Logging Radiobuttons data

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Hi dave,

Thanks! Thats what I thought :/
In any case that should save me trouble in the future :)


Dave - Monday, January 23, 2017
evas - Monday, January 23, 2017
I'm pretty sure this is unsaveable but I have a datafile which logged my data differently then expected.
I remember asking my intern/student to check it but after we changed the programming from a likertscale to a radiobuttons command that represented a likert scale (due to the impossibility of changing the likertscale background from white to gray), he/i forgot to recheck.
So basically,  it's a 7 point scale but instead of logging 1-7 it logs the labels which means that now I only have the extermes logged "negativ" - "positiv" and everything in between is logged as " ".
In the unlikely case there is a way to retrieve which " " is e.g. 3 and which one is 5 it would be great if you could tell me how..



To have numerical values logged instead of blank labels, you ought to specify the <radiobuttons> element's /optionvalues attribute:

<radiobuttons myrb>
/ options = ("negative", "", "", "", "", "", "positiv")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3","4", "5", "6", "7")
/ orientation = horizontalequal

<surveypage mpyage>
/ questions = [1=myrb]

<block mblock>
/ trials = [1=mpyage]

It is not possible to recover any data that hasn't been recorded, i.e. if /optionvalues was not specified, there is no way to determine which numerical a given "blank" would correspond to.

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evas - Monday, January 23, 2017
I'm pretty sure this is unsaveable but I have a datafile which logged my data differently then expected.
I remember asking my intern/student to check it but after we changed the programming from a likertscale to a radiobuttons command that represented a likert scale (due to the impossibility of changing the likertscale background from white to gray), he/i forgot to recheck.
So basically,  it's a 7 point scale but instead of logging 1-7 it logs the labels which means that now I only have the extermes logged "negativ" - "positiv" and everything in between is logged as " ".
In the unlikely case there is a way to retrieve which " " is e.g. 3 and which one is 5 it would be great if you could tell me how..



To have numerical values logged instead of blank labels, you ought to specify the <radiobuttons> element's /optionvalues attribute:

<radiobuttons myrb>
/ options = ("negative", "", "", "", "", "", "positiv")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3","4", "5", "6", "7")
/ orientation = horizontalequal

<surveypage mpyage>
/ questions = [1=myrb]

<block mblock>
/ trials = [1=mpyage]

It is not possible to recover any data that hasn't been recorded, i.e. if /optionvalues was not specified, there is no way to determine which numerical a given "blank" would correspond to.

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Posts: 5, Visits: 10
I'm pretty sure this is unsaveable but I have a datafile which logged my data differently then expected.
I remember asking my intern/student to check it but after we changed the programming from a likertscale to a radiobuttons command that represented a likert scale (due to the impossibility of changing the likertscale background from white to gray), he/i forgot to recheck.
So basically,  it's a 7 point scale but instead of logging 1-7 it logs the labels which means that now I only have the extermes logged "negativ" - "positiv" and everything in between is logged as " ".
In the unlikely case there is a way to retrieve which " " is e.g. 3 and which one is 5 it would be great if you could tell me how..




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