
I am getting participants to run the same programme 3 times in total so for the second and third time I was hoping to remove the practice trials. Would anyone be able to help me in this matter. 

Kind Regards


Create at least two AAT scripts:
- One identical to the original (including the practice block),
- One without the practice block

For the latter, simply remove block practice_AAT from the <expt> elements' /blocks attributes:

/ blocks = [
    1 = SequenceGenerator;
    2 = practice_AAT;
    3 = AAT;



/ blocks = [
    1 = SequenceGenerator;
    2 = AAT;


Then administer the two scripts via a simple <batch>:

/ file = "aat_mouseinput.iqx"
/ file = "aat_mouseinput_no_practice.iqx"
/ file = "aat_mouseinput_no_practice.iqx"

Jodie Smith
Jodie Smith
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 5
I am clueless with coding and wondered if anyone was able to help me edit the AAT (mouse version) 
I am getting participants to run the same programme 3 times in total so for the second and third time I was hoping to remove the practice trials. Would anyone be able to help me in this matter. 

Kind Regards


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