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I'm using a script from the library (tipi.iqx).
To calculate the percentiles in this script, it is using the means and SD of females, males, or all. For the survey I want to use, I only have data of females and males. But not the 'all'.
Can I delete the allMeans and allSD from the script below? There's a question in the survey asking for the sex, and it is required to answer. I don't know what exactly I can delete in this part and what not. I'm just a beginner with Inquisit and I don't understand the 'else' in this expression. So I'm not sure if I just can delete a part of it.
I hope you can help.
/ calculateE_percentile = { if (parameters.calculateGenderPercentile == true){ if (radiobuttons.gender.response == 2){ values.z_E = (expressions.Extraversion - list.maleMeans.item(1))/list.maleSD.item(1); } else { values.z_E = (expressions.Extraversion - list.femaleMeans.item(1))/list.femaleSD.item(1); }; } else { values.z_E = (expressions.Extraversion - list.allMeans.item(1))/list.allSD.item(1); }; values.E_percentile = pofz(values.z_E); }