Adding exit button to Survey pages

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Hi there,

As part of my University's ethics requirements, participants need to be able to exit a survey and be taken to a debriefing page at any time during an experiment. I have looked at the abort function but cannot work out how to create a button on my page that will allow participants to click and exit to the debriefing page in my survey. Can someone please explain how to create a clickable element that can trigger the abort function?


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SamMckay - Thursday, January 26, 2017
Hi there,

As part of my University's ethics requirements, participants need to be able to exit a survey and be taken to a debriefing page at any time during an experiment. I have looked at the abort function but cannot work out how to create a button on my page that will allow participants to click and exit to the debriefing page in my survey. Can someone please explain how to create a clickable element that can trigger the abort function?



There is no way to put an extra button on a <surveypage>. Instead, you'd put an extra question (e.g. a <radiobuttons> or <dropdown> element) on each page where the participant can indicate that s/he wishes to quit. You can then /branch to a debriefing trial and /stop or abort() the experiment. In a nutshell:

/ stopit = 0

<block myblock>
/ stop = [
    values.stopit == 1;
/ trials = [1=pg1; 2=pg2; 3=pg3]

<surveypage pg1>
/ caption = "Page 1"
/ questions = [1=q1; 2=abort]
/ branch = [
    if (dropdown.abort.response == "Abort") surveypage.debrief

<surveypage pg2>
/ caption = "Page 2"
/ questions = [1=q2; 2=abort]
/ branch = [
    if (dropdown.abort.response == "Abort") surveypage.debrief

<surveypage pg3>
/ caption = "Page 1"
/ questions = [1=q3; 2=abort]
/ branch = [
    if (dropdown.abort.response == "Abort") surveypage.debrief

<radiobuttons q1>
/ caption = "Q1"
/ options = ("A", "B")

<radiobuttons q2>
/ caption = "Q2"
/ options = ("C", "D")

<radiobuttons q3>
/ caption = "Q3"
/ options = ("E", "F")

<dropdown abort>
/ options = ("Keep going", "Abort")
/ defaultresponse = "Keep going"

<surveypage debrief>
/ ontrialend = [
    values.stopit = 1;
/ caption = "Debriefing..."

Hope this helps.

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Posts: 2, Visits: 4
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
SamMckay - Thursday, January 26, 2017
Hi there,

As part of my University's ethics requirements, participants need to be able to exit a survey and be taken to a debriefing page at any time during an experiment. I have looked at the abort function but cannot work out how to create a button on my page that will allow participants to click and exit to the debriefing page in my survey. Can someone please explain how to create a clickable element that can trigger the abort function?



There is no way to put an extra button on a <surveypage>. Instead, you'd put an extra question (e.g. a <radiobuttons> or <dropdown> element) on each page where the participant can indicate that s/he wishes to quit. You can then /branch to a debriefing trial and /stop or abort() the experiment. In a nutshell:

/ stopit = 0

<block myblock>
/ stop = [
    values.stopit == 1;
/ trials = [1=pg1; 2=pg2; 3=pg3]

<surveypage pg1>
/ caption = "Page 1"
/ questions = [1=q1; 2=abort]
/ branch = [
    if (dropdown.abort.response == "Abort") surveypage.debrief

<surveypage pg2>
/ caption = "Page 2"
/ questions = [1=q2; 2=abort]
/ branch = [
    if (dropdown.abort.response == "Abort") surveypage.debrief

<surveypage pg3>
/ caption = "Page 1"
/ questions = [1=q3; 2=abort]
/ branch = [
    if (dropdown.abort.response == "Abort") surveypage.debrief

<radiobuttons q1>
/ caption = "Q1"
/ options = ("A", "B")

<radiobuttons q2>
/ caption = "Q2"
/ options = ("C", "D")

<radiobuttons q3>
/ caption = "Q3"
/ options = ("E", "F")

<dropdown abort>
/ options = ("Keep going", "Abort")
/ defaultresponse = "Keep going"

<surveypage debrief>
/ ontrialend = [
    values.stopit = 1;
/ caption = "Debriefing..."

Hope this helps.

Thanks very much for detailed explanation Dave. Much appreciated.


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