Issue with linking survey to Inquisit

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I am using a survey tool where respondents begin before clicking on the link which routes them to the Inquisit experiment. I have entered a url respondents should be routed to once they finish the survey. It is not however a finish page, but leads back to the initial survey tool where the need to complete a few more tools.

At the moment my survey tool (Kinesis) gives me an error when respondents would be routed back to it after completing the Inquisit experiment. 

I need respondent IDs between Kinesis and Inquisit to match, so I have selected URL paramter under subject ID but it is not picking up in my survey tool.

Any ideas on how to solve these issues?

Thanks in advance
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sylwy22 - Sunday, February 5, 2017

I am using a survey tool where respondents begin before clicking on the link which routes them to the Inquisit experiment. I have entered a url respondents should be routed to once they finish the survey. It is not however a finish page, but leads back to the initial survey tool where the need to complete a few more tools.

At the moment my survey tool (Kinesis) gives me an error when respondents would be routed back to it after completing the Inquisit experiment. 

I need respondent IDs between Kinesis and Inquisit to match, so I have selected URL paramter under subject ID but it is not picking up in my survey tool.

Any ideas on how to solve these issues?

Thanks in advance

These sound like issue on the side of the survey-platform, not the Inquisit-side of things.

> At the moment my survey tool (Kinesis) gives me an error when respondents would be routed back to it after completing the Inquisit experiment.

The Kinesis documentation or support team should be able to tell you what the error means and how to resolve it. If the survey has a problem picking up the old session (pre-Inquisit) when routed back, this may be due to how Kinesis does session management (e.g. if they use cookies to do it). One way to resolve that is to split things into two separate surveys. I.e.
(1) Pre-Inquisit Kinesis survey. From here, redirect to the Inquisit launch page, passing along the Kinesis respondent ID via a query parameter.
(2) Inquisit Web, configured to read the responded ID query parameter and use it as subject ID. From here, redirect to
(3) Post-Inquisit Kinesis survey. Set this survey up to read out the original Kinesis respondent ID as well.

> I have selected URL paramter under subject ID but it is not picking up in my survey tool.

Inquisit will pick up the ID if you passed it along from Kinesis and configured the launch page to read the respective query parameter. Not sure what "it is not picking up in my survey tool" means, but this sounds like something you ought to configure in Kinesis.


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