Drill-down question in Inquisit

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psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Hi all,

I'd like to create a drill-down question in Inquisit.  I'm thinking of something similar to the drill-down question type in Qualtrics.  Basically, if you have a large number of response options in a dropdown menu, say 2000 names in a list, you can make the selection process more manageable by having participants first select the first letter of the first name, then the first name, then the last name.  I'd also like Inquisit to draw the response options from a .csv file located where the Inquisit script is hosted.

I see that there is a <dropdown> element in Inquisit, but it's unclear to me whether the options property of a <dropdown> can reference the results of a previously completed <dropdown> (i.e., the first letter of the first name that was selected by the participant).  It's also unclear to me whether Inquisit can populate the options properties from, say, an outside .csv file.

Can anyone give me some advice about this?

Neither is possible in Inquisit, I'm afraid.

Hi Dave, thanks for replying.  Can you recommend any close alternatives?  In other words, solutions that satisfy the following constraints:

(1) Draw the possible selections from an outside file containing ~2000 elements
(2) Present the selections to the participant in a way that is not overwhelming

- Inquisit can load contents from an external file via <include> elements. The included file's contents however, would still have to be valid Inquisit syntax, i.e. you would have to fully specify the dropdown with all ~2000 options in that file either way. It is not possible to dynamically populate a <dropdown> with an unknown number of options.
- I cannot think of a good way to achieve (2).

However, assuming the name-selection example is what you actually want to do, why would a dropdown be preferable to e.g. simple textboxes that allow a participant to enter her/his first and last name?

I'd prefer to avoid textboxes because of typos, nicknames, people who use middle names as first names, people who make selections outside of the predetermined group of people that I'm interested in, etc.  In other words, I will be asking ~2000 people to make about three selections each and want to avoid the inevitable matching headache that would result from allowing totally free responses.

If I'm following you, the <include> element would have to be a text file, correct?  So it would have to look something like this?



Text file

/options=("Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3" ...)

Just to be clear about what I'm doing -- I have a list of names that I will need to update periodically.  At the time of analysis, for each participant, I will need to match their selections to the finalized list of names.  So I would like to ensure that there is a clear 1-to-1 mapping of selections to list elements.

As for the <include> question: No, only having the /options attribute in the text file would not be enough. It would have to contain the entire <dropdown> element.

I.e. in the main script you'd have

/ file = "list.txt"

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=mydropdown]

with list.txt containing

<dropdown mydropdown>
/ options = ("Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3", ...)

Do you have an option to content-validate free-response questions?  In other words, the program won't proceed unless the text meets some pre-specified conditions (such as being equivalent to a specified list of names)?

Yes, that can be done like so:

/ normalizedname = ""

/ blocks = [1=nameblock; 2=taskblock]

<block nameblock>
/ trials = [1=namepage]

<block taskblock>
/ trials = [1=mytrial]

<surveypage namepage>
/ ontrialend = [values.normalizedname = toupper(concat(concat(",", textbox.name.response), ",")); ]
/ questions = [1=name]
/ branch = [if (!contains(values.namelist_pt1, values.normalizedname) && !contains(values.namelist_pt2, values.normalizedname)) surveypage.notonlist]

<textbox name>
/ caption = "Please enter your first and last name:"

<surveypage notonlist>
/ caption = "That name is not on the list. Please try again."
/ branch = [surveypage.namepage]
/ timeout = 2500

<trial mytrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=mytext]
/ validresponse = (57)

<text mytext>
/ items = ("This is the actual task.")

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Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Hi all,

I'd like to create a drill-down question in Inquisit.  I'm thinking of something similar to the drill-down question type in Qualtrics.  Basically, if you have a large number of response options in a dropdown menu, say 2000 names in a list, you can make the selection process more manageable by having participants first select the first letter of the first name, then the first name, then the last name.  I'd also like Inquisit to draw the response options from a .csv file located where the Inquisit script is hosted.

I see that there is a <dropdown> element in Inquisit, but it's unclear to me whether the options property of a <dropdown> can reference the results of a previously completed <dropdown> (i.e., the first letter of the first name that was selected by the participant).  It's also unclear to me whether Inquisit can populate the options properties from, say, an outside .csv file.

Can anyone give me some advice about this?

Neither is possible in Inquisit, I'm afraid.

Hi Dave, thanks for replying.  Can you recommend any close alternatives?  In other words, solutions that satisfy the following constraints:

(1) Draw the possible selections from an outside file containing ~2000 elements
(2) Present the selections to the participant in a way that is not overwhelming

- Inquisit can load contents from an external file via <include> elements. The included file's contents however, would still have to be valid Inquisit syntax, i.e. you would have to fully specify the dropdown with all ~2000 options in that file either way. It is not possible to dynamically populate a <dropdown> with an unknown number of options.
- I cannot think of a good way to achieve (2).

However, assuming the name-selection example is what you actually want to do, why would a dropdown be preferable to e.g. simple textboxes that allow a participant to enter her/his first and last name?

I'd prefer to avoid textboxes because of typos, nicknames, people who use middle names as first names, people who make selections outside of the predetermined group of people that I'm interested in, etc.  In other words, I will be asking ~2000 people to make about three selections each and want to avoid the inevitable matching headache that would result from allowing totally free responses.

If I'm following you, the <include> element would have to be a text file, correct?  So it would have to look something like this?



Text file

/options=("Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3" ...)

Just to be clear about what I'm doing -- I have a list of names that I will need to update periodically.  At the time of analysis, for each participant, I will need to match their selections to the finalized list of names.  So I would like to ensure that there is a clear 1-to-1 mapping of selections to list elements.

As for the <include> question: No, only having the /options attribute in the text file would not be enough. It would have to contain the entire <dropdown> element.

I.e. in the main script you'd have

/ file = "list.txt"

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=mydropdown]

with list.txt containing

<dropdown mydropdown>
/ options = ("Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3", ...)

Do you have an option to content-validate free-response questions?  In other words, the program won't proceed unless the text meets some pre-specified conditions (such as being equivalent to a specified list of names)?
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Hi all,

I'd like to create a drill-down question in Inquisit.  I'm thinking of something similar to the drill-down question type in Qualtrics.  Basically, if you have a large number of response options in a dropdown menu, say 2000 names in a list, you can make the selection process more manageable by having participants first select the first letter of the first name, then the first name, then the last name.  I'd also like Inquisit to draw the response options from a .csv file located where the Inquisit script is hosted.

I see that there is a <dropdown> element in Inquisit, but it's unclear to me whether the options property of a <dropdown> can reference the results of a previously completed <dropdown> (i.e., the first letter of the first name that was selected by the participant).  It's also unclear to me whether Inquisit can populate the options properties from, say, an outside .csv file.

Can anyone give me some advice about this?

Neither is possible in Inquisit, I'm afraid.

Hi Dave, thanks for replying.  Can you recommend any close alternatives?  In other words, solutions that satisfy the following constraints:

(1) Draw the possible selections from an outside file containing ~2000 elements
(2) Present the selections to the participant in a way that is not overwhelming

- Inquisit can load contents from an external file via <include> elements. The included file's contents however, would still have to be valid Inquisit syntax, i.e. you would have to fully specify the dropdown with all ~2000 options in that file either way. It is not possible to dynamically populate a <dropdown> with an unknown number of options.
- I cannot think of a good way to achieve (2).

However, assuming the name-selection example is what you actually want to do, why would a dropdown be preferable to e.g. simple textboxes that allow a participant to enter her/his first and last name?

I'd prefer to avoid textboxes because of typos, nicknames, people who use middle names as first names, people who make selections outside of the predetermined group of people that I'm interested in, etc.  In other words, I will be asking ~2000 people to make about three selections each and want to avoid the inevitable matching headache that would result from allowing totally free responses.

If I'm following you, the <include> element would have to be a text file, correct?  So it would have to look something like this?



Text file

/options=("Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3" ...)

Just to be clear about what I'm doing -- I have a list of names that I will need to update periodically.  At the time of analysis, for each participant, I will need to match their selections to the finalized list of names.  So I would like to ensure that there is a clear 1-to-1 mapping of selections to list elements.

As for the <include> question: No, only having the /options attribute in the text file would not be enough. It would have to contain the entire <dropdown> element.

I.e. in the main script you'd have

/ file = "list.txt"

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=mydropdown]

with list.txt containing

<dropdown mydropdown>
/ options = ("Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3", ...)

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psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Hi all,

I'd like to create a drill-down question in Inquisit.  I'm thinking of something similar to the drill-down question type in Qualtrics.  Basically, if you have a large number of response options in a dropdown menu, say 2000 names in a list, you can make the selection process more manageable by having participants first select the first letter of the first name, then the first name, then the last name.  I'd also like Inquisit to draw the response options from a .csv file located where the Inquisit script is hosted.

I see that there is a <dropdown> element in Inquisit, but it's unclear to me whether the options property of a <dropdown> can reference the results of a previously completed <dropdown> (i.e., the first letter of the first name that was selected by the participant).  It's also unclear to me whether Inquisit can populate the options properties from, say, an outside .csv file.

Can anyone give me some advice about this?

Neither is possible in Inquisit, I'm afraid.

Hi Dave, thanks for replying.  Can you recommend any close alternatives?  In other words, solutions that satisfy the following constraints:

(1) Draw the possible selections from an outside file containing ~2000 elements
(2) Present the selections to the participant in a way that is not overwhelming

- Inquisit can load contents from an external file via <include> elements. The included file's contents however, would still have to be valid Inquisit syntax, i.e. you would have to fully specify the dropdown with all ~2000 options in that file either way. It is not possible to dynamically populate a <dropdown> with an unknown number of options.
- I cannot think of a good way to achieve (2).

However, assuming the name-selection example is what you actually want to do, why would a dropdown be preferable to e.g. simple textboxes that allow a participant to enter her/his first and last name?

I'd prefer to avoid textboxes because of typos, nicknames, people who use middle names as first names, people who make selections outside of the predetermined group of people that I'm interested in, etc.  In other words, I will be asking ~2000 people to make about three selections each and want to avoid the inevitable matching headache that would result from allowing totally free responses.

If I'm following you, the <include> element would have to be a text file, correct?  So it would have to look something like this?



Text file

/options=("Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3" ...)

Just to be clear about what I'm doing -- I have a list of names that I will need to update periodically.  At the time of analysis, for each participant, I will need to match their selections to the finalized list of names.  So I would like to ensure that there is a clear 1-to-1 mapping of selections to list elements.
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Posts: 5, Visits: 8
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Hi all,

I'd like to create a drill-down question in Inquisit.  I'm thinking of something similar to the drill-down question type in Qualtrics.  Basically, if you have a large number of response options in a dropdown menu, say 2000 names in a list, you can make the selection process more manageable by having participants first select the first letter of the first name, then the first name, then the last name.  I'd also like Inquisit to draw the response options from a .csv file located where the Inquisit script is hosted.

I see that there is a <dropdown> element in Inquisit, but it's unclear to me whether the options property of a <dropdown> can reference the results of a previously completed <dropdown> (i.e., the first letter of the first name that was selected by the participant).  It's also unclear to me whether Inquisit can populate the options properties from, say, an outside .csv file.

Can anyone give me some advice about this?

Neither is possible in Inquisit, I'm afraid.

Hi Dave, thanks for replying.  Can you recommend any close alternatives?  In other words, solutions that satisfy the following constraints:

(1) Draw the possible selections from an outside file containing ~2000 elements
(2) Present the selections to the participant in a way that is not overwhelming

- Inquisit can load contents from an external file via <include> elements. The included file's contents however, would still have to be valid Inquisit syntax, i.e. you would have to fully specify the dropdown with all ~2000 options in that file either way. It is not possible to dynamically populate a <dropdown> with an unknown number of options.
- I cannot think of a good way to achieve (2).

However, assuming the name-selection example is what you actually want to do, why would a dropdown be preferable to e.g. simple textboxes that allow a participant to enter her/his first and last name?

I'd prefer to avoid textboxes because of typos, nicknames, people who use middle names as first names, people who make selections outside of the predetermined group of people that I'm interested in, etc.  In other words, I will be asking ~2000 people to make about three selections each and want to avoid the inevitable matching headache that would result from allowing totally free responses.

If I'm following you, the <include> element would have to be a text file, correct?  So it would have to look something like this?



Text file

/options=("Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3" ...)
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Hi all,

I'd like to create a drill-down question in Inquisit.  I'm thinking of something similar to the drill-down question type in Qualtrics.  Basically, if you have a large number of response options in a dropdown menu, say 2000 names in a list, you can make the selection process more manageable by having participants first select the first letter of the first name, then the first name, then the last name.  I'd also like Inquisit to draw the response options from a .csv file located where the Inquisit script is hosted.

I see that there is a <dropdown> element in Inquisit, but it's unclear to me whether the options property of a <dropdown> can reference the results of a previously completed <dropdown> (i.e., the first letter of the first name that was selected by the participant).  It's also unclear to me whether Inquisit can populate the options properties from, say, an outside .csv file.

Can anyone give me some advice about this?

Neither is possible in Inquisit, I'm afraid.

Hi Dave, thanks for replying.  Can you recommend any close alternatives?  In other words, solutions that satisfy the following constraints:

(1) Draw the possible selections from an outside file containing ~2000 elements
(2) Present the selections to the participant in a way that is not overwhelming

- Inquisit can load contents from an external file via <include> elements. The included file's contents however, would still have to be valid Inquisit syntax, i.e. you would have to fully specify the dropdown with all ~2000 options in that file either way. It is not possible to dynamically populate a <dropdown> with an unknown number of options.
- I cannot think of a good way to achieve (2).

However, assuming the name-selection example is what you actually want to do, why would a dropdown be preferable to e.g. simple textboxes that allow a participant to enter her/his first and last name?

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Posts: 5, Visits: 8
Dave - Friday, January 27, 2017
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Hi all,

I'd like to create a drill-down question in Inquisit.  I'm thinking of something similar to the drill-down question type in Qualtrics.  Basically, if you have a large number of response options in a dropdown menu, say 2000 names in a list, you can make the selection process more manageable by having participants first select the first letter of the first name, then the first name, then the last name.  I'd also like Inquisit to draw the response options from a .csv file located where the Inquisit script is hosted.

I see that there is a <dropdown> element in Inquisit, but it's unclear to me whether the options property of a <dropdown> can reference the results of a previously completed <dropdown> (i.e., the first letter of the first name that was selected by the participant).  It's also unclear to me whether Inquisit can populate the options properties from, say, an outside .csv file.

Can anyone give me some advice about this?

Neither is possible in Inquisit, I'm afraid.

Hi Dave, thanks for replying.  Can you recommend any close alternatives?  In other words, solutions that satisfy the following constraints:

(1) Draw the possible selections from an outside file containing ~2000 elements
(2) Present the selections to the participant in a way that is not overwhelming
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
psforscher - Friday, January 27, 2017
Hi all,

I'd like to create a drill-down question in Inquisit.  I'm thinking of something similar to the drill-down question type in Qualtrics.  Basically, if you have a large number of response options in a dropdown menu, say 2000 names in a list, you can make the selection process more manageable by having participants first select the first letter of the first name, then the first name, then the last name.  I'd also like Inquisit to draw the response options from a .csv file located where the Inquisit script is hosted.

I see that there is a <dropdown> element in Inquisit, but it's unclear to me whether the options property of a <dropdown> can reference the results of a previously completed <dropdown> (i.e., the first letter of the first name that was selected by the participant).  It's also unclear to me whether Inquisit can populate the options properties from, say, an outside .csv file.

Can anyone give me some advice about this?

Neither is possible in Inquisit, I'm afraid.

Partner Member (959 reputation)Partner Member (959 reputation)Partner Member (959 reputation)Partner Member (959 reputation)Partner Member (959 reputation)Partner Member (959 reputation)Partner Member (959 reputation)Partner Member (959 reputation)Partner Member (959 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 8
Hi all,

I'd like to create a drill-down question in Inquisit.  I'm thinking of something similar to the drill-down question type in Qualtrics.  Basically, if you have a large number of response options in a dropdown menu, say 2000 names in a list, you can make the selection process more manageable by having participants first select the first letter of the first name, then the first name, then the last name.  I'd also like Inquisit to draw the response options from a .csv file located where the Inquisit script is hosted.

I see that there is a <dropdown> element in Inquisit, but it's unclear to me whether the options property of a <dropdown> can reference the results of a previously completed <dropdown> (i.e., the first letter of the first name that was selected by the participant).  It's also unclear to me whether Inquisit can populate the options properties from, say, an outside .csv file.

Can anyone give me some advice about this?


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