image size

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
jo700 - Monday, February 6, 2017
Dave - Monday, February 6, 2017
jo700 - Monday, February 6, 2017

Hello everybody,

unfortunately another problem has emerged, this time concerning the image size.

The case: I have worked out a script to present photos to the subjects. Forthis purpose I use trials and surveypages. Therefore I have to use eitherpicture-elements or image-elements to present the photos. Some photos wepresent stem from a former experiment. The other photos are taken right beforethe inquisit-experiment is started. The problem is, that the photos we takeright before our experiment are presented far too oversized, although I use the"size"-attribute:

<image photo1A>
/ items = ("otherface1A.jpg")
/ position = (40%,27%)
/ size = (260, 346)

Besides, this oversizing-phenomenon only appears using the image-element, notusing the picture-element.

<picture otherface1A>
/ items = otherface1A
/ position = (50%,48.5%)
/ size = (260, 346)

When I run the experiment, inquisit gives the following information bothreferring to the image-element and the picture-element (though the experimentcan be run):
"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."

"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."

I hope anyone can help me out of this problem. At the moment I cannot see how,though I hope there is a solution to it. Thanks a lot!

#1: Always specify the *unit* you wish to use for sizing. If you want to specify size in percentages, do

/ size = (20%, 40%)

If you wish to specify size in pixels, specify

/ size = (250px, 300px)

(same of mm, cm, etc.)

#2: More importantly, for <image> elements, the attribute to use is /imagesize, i.e.

<image photo1A>
/ items = ("otherface1A.jpg")
/ position = (40%,27%)
/ imagesize = (260px, 346px)

Oh, I didn't know that. But it worked in so far as the image-photo is not oversized anymore. But when I use e.g. px or cm or mm the image-stimuli and the picture-stimuli do not have the same size on the screen. Do you know why? (Although I use: "/ imagesize = (260px, 346px)" and "/ size = (260px, 346px)")

Another problem that occurs is that the positions of the picture-element and the image-element differ, even though Iuse the same "position"-code (e.g. / position = (40%,27%))and the same photo. Besides, the positions of the image- versus the picture-stimuli on the screen differbetween different laptops. Do you know how to handle this problem?

Posiitioning for question-type elements (including <image>) on <surveypage>s works differently than positioning of stimulus elements (including <picture>) in regular <trial>s.

On surveypages, the position is *always* relative to the pages left margin AND the question element's left border. I.e.

<image someimage>
/ position = (40%, ...)

means the distance between the image's left border and the page's left margin will be 40% of the available screen width.

For <picture> and other regular stimulus elements in <trial>'s, position is relative to the stimulus' *center* by default.

As for differences between computers due to varying screen sizes and aspect ratios, express all sizes and positions in percentages and use the <defaults> element's /canvasaspectratio attribute to enforce comparable results by restricting the area Inquisit draws on to a fixed aspect ratio. E.g.

/ canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 17, Visits: 84
Dave - Monday, February 6, 2017
jo700 - Monday, February 6, 2017

Hello everybody,

unfortunately another problem has emerged, this time concerning the image size.

The case: I have worked out a script to present photos to the subjects. Forthis purpose I use trials and surveypages. Therefore I have to use eitherpicture-elements or image-elements to present the photos. Some photos wepresent stem from a former experiment. The other photos are taken right beforethe inquisit-experiment is started. The problem is, that the photos we takeright before our experiment are presented far too oversized, although I use the"size"-attribute:

<image photo1A>
/ items = ("otherface1A.jpg")
/ position = (40%,27%)
/ size = (260, 346)

Besides, this oversizing-phenomenon only appears using the image-element, notusing the picture-element.

<picture otherface1A>
/ items = otherface1A
/ position = (50%,48.5%)
/ size = (260, 346)

When I run the experiment, inquisit gives the following information bothreferring to the image-element and the picture-element (though the experimentcan be run):
"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."

"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."

I hope anyone can help me out of this problem. At the moment I cannot see how,though I hope there is a solution to it. Thanks a lot!

#1: Always specify the *unit* you wish to use for sizing. If you want to specify size in percentages, do

/ size = (20%, 40%)

If you wish to specify size in pixels, specify

/ size = (250px, 300px)

(same of mm, cm, etc.)

#2: More importantly, for <image> elements, the attribute to use is /imagesize, i.e.

<image photo1A>
/ items = ("otherface1A.jpg")
/ position = (40%,27%)
/ imagesize = (260px, 346px)

Oh, I didn't know that. But it worked in so far as the image-photo is not oversized anymore. But when I use e.g. px or cm or mm the image-stimuli and the picture-stimuli do not have the same size on the screen. Do you know why? (Although I use: "/ imagesize = (260px, 346px)" and "/ size = (260px, 346px)")

Another problem that occurs is that the positions of the picture-element and the image-element differ, even though Iuse the same "position"-code (e.g. / position = (40%,27%))and the same photo. Besides, the positions of the image- versus the picture-stimuli on the screen differbetween different laptops. Do you know how to handle this problem?

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
jo700 - Monday, February 6, 2017

Hello everybody,

unfortunately another problem has emerged, this time concerning the image size.

The case: I have worked out a script to present photos to the subjects. Forthis purpose I use trials and surveypages. Therefore I have to use eitherpicture-elements or image-elements to present the photos. Some photos wepresent stem from a former experiment. The other photos are taken right beforethe inquisit-experiment is started. The problem is, that the photos we takeright before our experiment are presented far too oversized, although I use the"size"-attribute:

<image photo1A>
/ items = ("otherface1A.jpg")
/ position = (40%,27%)
/ size = (260, 346)

Besides, this oversizing-phenomenon only appears using the image-element, notusing the picture-element.

<picture otherface1A>
/ items = otherface1A
/ position = (50%,48.5%)
/ size = (260, 346)

When I run the experiment, inquisit gives the following information bothreferring to the image-element and the picture-element (though the experimentcan be run):
"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."

"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."

I hope anyone can help me out of this problem. At the moment I cannot see how,though I hope there is a solution to it. Thanks a lot!

#1: Always specify the *unit* you wish to use for sizing. If you want to specify size in percentages, do

/ size = (20%, 40%)

If you wish to specify size in pixels, specify

/ size = (250px, 300px)

(same of mm, cm, etc.)

#2: More importantly, for <image> elements, the attribute to use is /imagesize, i.e.

<image photo1A>
/ items = ("otherface1A.jpg")
/ position = (40%,27%)
/ imagesize = (260px, 346px)
Esteemed Member (2.2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.2K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 17, Visits: 84

Hello everybody,

unfortunately another problem has emerged, this time concerning the image size.

The case: I have worked out a script to present photos to the subjects. Forthis purpose I use trials and surveypages. Therefore I have to use eitherpicture-elements or image-elements to present the photos. Some photos wepresent stem from a former experiment. The other photos are taken right beforethe inquisit-experiment is started. The problem is, that the photos we takeright before our experiment are presented far too oversized, although I use the"size"-attribute:

<image photo1A>
/ items = ("otherface1A.jpg")
/ position = (40%,27%)
/ size = (260, 346)

Besides, this oversizing-phenomenon only appears using the image-element, notusing the picture-element.

<picture otherface1A>
/ items = otherface1A
/ position = (50%,48.5%)
/ size = (260, 346)

When I run the experiment, inquisit gives the following information bothreferring to the image-element and the picture-element (though the experimentcan be run):
"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."

"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."

I hope anyone can help me out of this problem. At the moment I cannot see how,though I hope there is a solution to it. Thanks a lot!


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