Group: Forum Members
Posts: 17,
Visits: 84
Hello everybody,
unfortunately another problem has emerged, this time concerning the image size.
The case: I have worked out a script to present photos to the subjects. Forthis purpose I use trials and surveypages. Therefore I have to use eitherpicture-elements or image-elements to present the photos. Some photos wepresent stem from a former experiment. The other photos are taken right beforethe inquisit-experiment is started. The problem is, that the photos we takeright before our experiment are presented far too oversized, although I use the"size"-attribute:
<image photo1A> / items = ("otherface1A.jpg") / position = (40%,27%) / size = (260, 346) </image>
Besides, this oversizing-phenomenon only appears using the image-element, notusing the picture-element.
<picture otherface1A> / items = otherface1A / position = (50%,48.5%) / size = (260, 346) </picture>
When I run the experiment, inquisit gives the following information bothreferring to the image-element and the picture-element (though the experimentcan be run): "Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."
"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."
I hope anyone can help me out of this problem. At the moment I cannot see how,though I hope there is a solution to it. Thanks a lot!
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
Visits: 105K
+xHello everybody,
unfortunately another problem has emerged, this time concerning the image size.
The case: I have worked out a script to present photos to the subjects. Forthis purpose I use trials and surveypages. Therefore I have to use eitherpicture-elements or image-elements to present the photos. Some photos wepresent stem from a former experiment. The other photos are taken right beforethe inquisit-experiment is started. The problem is, that the photos we takeright before our experiment are presented far too oversized, although I use the"size"-attribute:
<image photo1A> / items = ("otherface1A.jpg") / position = (40%,27%) / size = (260, 346) </image>
Besides, this oversizing-phenomenon only appears using the image-element, notusing the picture-element.
<picture otherface1A> / items = otherface1A / position = (50%,48.5%) / size = (260, 346) </picture>
When I run the experiment, inquisit gives the following information bothreferring to the image-element and the picture-element (though the experimentcan be run): "Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."
"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."
I hope anyone can help me out of this problem. At the moment I cannot see how,though I hope there is a solution to it. Thanks a lot! #1: Always specify the *unit* you wish to use for sizing. If you want to specify size in percentages, do / size = (20%, 40%) If you wish to specify size in pixels, specify / size = (250px, 300px) (same of mm, cm, etc.) #2: More importantly, for <image> elements, the attribute to use is /imagesize, i.e. <image photo1A> / items = ("otherface1A.jpg") / position = (40%,27%) / imagesize = (260px, 346px)</image>
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 17,
Visits: 84
+x+xHello everybody,
unfortunately another problem has emerged, this time concerning the image size.
The case: I have worked out a script to present photos to the subjects. Forthis purpose I use trials and surveypages. Therefore I have to use eitherpicture-elements or image-elements to present the photos. Some photos wepresent stem from a former experiment. The other photos are taken right beforethe inquisit-experiment is started. The problem is, that the photos we takeright before our experiment are presented far too oversized, although I use the"size"-attribute:
<image photo1A> / items = ("otherface1A.jpg") / position = (40%,27%) / size = (260, 346) </image>
Besides, this oversizing-phenomenon only appears using the image-element, notusing the picture-element.
<picture otherface1A> / items = otherface1A / position = (50%,48.5%) / size = (260, 346) </picture>
When I run the experiment, inquisit gives the following information bothreferring to the image-element and the picture-element (though the experimentcan be run): "Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."
"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."
I hope anyone can help me out of this problem. At the moment I cannot see how,though I hope there is a solution to it. Thanks a lot! #1: Always specify the *unit* you wish to use for sizing. If you want to specify size in percentages, do / size = (20%, 40%) If you wish to specify size in pixels, specify / size = (250px, 300px) (same of mm, cm, etc.) #2: More importantly, for <image> elements, the attribute to use is /imagesize, i.e. <image photo1A> / items = ("otherface1A.jpg") / position = (40%,27%) / imagesize = (260px, 346px)</image> Oh, I didn't know that. But it worked in so far as the image-photo is not oversized anymore. But when I use e.g. px or cm or mm the image-stimuli and the picture-stimuli do not have the same size on the screen. Do you know why? (Although I use: "/ imagesize = (260px, 346px)" and "/ size = (260px, 346px)")
Another problem that occurs is that the positions of the picture-element and the image-element differ, even though Iuse the same "position"-code (e.g. / position = (40%,27%))and the same photo. Besides, the positions of the image- versus the picture-stimuli on the screen differbetween different laptops. Do you know how to handle this problem?
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
Visits: 105K
+x+x+xHello everybody,
unfortunately another problem has emerged, this time concerning the image size.
The case: I have worked out a script to present photos to the subjects. Forthis purpose I use trials and surveypages. Therefore I have to use eitherpicture-elements or image-elements to present the photos. Some photos wepresent stem from a former experiment. The other photos are taken right beforethe inquisit-experiment is started. The problem is, that the photos we takeright before our experiment are presented far too oversized, although I use the"size"-attribute:
<image photo1A> / items = ("otherface1A.jpg") / position = (40%,27%) / size = (260, 346) </image>
Besides, this oversizing-phenomenon only appears using the image-element, notusing the picture-element.
<picture otherface1A> / items = otherface1A / position = (50%,48.5%) / size = (260, 346) </picture>
When I run the experiment, inquisit gives the following information bothreferring to the image-element and the picture-element (though the experimentcan be run): "Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."
"Loaded image F:/Inquisit_MSc/Inquisit_Pilotierung/otherface1A.jpg thatis larger (1268x2234) than the screen (1366x768) and will take up 11330848bytes of VRAM. Consider scaling down the image to ensure it works on allsystems."
I hope anyone can help me out of this problem. At the moment I cannot see how,though I hope there is a solution to it. Thanks a lot! #1: Always specify the *unit* you wish to use for sizing. If you want to specify size in percentages, do / size = (20%, 40%) If you wish to specify size in pixels, specify / size = (250px, 300px) (same of mm, cm, etc.) #2: More importantly, for <image> elements, the attribute to use is /imagesize, i.e. <image photo1A> / items = ("otherface1A.jpg") / position = (40%,27%) / imagesize = (260px, 346px)</image> Oh, I didn't know that. But it worked in so far as the image-photo is not oversized anymore. But when I use e.g. px or cm or mm the image-stimuli and the picture-stimuli do not have the same size on the screen. Do you know why? (Although I use: "/ imagesize = (260px, 346px)" and "/ size = (260px, 346px)")
Another problem that occurs is that the positions of the picture-element and the image-element differ, even though Iuse the same "position"-code (e.g. / position = (40%,27%))and the same photo. Besides, the positions of the image- versus the picture-stimuli on the screen differbetween different laptops. Do you know how to handle this problem?
Posiitioning for question-type elements (including <image>) on <surveypage>s works differently than positioning of stimulus elements (including <picture>) in regular <trial>s. On surveypages, the position is *always* relative to the pages left margin AND the question element's left border. I.e. <image someimage> ... / position = (40%, ...) ... </image> means the distance between the image's left border and the page's left margin will be 40% of the available screen width. For <picture> and other regular stimulus elements in <trial>'s, position is relative to the stimulus' *center* by default. As for differences between computers due to varying screen sizes and aspect ratios, express all sizes and positions in percentages and use the <defaults> element's /canvasaspectratio attribute to enforce comparable results by restricting the area Inquisit draws on to a fixed aspect ratio. E.g. <defaults> / canvasaspectratio = (4,3) ... </defaults>