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Hi everyone,
This is the first script I have ever worked on and while I have my experiment running, when I check the data it is not running as I would like it to.
I have a single group of primes with 5 images. I then have 11x words in pleasant category targets and 10x words in unpleasant category targets.
I need 105 trials, where each of the 21 targets is primed with each of the 5 images. At the moment the primed images are chosen at random. For example, target 1 will be primed by image a,b,c,a,a (so some of the prime images are repeated more then once, and others are not used at all).
What I need is target 1 for example,to be primed by images a,b,c,d,e and target 2 to be primed by images a,b,c,d,e. There can be no repeating of the same prime on the same target.
I have been struggling with this and really need to get it sorted, does anybody have a solution to this?
Thanks in advance!