Group: Awaiting Activation
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How do I add a simple instructions page before the task that I'm programming?
Group: Administrators
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+xHow do I add a simple instructions page before the task that I'm programming? Set up a <page> element in the script and display it either via the <expt>'s or the first <block>'s /preinstructions attribute. <page intro> ^Instructions go here... </page> <expt> / preinstructions = (intro) ... </expt> You'll find basics like that covered in the tutorials included in the documentation, e.g.
Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 16,
Visits: 21
Thank you! I am also trying to use the same practice trials and instructions from the operation span task. Is there an easy way to copy this from the operation span template on inquisit?
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
Visits: 105K
+xThank you! I am also trying to use the same practice trials and instructions from the operation span task. Is there an easy way to copy this from the operation span template on inquisit? No, there is no "easy" way. You need to work through the OSPAN script until you sufficiently understand how it works, and then copy all the relevant parts or strip out the parts you don't want or need.
Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 16,
Visits: 21
+xThank you! I am also trying to use the same practice trials and instructions from the operation span task. Is there an easy way to copy this from the operation span template on inquisit? |
Here is the entire syntax for the operation span task..... All I need are the instructions and the practice trials.
<usermanual> Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN) SCRIPT INFO Main Inquisit programming: David Nitz ( for Millisecond Software, LLC. Additional Inquisit programming: Jerry Grenard (, Sean Draine ( last updated: 01-20-2016 by K.Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC Script Copyright © 01-20-2016 Millisecond Software Task Copyright © 2005 by Dr. Randall Engle ( BACKGROUND INFO *Purpose* This script implements the Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN). Working Memory Span Tasks Reference: CONWAY, A.R.A., KANE, M.J.,BUNTING, M.F., D. ZACH HAMBRICK, D.Z., WILHELM, O., & ENGLE, R.W. (2005). Working memory span tasks: A methodological review and user’s guide. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2005, 12 (5), 769-786. *Task* Participants are presented a visual sequences of letters ranging from 3-7 letters (default) that need to be recalled at the end. Each letter in the sequence in preceded by a math problem ("(8*2) - 8 = ?") followed by a proposed solution ("e.g. 9") and participants have to decide whether the proposed solution is correct or not. Letter recall is tested by asking participants to selecte letters from a provided letter matrix. DATA FILE INFORMATION: The default data stored in the data files are: (1) Raw data file: 'AOSPAN_raw.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) build:Inquisit build computer.platform:the platform the script was run on date, time, subject, group:date and time script was run with the current subject/groupnumber blockcode, blocknum:the name and number of the current block trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial (Note: not all trials that are run might record data; by default data is collected unless /recorddata = false is set for a particular trial/block) stimulusitem:the presented stimuli in order of trial presentation response:the participant's response correct:the correctness of the response (1 = correct; 0 = incorrect) latency: the response latency (in ms) /currentsetsize: the number of letters to recall for the current problem text.letters.currentitem: the currently presented letter /mathproblemcount: counts the number of math problems in a given block text.MathProblem.currentitem: the currently presented math problem /mathtrueanswer:the correct math answer /mathanswer:the math response given /mathcorrect:1 = correct math response; 0 = incorrect math response /matheaccuracy: percentage of correctly solved math problems within the current block /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /recalledletters: the number of letters recalled of the current problem /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /totalrecalledsets: the number of correctly recalled sets (2) Summary data file: 'AOSPAN_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) script.startdate:date script was run script.starttime:time script was started script.subjectid:subject id number script.groupid:group id number script.elapsedtime:time it took to run script (in ms) computer.platform:the platform the script was run on /completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP 1 Practice Session (default): a) Practice of recalling sequences of letters of set sizes 2-3 in ascending order (4 trials) b) Practice of math task (15 trials) c) Combined practice of recalling sequence of letters (set size 2 only) and math problem: each letter is preceded by a math problem (3 trials) Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Test Session (default): 15 Trials (15 = 3 repetitions of 5 set sizes; order of set sizes is randomly determined): Recalling sequences of letters (set size 3-7): each letter is preceded by a math problem; Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Scoring: The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. STIMULI: Letters: T, L, Q, N, F, H, Y, S, P, K, R, J Math Problems (test): created on runtime; only math problems with a *true* result >= 0 are allowed in the task INSTRUCTIONS see section Editable Instructions EDITABLE CODE: check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment. </usermanual> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE STIMULI: change editable stimuli here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item PracMathProblem> / 01 = "(1*2) + 1 = ?" / 02 = "(1/1) - 1 = ?" / 03 = "(7*3) - 3 = ?" / 04 = "(4*3) + 4 = ?" / 05 = "(3/3) + 2 = ?" / 06 = "(2*6) - 4 = ?" / 07 = "(8*9) - 8 = ?" / 08 = "(4*5) - 5 = ?" / 09 = "(4*2) + 6 = ?" / 10 = "(4/4) + 7 = ?" / 11 = "(8*2) - 8 = ?" / 12 = "(2*9) - 9 = ?" / 13 = "(8/2) + 9 = ?" / 14 = "(3*8) - 1 = ?" / 15 = "(6/3) + 1 = ?" / 16 = "(9/3) - 2 = ?" </item> <item PracMathAnswer> / 01 = "3" / 02 = "2" / 03 = "18" / 04 = "16" / 05 = "1" / 06 = "6" / 07 = "64" / 08 = "11" / 09 = "14" / 10 = "12" / 11 = "2" / 12 = "9" / 13 = "7" / 14 = "23" / 15 = "3" / 16 = "7" </item> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE INSTRUCTIONS: change instructions here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item instructions> / 1 = "In this experiment you will try to memorize letters you see on the screen while you also solve simple math problems.~r In the next few minutes, you will have some practice to get you familiar with how the experiment works.~r We will begin by practicing the letter part of the experiment.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin." / 2 = "For this practice set, letters will appear on the screen one at a time. Try to remember each letter in the order presented.~r After a few sets, a recall screen will appear. Select the letters in the same order that you saw them. To do this, <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%>.~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 3 = "When you have selected all the letters, and they are in the correct order at the bottom of your screen, hit the EXIT box at the bottom right of the screen.~r If you make a mistake, hit the CLEAR box to start over.~r If you forget one of the letters, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> the BLANK box to mark the spot for the missing letter.~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to start the letter practice." / 4 = "Now you will practice doing the math part of the experiment.~r~r A math problem will appear on the screen, like this:~r (2 * 1) + 1 = ?~r Once the equation is presented, you should compute the correct answer as quickly as you can. When you know the correct answer, you will <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%>.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 5 = "You will see a number displayed on the next screen, along with a box marked TRUE and a box marked FALSE.~r If the number on the screen is the correct answer to the math problem, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the TRUE box with the mouse. If the number is not the correct answer, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the FALSE box.~r After you <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on one of the boxes, the computer will tell you if you made the right choice.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 6 = "It is VERY important that you get the math problems correct. It is also important that you try and solve the problem as quickly as you can.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 7 = "Now you will practice doing both parts of the experiment at the same time.~r~r You will be given one of the math problems and make your decision about the answer. Then, a letter will appear on the screen. Try and remember the letter.~r The computer will automatically move you onto the next letter part, if you do not answer fast enough. Skipping the True or False part will count that problem as a math error.~r Therefore it is VERY important to solve the problems as quickly and as accurately as possible.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 8 = "At the end of each set of letters and math problems, a recall screen will appear. Use the mouse to select the letters in the same order that you saw them. It is important to work QUICKLY and ACCURATELY on the math. After the recall screen, you will be given feedback about your performance regarding both the number of letters recalled and the percent correct on the math problems.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 9 = "During the feedback, you will see a number in red in the top right of the screen. This indicates your percent correct for the math problems for the entire experiment.~r It is VERY important for you to keep this at least at 85%. <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 10 = "That is the end of the practice.~r~r The real trials will look like the practice trials you just completed. Do you have any questions?~r~r~r If not, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin the experiment." / 11 = "Thank you for your participation." </item> <text scorereport> / items = ("~tResults for Subject #<%script.subjectid%>~r~r OSPAN Absolute Score:~t<%values.ospan%> OSPAN Total Correct:~t<%values.totalcorrectletters%>~r~r Math Total Errors:~t<%values.mathtotalerrors%> Math Speed Errors:~t<%values.mathspeederrors%> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<%values.mathaccerrors%>~r~r") / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (52%, 50%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> **************************************************************************************************** general instruction expressions: adjust the instruction text depending on device used to run script **************************************************************************************************** <expressions> /buttoninstruct1 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the screen";} else {"click the mouse button";} /buttoninstruct2 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the letters you want to select";} else {"use the mouse to select each letter";} /buttoninstruct3 = if (computer.touch) {"tap";} else {"click";} </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE LISTS: change editable lists here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Adjustable Task Lists: The following list elements contain the set sizes used for the different study phases. The set sizes determine how many letters the participant has to remember as well as the number of math problems she/he has to solve intermittently. The task can be extended by modifying these values. The script can handle a maximum set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracLetterSetSize> / items = (2,2,3,3) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracBothSetSize> / items = (2,2,2) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list TestBothSetSize> / items = (3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7) </list> ************************************************************************************************************** !!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!! ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEFAULTS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** script requires Inquisit or higher <defaults> / canvassize = (100%,100%) / canvasaspectratio = (4,3) / screencolor = white / txcolor = black / txbgcolor = transparent / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / inputdevice = mouse / minimumversion = "" / halign = center / valign = center </defaults> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DATA ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top ******************** raw data ******************** <data> / columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, latency, response, correct, values.currentsetsize, text.letters.currentitem, values.mathproblemcount, text.MathProblem.currentitem, values.mathtrueanswer, values.mathanswer, values.mathcorrect, values.mathaccuracy, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathaccerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathtimeout, values.recalledletters, values.totalcorrectletters, values.totalrecalledsets, values.ospan) / labels = true / separatefiles = true </data> ******************** summary data ******************** <summarydata> / columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed, values.ospan, values.totalcorrectletters, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathaccerrors) / separatefiles = true </summarydata> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** VALUES: automatically updated ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** /completed:0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) <values AOSPAN> /completed = 0 / stopblock=0 / learninginterval=1000 / currentsetsize=0 / lettercount=0 / correctletters=0 / totalcorrectletters=0 / ospan=0 / totalrecalledsets=0 / recalledletters="" / recallcount=0 / recalldelay=0 / mathaccuracy=0 / mathaccerrors=0 / mathcurrenterrors=0 / mathtotalerrors=0 / mathspeederrors=0 / mathtimeout=5000 / mathproblemcount=0 / matherrorswitch=1 / mathcorrect="" / tmp_mathopt01="" / tmp_mathopt02=0 / tmp_mathsign="" / tmp_mathopt02sign="" / mathtrueanswer=0 / tmp_mathrand=0 / mathanswer=0 / tmp_initmath01=0 / tmp_initmath02=0 </values> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPRESSIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Letter String Generation is handled by two list elements: PracLetterList and TestLetterList. Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. Switching between lists according to current study phase is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode'. <expressions AOSPAN> / selectionmode = if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")PracLetterList else TestLetterList </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block InstrPracLetter> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracMath> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracBoth> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrTestBoth> / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrFinal> / trials = [1=instructions; 2=score_report] / recorddata = false </block> <trial instructions> / pretrialpause = 250 / posttrialpause = 250 / stimulustimes = [1=instructions] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / responsetime = 2000 / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (90%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = sequence / resetinterval = 0 </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The Letter Sequence Generation is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode': Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. <text Letters> / items = ("F","P","Q","J","H","K","T","S","N","R","Y","L") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5.0%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = expressions.selectionmode </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Empty Item Elements for Storing Presented and Recalled Letter Sequences ************************************************************************************************************** <item PresentedLetters> </item> <item RecalledLetters> </item> ************************************************************************************************************** Screen Layout Elements for the Letter Recall Grid ************************************************************************************************************** <text F> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text H> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text J> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text K> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text L> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text N> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text P> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Q> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text R> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text S> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text T> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Y> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text _> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text exit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickF> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickH> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickJ> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickK> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickL> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickN> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickP> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickQ> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickR> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickS> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickT> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickY> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text click_> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickclear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickexit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text recalledletters> / items = ("<%values.recalledletters%>") / position = (50%, 80%) / txcolor = red / erase = false </text> <text recallprompt> / items = ("Select the letters in the order presented. Use the blank button to fill in forgotten items.") / position = (50%, 5%) / size = (95%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / erase = false </text> <text LetterFeedback> / items = ("You recalled <%values.correctletters%> out of <%values.lettercount%> letters correctly.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(white) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Practice Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems are hardcoded only for the Math Practice Phase (Block PracMath). For all other Study Phases (Block PracBoth & Block TestBoth) the Math Problems are generated dynamically. ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <text PracMathProblem> / items = PracMathProblem / position = (50%, 45%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = PracMathList </text> <text PracMathAnswer> / items = PracMathAnswer / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = false / select = current(PracMathProblem) </text> <text PracMathFeedback> / items = ("You were correct on <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalcorrectcount%> of <%list.PracMathList.itemcount%> math trials. That is <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalpercentcorrect%> percent correct.~r~r~r Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (65%, 50%) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Text and Layout Items used for the Math Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <text MathProblemDisplay> / items = ("<%text.MathProblem.currentitem%> = ?") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathProblem> / items = ("<%values.tmp_mathopt01%> <%values.tmp_mathsign%> <%values.tmp_mathopt02%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathCorrect> / items = ("<%text.MathCorrect.selectedvalue%>") / select = noreplace / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 60%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathAnswer> / items = ("<%values.mathanswer%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathScore> / items = ("<%values.mathaccuracy%>%") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / position = (85%, 15%) / size = (10%, 10%) </text> <text MathFeedback> / items = ( "You made <%values.mathcurrenterrors%> math error(s) on this set of trials.", "You have made a total of 3 or more math errors during this set of trials. Please do your best on the math.") / select = values.matherrorswitch / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (80%, 30%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) </text> <text TRUE> / items = ("TRUE") / position = (31%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text FALSE> / items = ("FALSE") / position = (69%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text TestMathPrompt> / items = ("Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = false </text> <text PracMathPrompt> / items = ("When you have solved the math problem,~nclick the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text correcttext> / items = ("Correct") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> <text incorrecttext> / items = ("Incorrect") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: General Purpose Screen Layout Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <shape GrayFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = silver / size = (78.3%, 78%) / erase = false </shape> <shape BlackFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = black / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> <shape WhiteScreen> / shape = rectangle / color = white / size = (100%, 100%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** LISTS: ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ******************************* Item Selection ******************************* Beware: Item Selection differs between the task's Practice and Test Phases! Generally, the single-task practice phases (Blocks PracLetter & PracMath) rely on sequential item selection. The phases involving both tasks (Blocks PracBoth & TestBoth) use random selection without replacement. <list PracLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> <list TestLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) </list> <list PracMathList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) </list> ******************************* Math ******************************* <list PracMathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = text.PracMathProblem.currentindex </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Test Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** Generating the math problem has 4 steps 1. Selection of the first operation, MathOpt01: "(9/3)" 2. Selection of the second operation, MathOpt012: "- 2" 3. Selection of whether the answer presented to subjects should be true or false, MathCorrect: "TRUE" or "FALSE" 4. A random number added to the correct answer to make it false, MathRand: "3" Additional Math Operations (add to List 'MathOpt01'): "(4*4)", "(2*8)", "(9*2)", "(6*3)", "(3*6)", "(2*9)", "(5*4)", "(4*5)", "(7*3)", "(3*7)", "(8*3)", "(6*4)", "(4*6)", "(3*8)", "(5*5)", "(9*3)", "(3*9)", "(7*4)", "(4*7)", "(6*5)", "(5*6)", "(8*4)", "(4*8)", "(7*5)", "(5*7)", "(9*4)", "(6*6)", "(4*9)", "(8*5)", "(5*8)", "(7*6)", "(6*7)", "(9*5)", "(5*9)", "(8*6)", "(6*8)", "(7*7)", "(9*6)", "(6*9)", "(8*7)", "(7*8)", "(9*7)", "(7*9)", "(8*8)", "(9*8)", "(8*9)", "(9*9)" Difficulties for Additional Operations (add to List 'MathDifficulty'): "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4" <list MathOpt01> / items = ( "(1/1)", "(2/1)", "(2/2)", "(3/1)", "(3/3)", "(4/1)", "(4/2)", "(4/4)", "(5/1)", "(5/5)", "(6/1)", "(6/2)", "(6/3)", "(6/6)", "(7/1)", "(7/7)", "(8/1)", "(8/2)", "(8/4)", "(8/8)", "(9/1)", "(9/3)", "(9/9)", "(1*2)", "(1*3)", "(2*2)", "(1*4)", "(1*5)", "(3*2)", "(2*3)", "(1*6)", "(1*7)", "(4*2)", "(2*4)", "(1*8)", "(3*3)", "(1*9)", "(5*2)", "(2*5)", "(6*2)", "(4*3)", "(3*4)", "(2*6)", "(7*2)", "(2*7)", "(5*3)", "(3*5)", "(8*2)") / selectionrate = trial </list> <list MathDifficulty> / items = ( "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt01.currentindex </list> <list MathOpt02> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") </list> <list MathSign> / items = ( "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-") </list> <list MathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Alternate MathCorrect List Logic / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt02) / selectionrate = trial ************************************************************************************************************** <list MathRand> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6", "-7", "-8", "-9") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Initialization Trial for the Different Study Phases ************************************************************************************************************** <trial InitSetSize> / ontrialbegin = [values.currentsetsize=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracLetterSetSize.nextvalue}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.TestBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialend = [clear(item.PresentedLetters); clear(item.RecalledLetters)] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 0 / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.lettercount+=1] / ontrialend= [item.PresentedLetters.item=text.Letters.currentitem] / pretrialpause = 200 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, Letters, currentsetsize] / trialduration = values.learninginterval / validresponse = (noresponse) / branch = [if(values.lettercount==values.currentsetsize)trial.recall_letter] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial recall_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.recallcount+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.recallcount==1)values.recalldelay=500 else values.recalldelay=0] / pretrialpause = values.recalldelay / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit, recalledletters, recallprompt, letterstrings] / validresponse = (F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit) / monkeyresponse = ("F", "H", "J", "K", "exit") / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response!="exit" && trial.recall_letter.response!="clear") {item.RecalledLetters.item=trial.recall_letter.response; values.recalledletters=concat(values.recalledletters, trial.recall_letter.response)}] / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="clear") {clear(item.RecalledLetters); values.recalledletters=""}] / responsemessage = (F, clickF, 150) / responsemessage = (H, clickH, 150) / responsemessage = (J, clickJ, 150) / responsemessage = (K, clickK, 150) / responsemessage = (L, clickL, 150) / responsemessage = (N, clickN, 150) / responsemessage = (P, clickP, 150) / responsemessage = (Q, clickQ, 150) / responsemessage = (R, clickR, 150) / responsemessage = (S, clickS, 150) / responsemessage = (T, clickT, 150) / responsemessage = (Y, clickY, 150) / responsemessage = (clear, clickclear, 150) / responsemessage = (exit, clickexit, 150) / responsemessage = (_, click_, 150) / branch = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="exit")trial.letter_feedback else trial.recall_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Recall Feedback: In this trial, the presented letter sequenceis compared to the letter string the participant has entered. Feedback is given accordingly. This trial also handles reporting of math performance for Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth). ************************************************************************************************************** <trial letter_feedback> / pretrialpause = 500 / ontrialbegin = [values.correctletters=0] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.mathcurrenterrors>=3)values.matherrorswitch=2 else values.matherrorswitch=1] / ontrialbegin = [ if(item.RecalledLetters.item.1 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.1==item.RecalledLetters.item.1)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.2 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.2==item.RecalledLetters.item.2)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.3 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.3==item.RecalledLetters.item.3)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.4 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.4==item.RecalledLetters.item.4)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.5 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.5==item.RecalledLetters.item.5)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.6 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.6==item.RecalledLetters.item.6)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.7 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.7==item.RecalledLetters.item.7)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.8 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.8==item.RecalledLetters.item.8)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.9 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.9==item.RecalledLetters.item.9)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.10 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.10==item.RecalledLetters.item.10)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.11 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.11==item.RecalledLetters.item.11)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.12 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.12==item.RecalledLetters.item.12)values.correctletters+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.correctletters==values.currentsetsize) {values.ospan=values.ospan+values.correctletters; values.totalrecalledsets+=1}] / ontrialbegin = [values.totalcorrectletters=values.totalcorrectletters+values.correctletters] / ontrialend = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter" && list.PracLetterSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth" && list.PracBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth" && list.TestBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, LetterFeedback, MathFeedback, MathScore, scoredebug] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 2000 / branch = [trial.InitSetSize] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <trial prac_show_math> / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathProblem, PracMathPrompt] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / branch = [trial.prac_solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_solve_math> / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (list.PracMathCorrect.nextvalue) / responsemessage = (anyresponse, PracMathAnswer, 800) / correctmessage = true(correcttext, 800) / errormessage = true(incorrecttext, 800) / branch = [if(trial.prac_show_math.trialcount >= list.PracMathList.itemcount) trial.prac_math_feedback else trial.prac_show_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_math_feedback> / ontrialend = [values.stopblock=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, PracMathFeedback] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter-Math Practice & Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** Setting up Math Problems: 'InitMathProblem01' and 'InitMathProblem02' are used to set up and check the randomly generated math problems used for Letter-Math Practice (Block 'PracBoth') and Letter-Math Test (Block 'TestBoth'). Only math problems with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero are allowed in the task. The calculations contained in trial 'InitMathProblem01' ensure that the participant is given a math problem with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero. The adjustments may cause MathOpt02 to become zero. This *does* happen in the original version of the task programmed in E-Prime.To avoid MathOpt02=0 exchange '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' with '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0 || values.tmp_mathopt02==0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' <trial InitMathProblem01> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01==1) {values.tmp_mathopt01=list.MathOpt01.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathsign=list.MathSign.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02=list.MathOpt02.nextvalue; values.mathcorrect=list.MathCorrect.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02sign=concat(values.tmp_mathsign, values.tmp_mathopt02); values.tmp_mathopt02sign=evaluate(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1) {values.tmp_mathopt02sign+=3; values.tmp_mathopt02=abs(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1 && values.tmp_mathopt02sign>0) values.tmp_mathsign="+"] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem); values.mathtrueanswer=values.mathanswer] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="TRUE")trial.show_math] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="FALSE")trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> For trials that should present a *false* math answer, a randomly drawn integer ranging from -9 to +9 is added to the math problem's *true* result. The calculations contained in 'InitMathProblem02' ensure that this *false* answer is also greater than or equal to zero. <trial InitMathProblem02> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath02+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02==1)values.tmp_mathrand=list.MathRand.nextvalue] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02>1)values.tmp_mathrand+=2] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem)+values.tmp_mathrand] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathanswer!=values.mathtrueanswer)trial.show_math else trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** The following trials handle presentation of math problems and scoring of participants' responses. ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_math> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01=0; values.tmp_initmath02=0; values.mathproblemcount+=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathProblemDisplay, TestMathPrompt, mathtimeout] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / timeout = values.mathtimeout+500 / ontrialend = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown") {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathspeederrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / branch = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown")trial.show_letter else trial.solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial solve_math> / ontrialend = [if(trial.solve_math.correct==0) {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathaccerrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE, mathdebug] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (values.mathcorrect) / branch = [trial.show_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** SCORING ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. <trial score_report> / stimulusframes = [1=scorereport] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** BLOCKS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block PracLetter> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=white; text.MathScore.textcolor=white; values.stopblock=0] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block PracMath> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [values.mathaccuracy=0] / onblockend = [values.mathtimeout=(2.5*trial.prac_show_math.totalsdlatency)+trial.prac_show_math.totalmeanlatency] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=prac_show_math] </block> <block PracBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block TestBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPERIMENT ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <expt AOSPAN> / onexptbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / blocks = [1=InstrPracLetter; 2=PracLetter; 3=InstrPracMath; 4=PracMath; 5=InstrPracBoth; 6=PracBoth; 7=InstrTestBoth; 8=TestBoth; 9=InstrFinal] /onexptend = [values.completed = 1] </expt> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEBUG: On-Screen Debugging Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** These items are invisible by default. Enter 'debug' as subject id to enable them. <text currentsetsize> / items = ("Setsize: <%values.currentsetsize%> / Lettercount: <%values.lettercount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 5%) </text> <text letterstrings> / items = ("~tPresented Letters:~t<%item.PresentedLetters.item.1%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.2%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.3%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.4%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.5%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.6%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.7%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.8%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.9%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.10%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.11%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.12%> ~tRecalled Letters:~t<%item.RecalledLetters.item.1%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.2%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.3%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.4%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.5%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.6%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.7%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.8%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.9%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.10%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.11%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.12%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (55%, 5%) / position = (50%, 87%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text mathdebug> / items = ("~tMath Problem:~t~t<% text.MathProblem.currentitem %>~r ~tTrue Answer:~t~t<% values.mathtrueanswer %>~r ~tPresented Answer:~t<% values.mathcorrect %>~r~r") / size = (50%, 7%) / halign = center / hjustify = center / position = (45%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / erase = true(silver) </text> <text mathtimeout> / items = ("Timeout = <%values.mathtimeout%> ms~r Math Problem # <%values.mathproblemcount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 20%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text scoredebug> / items = ("OSPAN Score:~t~t<% values.ospan %> Total Number Correct:~t<% values.totalcorrectletters %>~r~r Math Errors (Total):~t<% values.mathtotalerrors %> Math Speed Errors:~t<% values.mathspeederrors %> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<% values.mathaccerrors %>~r~r") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 75%) / erase = true(white) </text> <monkey AOSPAN> / latencydistribution = normal(800, 200) / percentcorrect = 100 </monkey> ************************************************************************************************************** End of File ************************************************************************************************************** 0 | | |
Group: Administrators
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+x+xThank you! I am also trying to use the same practice trials and instructions from the operation span task. Is there an easy way to copy this from the operation span template on inquisit? |
Here is the entire syntax for the operation span task..... All I need are the instructions and the practice trials.
<usermanual> Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN) SCRIPT INFO Main Inquisit programming: David Nitz ( for Millisecond Software, LLC. Additional Inquisit programming: Jerry Grenard (, Sean Draine ( last updated: 01-20-2016 by K.Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC Script Copyright © 01-20-2016 Millisecond Software Task Copyright © 2005 by Dr. Randall Engle ( BACKGROUND INFO *Purpose* This script implements the Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN). Working Memory Span Tasks Reference: CONWAY, A.R.A., KANE, M.J.,BUNTING, M.F., D. ZACH HAMBRICK, D.Z., WILHELM, O., & ENGLE, R.W. (2005). Working memory span tasks: A methodological review and user’s guide. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2005, 12 (5), 769-786. *Task* Participants are presented a visual sequences of letters ranging from 3-7 letters (default) that need to be recalled at the end. Each letter in the sequence in preceded by a math problem ("(8*2) - 8 = ?") followed by a proposed solution ("e.g. 9") and participants have to decide whether the proposed solution is correct or not. Letter recall is tested by asking participants to selecte letters from a provided letter matrix. DATA FILE INFORMATION: The default data stored in the data files are: (1) Raw data file: 'AOSPAN_raw.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) build:Inquisit build computer.platform:the platform the script was run on date, time, subject, group:date and time script was run with the current subject/groupnumber blockcode, blocknum:the name and number of the current block trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial (Note: not all trials that are run might record data; by default data is collected unless /recorddata = false is set for a particular trial/block) stimulusitem:the presented stimuli in order of trial presentation response:the participant's response correct:the correctness of the response (1 = correct; 0 = incorrect) latency: the response latency (in ms) /currentsetsize: the number of letters to recall for the current problem text.letters.currentitem: the currently presented letter /mathproblemcount: counts the number of math problems in a given block text.MathProblem.currentitem: the currently presented math problem /mathtrueanswer:the correct math answer /mathanswer:the math response given /mathcorrect:1 = correct math response; 0 = incorrect math response /matheaccuracy: percentage of correctly solved math problems within the current block /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /recalledletters: the number of letters recalled of the current problem /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /totalrecalledsets: the number of correctly recalled sets (2) Summary data file: 'AOSPAN_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) script.startdate:date script was run script.starttime:time script was started script.subjectid:subject id number script.groupid:group id number script.elapsedtime:time it took to run script (in ms) computer.platform:the platform the script was run on /completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP 1 Practice Session (default): a) Practice of recalling sequences of letters of set sizes 2-3 in ascending order (4 trials) b) Practice of math task (15 trials) c) Combined practice of recalling sequence of letters (set size 2 only) and math problem: each letter is preceded by a math problem (3 trials) Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Test Session (default): 15 Trials (15 = 3 repetitions of 5 set sizes; order of set sizes is randomly determined): Recalling sequences of letters (set size 3-7): each letter is preceded by a math problem; Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Scoring: The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. STIMULI: Letters: T, L, Q, N, F, H, Y, S, P, K, R, J Math Problems (test): created on runtime; only math problems with a *true* result >= 0 are allowed in the task INSTRUCTIONS see section Editable Instructions EDITABLE CODE: check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment. </usermanual> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE STIMULI: change editable stimuli here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item PracMathProblem> / 01 = "(1*2) + 1 = ?" / 02 = "(1/1) - 1 = ?" / 03 = "(7*3) - 3 = ?" / 04 = "(4*3) + 4 = ?" / 05 = "(3/3) + 2 = ?" / 06 = "(2*6) - 4 = ?" / 07 = "(8*9) - 8 = ?" / 08 = "(4*5) - 5 = ?" / 09 = "(4*2) + 6 = ?" / 10 = "(4/4) + 7 = ?" / 11 = "(8*2) - 8 = ?" / 12 = "(2*9) - 9 = ?" / 13 = "(8/2) + 9 = ?" / 14 = "(3*8) - 1 = ?" / 15 = "(6/3) + 1 = ?" / 16 = "(9/3) - 2 = ?" </item> <item PracMathAnswer> / 01 = "3" / 02 = "2" / 03 = "18" / 04 = "16" / 05 = "1" / 06 = "6" / 07 = "64" / 08 = "11" / 09 = "14" / 10 = "12" / 11 = "2" / 12 = "9" / 13 = "7" / 14 = "23" / 15 = "3" / 16 = "7" </item> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE INSTRUCTIONS: change instructions here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item instructions> / 1 = "In this experiment you will try to memorize letters you see on the screen while you also solve simple math problems.~r In the next few minutes, you will have some practice to get you familiar with how the experiment works.~r We will begin by practicing the letter part of the experiment.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin." / 2 = "For this practice set, letters will appear on the screen one at a time. Try to remember each letter in the order presented.~r After a few sets, a recall screen will appear. Select the letters in the same order that you saw them. To do this, <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%>.~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 3 = "When you have selected all the letters, and they are in the correct order at the bottom of your screen, hit the EXIT box at the bottom right of the screen.~r If you make a mistake, hit the CLEAR box to start over.~r If you forget one of the letters, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> the BLANK box to mark the spot for the missing letter.~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to start the letter practice." / 4 = "Now you will practice doing the math part of the experiment.~r~r A math problem will appear on the screen, like this:~r (2 * 1) + 1 = ?~r Once the equation is presented, you should compute the correct answer as quickly as you can. When you know the correct answer, you will <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%>.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 5 = "You will see a number displayed on the next screen, along with a box marked TRUE and a box marked FALSE.~r If the number on the screen is the correct answer to the math problem, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the TRUE box with the mouse. If the number is not the correct answer, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the FALSE box.~r After you <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on one of the boxes, the computer will tell you if you made the right choice.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 6 = "It is VERY important that you get the math problems correct. It is also important that you try and solve the problem as quickly as you can.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 7 = "Now you will practice doing both parts of the experiment at the same time.~r~r You will be given one of the math problems and make your decision about the answer. Then, a letter will appear on the screen. Try and remember the letter.~r The computer will automatically move you onto the next letter part, if you do not answer fast enough. Skipping the True or False part will count that problem as a math error.~r Therefore it is VERY important to solve the problems as quickly and as accurately as possible.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 8 = "At the end of each set of letters and math problems, a recall screen will appear. Use the mouse to select the letters in the same order that you saw them. It is important to work QUICKLY and ACCURATELY on the math. After the recall screen, you will be given feedback about your performance regarding both the number of letters recalled and the percent correct on the math problems.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 9 = "During the feedback, you will see a number in red in the top right of the screen. This indicates your percent correct for the math problems for the entire experiment.~r It is VERY important for you to keep this at least at 85%. <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 10 = "That is the end of the practice.~r~r The real trials will look like the practice trials you just completed. Do you have any questions?~r~r~r If not, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin the experiment." / 11 = "Thank you for your participation." </item> <text scorereport> / items = ("~tResults for Subject #<%script.subjectid%>~r~r OSPAN Absolute Score:~t<%values.ospan%> OSPAN Total Correct:~t<%values.totalcorrectletters%>~r~r Math Total Errors:~t<%values.mathtotalerrors%> Math Speed Errors:~t<%values.mathspeederrors%> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<%values.mathaccerrors%>~r~r") / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (52%, 50%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> **************************************************************************************************** general instruction expressions: adjust the instruction text depending on device used to run script **************************************************************************************************** <expressions> /buttoninstruct1 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the screen";} else {"click the mouse button";} /buttoninstruct2 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the letters you want to select";} else {"use the mouse to select each letter";} /buttoninstruct3 = if (computer.touch) {"tap";} else {"click";} </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE LISTS: change editable lists here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Adjustable Task Lists: The following list elements contain the set sizes used for the different study phases. The set sizes determine how many letters the participant has to remember as well as the number of math problems she/he has to solve intermittently. The task can be extended by modifying these values. The script can handle a maximum set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracLetterSetSize> / items = (2,2,3,3) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracBothSetSize> / items = (2,2,2) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list TestBothSetSize> / items = (3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7) </list> ************************************************************************************************************** !!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!! ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEFAULTS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** script requires Inquisit or higher <defaults> / canvassize = (100%,100%) / canvasaspectratio = (4,3) / screencolor = white / txcolor = black / txbgcolor = transparent / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / inputdevice = mouse / minimumversion = "" / halign = center / valign = center </defaults> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DATA ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top ******************** raw data ******************** <data> / columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, latency, response, correct, values.currentsetsize, text.letters.currentitem, values.mathproblemcount, text.MathProblem.currentitem, values.mathtrueanswer, values.mathanswer, values.mathcorrect, values.mathaccuracy, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathaccerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathtimeout, values.recalledletters, values.totalcorrectletters, values.totalrecalledsets, values.ospan) / labels = true / separatefiles = true </data> ******************** summary data ******************** <summarydata> / columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed, values.ospan, values.totalcorrectletters, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathaccerrors) / separatefiles = true </summarydata> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** VALUES: automatically updated ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** /completed:0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) <values AOSPAN> /completed = 0 / stopblock=0 / learninginterval=1000 / currentsetsize=0 / lettercount=0 / correctletters=0 / totalcorrectletters=0 / ospan=0 / totalrecalledsets=0 / recalledletters="" / recallcount=0 / recalldelay=0 / mathaccuracy=0 / mathaccerrors=0 / mathcurrenterrors=0 / mathtotalerrors=0 / mathspeederrors=0 / mathtimeout=5000 / mathproblemcount=0 / matherrorswitch=1 / mathcorrect="" / tmp_mathopt01="" / tmp_mathopt02=0 / tmp_mathsign="" / tmp_mathopt02sign="" / mathtrueanswer=0 / tmp_mathrand=0 / mathanswer=0 / tmp_initmath01=0 / tmp_initmath02=0 </values> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPRESSIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Letter String Generation is handled by two list elements: PracLetterList and TestLetterList. Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. Switching between lists according to current study phase is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode'. <expressions AOSPAN> / selectionmode = if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")PracLetterList else TestLetterList </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block InstrPracLetter> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracMath> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracBoth> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrTestBoth> / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrFinal> / trials = [1=instructions; 2=score_report] / recorddata = false </block> <trial instructions> / pretrialpause = 250 / posttrialpause = 250 / stimulustimes = [1=instructions] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / responsetime = 2000 / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (90%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = sequence / resetinterval = 0 </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The Letter Sequence Generation is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode': Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. <text Letters> / items = ("F","P","Q","J","H","K","T","S","N","R","Y","L") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5.0%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = expressions.selectionmode </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Empty Item Elements for Storing Presented and Recalled Letter Sequences ************************************************************************************************************** <item PresentedLetters> </item> <item RecalledLetters> </item> ************************************************************************************************************** Screen Layout Elements for the Letter Recall Grid ************************************************************************************************************** <text F> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text H> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text J> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text K> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text L> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text N> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text P> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Q> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text R> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text S> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text T> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Y> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text _> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text exit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickF> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickH> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickJ> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickK> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickL> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickN> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickP> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickQ> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickR> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickS> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickT> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickY> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text click_> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickclear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickexit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text recalledletters> / items = ("<%values.recalledletters%>") / position = (50%, 80%) / txcolor = red / erase = false </text> <text recallprompt> / items = ("Select the letters in the order presented. Use the blank button to fill in forgotten items.") / position = (50%, 5%) / size = (95%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / erase = false </text> <text LetterFeedback> / items = ("You recalled <%values.correctletters%> out of <%values.lettercount%> letters correctly.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(white) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Practice Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems are hardcoded only for the Math Practice Phase (Block PracMath). For all other Study Phases (Block PracBoth & Block TestBoth) the Math Problems are generated dynamically. ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <text PracMathProblem> / items = PracMathProblem / position = (50%, 45%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = PracMathList </text> <text PracMathAnswer> / items = PracMathAnswer / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = false / select = current(PracMathProblem) </text> <text PracMathFeedback> / items = ("You were correct on <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalcorrectcount%> of <%list.PracMathList.itemcount%> math trials. That is <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalpercentcorrect%> percent correct.~r~r~r Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (65%, 50%) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Text and Layout Items used for the Math Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <text MathProblemDisplay> / items = ("<%text.MathProblem.currentitem%> = ?") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathProblem> / items = ("<%values.tmp_mathopt01%> <%values.tmp_mathsign%> <%values.tmp_mathopt02%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathCorrect> / items = ("<%text.MathCorrect.selectedvalue%>") / select = noreplace / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 60%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathAnswer> / items = ("<%values.mathanswer%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathScore> / items = ("<%values.mathaccuracy%>%") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / position = (85%, 15%) / size = (10%, 10%) </text> <text MathFeedback> / items = ( "You made <%values.mathcurrenterrors%> math error(s) on this set of trials.", "You have made a total of 3 or more math errors during this set of trials. Please do your best on the math.") / select = values.matherrorswitch / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (80%, 30%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) </text> <text TRUE> / items = ("TRUE") / position = (31%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text FALSE> / items = ("FALSE") / position = (69%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text TestMathPrompt> / items = ("Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = false </text> <text PracMathPrompt> / items = ("When you have solved the math problem,~nclick the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text correcttext> / items = ("Correct") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> <text incorrecttext> / items = ("Incorrect") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: General Purpose Screen Layout Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <shape GrayFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = silver / size = (78.3%, 78%) / erase = false </shape> <shape BlackFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = black / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> <shape WhiteScreen> / shape = rectangle / color = white / size = (100%, 100%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** LISTS: ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ******************************* Item Selection ******************************* Beware: Item Selection differs between the task's Practice and Test Phases! Generally, the single-task practice phases (Blocks PracLetter & PracMath) rely on sequential item selection. The phases involving both tasks (Blocks PracBoth & TestBoth) use random selection without replacement. <list PracLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> <list TestLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) </list> <list PracMathList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) </list> ******************************* Math ******************************* <list PracMathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = text.PracMathProblem.currentindex </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Test Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** Generating the math problem has 4 steps 1. Selection of the first operation, MathOpt01: "(9/3)" 2. Selection of the second operation, MathOpt012: "- 2" 3. Selection of whether the answer presented to subjects should be true or false, MathCorrect: "TRUE" or "FALSE" 4. A random number added to the correct answer to make it false, MathRand: "3" Additional Math Operations (add to List 'MathOpt01'): "(4*4)", "(2*8)", "(9*2)", "(6*3)", "(3*6)", "(2*9)", "(5*4)", "(4*5)", "(7*3)", "(3*7)", "(8*3)", "(6*4)", "(4*6)", "(3*8)", "(5*5)", "(9*3)", "(3*9)", "(7*4)", "(4*7)", "(6*5)", "(5*6)", "(8*4)", "(4*8)", "(7*5)", "(5*7)", "(9*4)", "(6*6)", "(4*9)", "(8*5)", "(5*8)", "(7*6)", "(6*7)", "(9*5)", "(5*9)", "(8*6)", "(6*8)", "(7*7)", "(9*6)", "(6*9)", "(8*7)", "(7*8)", "(9*7)", "(7*9)", "(8*8)", "(9*8)", "(8*9)", "(9*9)" Difficulties for Additional Operations (add to List 'MathDifficulty'): "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4" <list MathOpt01> / items = ( "(1/1)", "(2/1)", "(2/2)", "(3/1)", "(3/3)", "(4/1)", "(4/2)", "(4/4)", "(5/1)", "(5/5)", "(6/1)", "(6/2)", "(6/3)", "(6/6)", "(7/1)", "(7/7)", "(8/1)", "(8/2)", "(8/4)", "(8/8)", "(9/1)", "(9/3)", "(9/9)", "(1*2)", "(1*3)", "(2*2)", "(1*4)", "(1*5)", "(3*2)", "(2*3)", "(1*6)", "(1*7)", "(4*2)", "(2*4)", "(1*8)", "(3*3)", "(1*9)", "(5*2)", "(2*5)", "(6*2)", "(4*3)", "(3*4)", "(2*6)", "(7*2)", "(2*7)", "(5*3)", "(3*5)", "(8*2)") / selectionrate = trial </list> <list MathDifficulty> / items = ( "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt01.currentindex </list> <list MathOpt02> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") </list> <list MathSign> / items = ( "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-") </list> <list MathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Alternate MathCorrect List Logic / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt02) / selectionrate = trial ************************************************************************************************************** <list MathRand> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6", "-7", "-8", "-9") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Initialization Trial for the Different Study Phases ************************************************************************************************************** <trial InitSetSize> / ontrialbegin = [values.currentsetsize=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracLetterSetSize.nextvalue}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.TestBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialend = [clear(item.PresentedLetters); clear(item.RecalledLetters)] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 0 / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.lettercount+=1] / ontrialend= [item.PresentedLetters.item=text.Letters.currentitem] / pretrialpause = 200 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, Letters, currentsetsize] / trialduration = values.learninginterval / validresponse = (noresponse) / branch = [if(values.lettercount==values.currentsetsize)trial.recall_letter] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial recall_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.recallcount+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.recallcount==1)values.recalldelay=500 else values.recalldelay=0] / pretrialpause = values.recalldelay / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit, recalledletters, recallprompt, letterstrings] / validresponse = (F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit) / monkeyresponse = ("F", "H", "J", "K", "exit") / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response!="exit" && trial.recall_letter.response!="clear") {item.RecalledLetters.item=trial.recall_letter.response; values.recalledletters=concat(values.recalledletters, trial.recall_letter.response)}] / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="clear") {clear(item.RecalledLetters); values.recalledletters=""}] / responsemessage = (F, clickF, 150) / responsemessage = (H, clickH, 150) / responsemessage = (J, clickJ, 150) / responsemessage = (K, clickK, 150) / responsemessage = (L, clickL, 150) / responsemessage = (N, clickN, 150) / responsemessage = (P, clickP, 150) / responsemessage = (Q, clickQ, 150) / responsemessage = (R, clickR, 150) / responsemessage = (S, clickS, 150) / responsemessage = (T, clickT, 150) / responsemessage = (Y, clickY, 150) / responsemessage = (clear, clickclear, 150) / responsemessage = (exit, clickexit, 150) / responsemessage = (_, click_, 150) / branch = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="exit")trial.letter_feedback else trial.recall_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Recall Feedback: In this trial, the presented letter sequenceis compared to the letter string the participant has entered. Feedback is given accordingly. This trial also handles reporting of math performance for Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth). ************************************************************************************************************** <trial letter_feedback> / pretrialpause = 500 / ontrialbegin = [values.correctletters=0] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.mathcurrenterrors>=3)values.matherrorswitch=2 else values.matherrorswitch=1] / ontrialbegin = [ if(item.RecalledLetters.item.1 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.1==item.RecalledLetters.item.1)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.2 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.2==item.RecalledLetters.item.2)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.3 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.3==item.RecalledLetters.item.3)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.4 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.4==item.RecalledLetters.item.4)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.5 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.5==item.RecalledLetters.item.5)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.6 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.6==item.RecalledLetters.item.6)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.7 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.7==item.RecalledLetters.item.7)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.8 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.8==item.RecalledLetters.item.8)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.9 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.9==item.RecalledLetters.item.9)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.10 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.10==item.RecalledLetters.item.10)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.11 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.11==item.RecalledLetters.item.11)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.12 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.12==item.RecalledLetters.item.12)values.correctletters+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.correctletters==values.currentsetsize) {values.ospan=values.ospan+values.correctletters; values.totalrecalledsets+=1}] / ontrialbegin = [values.totalcorrectletters=values.totalcorrectletters+values.correctletters] / ontrialend = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter" && list.PracLetterSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth" && list.PracBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth" && list.TestBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, LetterFeedback, MathFeedback, MathScore, scoredebug] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 2000 / branch = [trial.InitSetSize] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <trial prac_show_math> / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathProblem, PracMathPrompt] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / branch = [trial.prac_solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_solve_math> / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (list.PracMathCorrect.nextvalue) / responsemessage = (anyresponse, PracMathAnswer, 800) / correctmessage = true(correcttext, 800) / errormessage = true(incorrecttext, 800) / branch = [if(trial.prac_show_math.trialcount >= list.PracMathList.itemcount) trial.prac_math_feedback else trial.prac_show_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_math_feedback> / ontrialend = [values.stopblock=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, PracMathFeedback] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter-Math Practice & Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** Setting up Math Problems: 'InitMathProblem01' and 'InitMathProblem02' are used to set up and check the randomly generated math problems used for Letter-Math Practice (Block 'PracBoth') and Letter-Math Test (Block 'TestBoth'). Only math problems with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero are allowed in the task. The calculations contained in trial 'InitMathProblem01' ensure that the participant is given a math problem with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero. The adjustments may cause MathOpt02 to become zero. This *does* happen in the original version of the task programmed in E-Prime.To avoid MathOpt02=0 exchange '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' with '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0 || values.tmp_mathopt02==0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' <trial InitMathProblem01> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01==1) {values.tmp_mathopt01=list.MathOpt01.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathsign=list.MathSign.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02=list.MathOpt02.nextvalue; values.mathcorrect=list.MathCorrect.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02sign=concat(values.tmp_mathsign, values.tmp_mathopt02); values.tmp_mathopt02sign=evaluate(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1) {values.tmp_mathopt02sign+=3; values.tmp_mathopt02=abs(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1 && values.tmp_mathopt02sign>0) values.tmp_mathsign="+"] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem); values.mathtrueanswer=values.mathanswer] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="TRUE")trial.show_math] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="FALSE")trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> For trials that should present a *false* math answer, a randomly drawn integer ranging from -9 to +9 is added to the math problem's *true* result. The calculations contained in 'InitMathProblem02' ensure that this *false* answer is also greater than or equal to zero. <trial InitMathProblem02> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath02+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02==1)values.tmp_mathrand=list.MathRand.nextvalue] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02>1)values.tmp_mathrand+=2] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem)+values.tmp_mathrand] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathanswer!=values.mathtrueanswer)trial.show_math else trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** The following trials handle presentation of math problems and scoring of participants' responses. ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_math> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01=0; values.tmp_initmath02=0; values.mathproblemcount+=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathProblemDisplay, TestMathPrompt, mathtimeout] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / timeout = values.mathtimeout+500 / ontrialend = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown") {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathspeederrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / branch = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown")trial.show_letter else trial.solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial solve_math> / ontrialend = [if(trial.solve_math.correct==0) {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathaccerrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE, mathdebug] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (values.mathcorrect) / branch = [trial.show_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** SCORING ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. <trial score_report> / stimulusframes = [1=scorereport] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** BLOCKS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block PracLetter> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=white; text.MathScore.textcolor=white; values.stopblock=0] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block PracMath> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [values.mathaccuracy=0] / onblockend = [values.mathtimeout=(2.5*trial.prac_show_math.totalsdlatency)+trial.prac_show_math.totalmeanlatency] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=prac_show_math] </block> <block PracBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block TestBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPERIMENT ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <expt AOSPAN> / onexptbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / blocks = [1=InstrPracLetter; 2=PracLetter; 3=InstrPracMath; 4=PracMath; 5=InstrPracBoth; 6=PracBoth; 7=InstrTestBoth; 8=TestBoth; 9=InstrFinal] /onexptend = [values.completed = 1] </expt> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEBUG: On-Screen Debugging Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** These items are invisible by default. Enter 'debug' as subject id to enable them. <text currentsetsize> / items = ("Setsize: <%values.currentsetsize%> / Lettercount: <%values.lettercount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 5%) </text> <text letterstrings> / items = ("~tPresented Letters:~t<%item.PresentedLetters.item.1%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.2%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.3%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.4%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.5%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.6%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.7%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.8%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.9%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.10%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.11%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.12%> ~tRecalled Letters:~t<%item.RecalledLetters.item.1%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.2%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.3%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.4%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.5%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.6%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.7%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.8%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.9%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.10%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.11%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.12%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (55%, 5%) / position = (50%, 87%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text mathdebug> / items = ("~tMath Problem:~t~t<% text.MathProblem.currentitem %>~r ~tTrue Answer:~t~t<% values.mathtrueanswer %>~r ~tPresented Answer:~t<% values.mathcorrect %>~r~r") / size = (50%, 7%) / halign = center / hjustify = center / position = (45%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / erase = true(silver) </text> <text mathtimeout> / items = ("Timeout = <%values.mathtimeout%> ms~r Math Problem # <%values.mathproblemcount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 20%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text scoredebug> / items = ("OSPAN Score:~t~t<% values.ospan %> Total Number Correct:~t<% values.totalcorrectletters %>~r~r Math Errors (Total):~t<% values.mathtotalerrors %> Math Speed Errors:~t<% values.mathspeederrors %> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<% values.mathaccerrors %>~r~r") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 75%) / erase = true(white) </text> <monkey AOSPAN> / latencydistribution = normal(800, 200) / percentcorrect = 100 </monkey> ************************************************************************************************************** End of File ************************************************************************************************************** 0 | | |
And your question is?
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+x+x+xThank you! I am also trying to use the same practice trials and instructions from the operation span task. Is there an easy way to copy this from the operation span template on inquisit? |
Here is the entire syntax for the operation span task..... All I need are the instructions and the practice trials.
<usermanual> Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN) SCRIPT INFO Main Inquisit programming: David Nitz ( for Millisecond Software, LLC. Additional Inquisit programming: Jerry Grenard (, Sean Draine ( last updated: 01-20-2016 by K.Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC Script Copyright © 01-20-2016 Millisecond Software Task Copyright © 2005 by Dr. Randall Engle ( BACKGROUND INFO *Purpose* This script implements the Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN). Working Memory Span Tasks Reference: CONWAY, A.R.A., KANE, M.J.,BUNTING, M.F., D. ZACH HAMBRICK, D.Z., WILHELM, O., & ENGLE, R.W. (2005). Working memory span tasks: A methodological review and user’s guide. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2005, 12 (5), 769-786. *Task* Participants are presented a visual sequences of letters ranging from 3-7 letters (default) that need to be recalled at the end. Each letter in the sequence in preceded by a math problem ("(8*2) - 8 = ?") followed by a proposed solution ("e.g. 9") and participants have to decide whether the proposed solution is correct or not. Letter recall is tested by asking participants to selecte letters from a provided letter matrix. DATA FILE INFORMATION: The default data stored in the data files are: (1) Raw data file: 'AOSPAN_raw.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) build:Inquisit build computer.platform:the platform the script was run on date, time, subject, group:date and time script was run with the current subject/groupnumber blockcode, blocknum:the name and number of the current block trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial (Note: not all trials that are run might record data; by default data is collected unless /recorddata = false is set for a particular trial/block) stimulusitem:the presented stimuli in order of trial presentation response:the participant's response correct:the correctness of the response (1 = correct; 0 = incorrect) latency: the response latency (in ms) /currentsetsize: the number of letters to recall for the current problem text.letters.currentitem: the currently presented letter /mathproblemcount: counts the number of math problems in a given block text.MathProblem.currentitem: the currently presented math problem /mathtrueanswer:the correct math answer /mathanswer:the math response given /mathcorrect:1 = correct math response; 0 = incorrect math response /matheaccuracy: percentage of correctly solved math problems within the current block /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /recalledletters: the number of letters recalled of the current problem /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /totalrecalledsets: the number of correctly recalled sets (2) Summary data file: 'AOSPAN_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) script.startdate:date script was run script.starttime:time script was started script.subjectid:subject id number script.groupid:group id number script.elapsedtime:time it took to run script (in ms) computer.platform:the platform the script was run on /completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP 1 Practice Session (default): a) Practice of recalling sequences of letters of set sizes 2-3 in ascending order (4 trials) b) Practice of math task (15 trials) c) Combined practice of recalling sequence of letters (set size 2 only) and math problem: each letter is preceded by a math problem (3 trials) Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Test Session (default): 15 Trials (15 = 3 repetitions of 5 set sizes; order of set sizes is randomly determined): Recalling sequences of letters (set size 3-7): each letter is preceded by a math problem; Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Scoring: The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. STIMULI: Letters: T, L, Q, N, F, H, Y, S, P, K, R, J Math Problems (test): created on runtime; only math problems with a *true* result >= 0 are allowed in the task INSTRUCTIONS see section Editable Instructions EDITABLE CODE: check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment. </usermanual> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE STIMULI: change editable stimuli here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item PracMathProblem> / 01 = "(1*2) + 1 = ?" / 02 = "(1/1) - 1 = ?" / 03 = "(7*3) - 3 = ?" / 04 = "(4*3) + 4 = ?" / 05 = "(3/3) + 2 = ?" / 06 = "(2*6) - 4 = ?" / 07 = "(8*9) - 8 = ?" / 08 = "(4*5) - 5 = ?" / 09 = "(4*2) + 6 = ?" / 10 = "(4/4) + 7 = ?" / 11 = "(8*2) - 8 = ?" / 12 = "(2*9) - 9 = ?" / 13 = "(8/2) + 9 = ?" / 14 = "(3*8) - 1 = ?" / 15 = "(6/3) + 1 = ?" / 16 = "(9/3) - 2 = ?" </item> <item PracMathAnswer> / 01 = "3" / 02 = "2" / 03 = "18" / 04 = "16" / 05 = "1" / 06 = "6" / 07 = "64" / 08 = "11" / 09 = "14" / 10 = "12" / 11 = "2" / 12 = "9" / 13 = "7" / 14 = "23" / 15 = "3" / 16 = "7" </item> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE INSTRUCTIONS: change instructions here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item instructions> / 1 = "In this experiment you will try to memorize letters you see on the screen while you also solve simple math problems.~r In the next few minutes, you will have some practice to get you familiar with how the experiment works.~r We will begin by practicing the letter part of the experiment.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin." / 2 = "For this practice set, letters will appear on the screen one at a time. Try to remember each letter in the order presented.~r After a few sets, a recall screen will appear. Select the letters in the same order that you saw them. To do this, <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%>.~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 3 = "When you have selected all the letters, and they are in the correct order at the bottom of your screen, hit the EXIT box at the bottom right of the screen.~r If you make a mistake, hit the CLEAR box to start over.~r If you forget one of the letters, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> the BLANK box to mark the spot for the missing letter.~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to start the letter practice." / 4 = "Now you will practice doing the math part of the experiment.~r~r A math problem will appear on the screen, like this:~r (2 * 1) + 1 = ?~r Once the equation is presented, you should compute the correct answer as quickly as you can. When you know the correct answer, you will <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%>.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 5 = "You will see a number displayed on the next screen, along with a box marked TRUE and a box marked FALSE.~r If the number on the screen is the correct answer to the math problem, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the TRUE box with the mouse. If the number is not the correct answer, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the FALSE box.~r After you <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on one of the boxes, the computer will tell you if you made the right choice.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 6 = "It is VERY important that you get the math problems correct. It is also important that you try and solve the problem as quickly as you can.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 7 = "Now you will practice doing both parts of the experiment at the same time.~r~r You will be given one of the math problems and make your decision about the answer. Then, a letter will appear on the screen. Try and remember the letter.~r The computer will automatically move you onto the next letter part, if you do not answer fast enough. Skipping the True or False part will count that problem as a math error.~r Therefore it is VERY important to solve the problems as quickly and as accurately as possible.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 8 = "At the end of each set of letters and math problems, a recall screen will appear. Use the mouse to select the letters in the same order that you saw them. It is important to work QUICKLY and ACCURATELY on the math. After the recall screen, you will be given feedback about your performance regarding both the number of letters recalled and the percent correct on the math problems.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 9 = "During the feedback, you will see a number in red in the top right of the screen. This indicates your percent correct for the math problems for the entire experiment.~r It is VERY important for you to keep this at least at 85%. <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 10 = "That is the end of the practice.~r~r The real trials will look like the practice trials you just completed. Do you have any questions?~r~r~r If not, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin the experiment." / 11 = "Thank you for your participation." </item> <text scorereport> / items = ("~tResults for Subject #<%script.subjectid%>~r~r OSPAN Absolute Score:~t<%values.ospan%> OSPAN Total Correct:~t<%values.totalcorrectletters%>~r~r Math Total Errors:~t<%values.mathtotalerrors%> Math Speed Errors:~t<%values.mathspeederrors%> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<%values.mathaccerrors%>~r~r") / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (52%, 50%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> **************************************************************************************************** general instruction expressions: adjust the instruction text depending on device used to run script **************************************************************************************************** <expressions> /buttoninstruct1 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the screen";} else {"click the mouse button";} /buttoninstruct2 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the letters you want to select";} else {"use the mouse to select each letter";} /buttoninstruct3 = if (computer.touch) {"tap";} else {"click";} </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE LISTS: change editable lists here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Adjustable Task Lists: The following list elements contain the set sizes used for the different study phases. The set sizes determine how many letters the participant has to remember as well as the number of math problems she/he has to solve intermittently. The task can be extended by modifying these values. The script can handle a maximum set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracLetterSetSize> / items = (2,2,3,3) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracBothSetSize> / items = (2,2,2) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list TestBothSetSize> / items = (3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7) </list> ************************************************************************************************************** !!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!! ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEFAULTS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** script requires Inquisit or higher <defaults> / canvassize = (100%,100%) / canvasaspectratio = (4,3) / screencolor = white / txcolor = black / txbgcolor = transparent / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / inputdevice = mouse / minimumversion = "" / halign = center / valign = center </defaults> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DATA ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top ******************** raw data ******************** <data> / columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, latency, response, correct, values.currentsetsize, text.letters.currentitem, values.mathproblemcount, text.MathProblem.currentitem, values.mathtrueanswer, values.mathanswer, values.mathcorrect, values.mathaccuracy, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathaccerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathtimeout, values.recalledletters, values.totalcorrectletters, values.totalrecalledsets, values.ospan) / labels = true / separatefiles = true </data> ******************** summary data ******************** <summarydata> / columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed, values.ospan, values.totalcorrectletters, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathaccerrors) / separatefiles = true </summarydata> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** VALUES: automatically updated ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** /completed:0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) <values AOSPAN> /completed = 0 / stopblock=0 / learninginterval=1000 / currentsetsize=0 / lettercount=0 / correctletters=0 / totalcorrectletters=0 / ospan=0 / totalrecalledsets=0 / recalledletters="" / recallcount=0 / recalldelay=0 / mathaccuracy=0 / mathaccerrors=0 / mathcurrenterrors=0 / mathtotalerrors=0 / mathspeederrors=0 / mathtimeout=5000 / mathproblemcount=0 / matherrorswitch=1 / mathcorrect="" / tmp_mathopt01="" / tmp_mathopt02=0 / tmp_mathsign="" / tmp_mathopt02sign="" / mathtrueanswer=0 / tmp_mathrand=0 / mathanswer=0 / tmp_initmath01=0 / tmp_initmath02=0 </values> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPRESSIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Letter String Generation is handled by two list elements: PracLetterList and TestLetterList. Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. Switching between lists according to current study phase is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode'. <expressions AOSPAN> / selectionmode = if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")PracLetterList else TestLetterList </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block InstrPracLetter> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracMath> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracBoth> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrTestBoth> / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrFinal> / trials = [1=instructions; 2=score_report] / recorddata = false </block> <trial instructions> / pretrialpause = 250 / posttrialpause = 250 / stimulustimes = [1=instructions] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / responsetime = 2000 / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (90%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = sequence / resetinterval = 0 </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The Letter Sequence Generation is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode': Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. <text Letters> / items = ("F","P","Q","J","H","K","T","S","N","R","Y","L") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5.0%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = expressions.selectionmode </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Empty Item Elements for Storing Presented and Recalled Letter Sequences ************************************************************************************************************** <item PresentedLetters> </item> <item RecalledLetters> </item> ************************************************************************************************************** Screen Layout Elements for the Letter Recall Grid ************************************************************************************************************** <text F> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text H> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text J> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text K> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text L> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text N> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text P> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Q> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text R> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text S> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text T> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Y> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text _> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text exit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickF> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickH> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickJ> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickK> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickL> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickN> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickP> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickQ> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickR> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickS> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickT> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickY> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text click_> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickclear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickexit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text recalledletters> / items = ("<%values.recalledletters%>") / position = (50%, 80%) / txcolor = red / erase = false </text> <text recallprompt> / items = ("Select the letters in the order presented. Use the blank button to fill in forgotten items.") / position = (50%, 5%) / size = (95%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / erase = false </text> <text LetterFeedback> / items = ("You recalled <%values.correctletters%> out of <%values.lettercount%> letters correctly.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(white) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Practice Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems are hardcoded only for the Math Practice Phase (Block PracMath). For all other Study Phases (Block PracBoth & Block TestBoth) the Math Problems are generated dynamically. ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <text PracMathProblem> / items = PracMathProblem / position = (50%, 45%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = PracMathList </text> <text PracMathAnswer> / items = PracMathAnswer / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = false / select = current(PracMathProblem) </text> <text PracMathFeedback> / items = ("You were correct on <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalcorrectcount%> of <%list.PracMathList.itemcount%> math trials. That is <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalpercentcorrect%> percent correct.~r~r~r Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (65%, 50%) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Text and Layout Items used for the Math Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <text MathProblemDisplay> / items = ("<%text.MathProblem.currentitem%> = ?") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathProblem> / items = ("<%values.tmp_mathopt01%> <%values.tmp_mathsign%> <%values.tmp_mathopt02%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathCorrect> / items = ("<%text.MathCorrect.selectedvalue%>") / select = noreplace / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 60%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathAnswer> / items = ("<%values.mathanswer%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathScore> / items = ("<%values.mathaccuracy%>%") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / position = (85%, 15%) / size = (10%, 10%) </text> <text MathFeedback> / items = ( "You made <%values.mathcurrenterrors%> math error(s) on this set of trials.", "You have made a total of 3 or more math errors during this set of trials. Please do your best on the math.") / select = values.matherrorswitch / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (80%, 30%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) </text> <text TRUE> / items = ("TRUE") / position = (31%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text FALSE> / items = ("FALSE") / position = (69%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text TestMathPrompt> / items = ("Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = false </text> <text PracMathPrompt> / items = ("When you have solved the math problem,~nclick the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text correcttext> / items = ("Correct") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> <text incorrecttext> / items = ("Incorrect") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: General Purpose Screen Layout Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <shape GrayFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = silver / size = (78.3%, 78%) / erase = false </shape> <shape BlackFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = black / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> <shape WhiteScreen> / shape = rectangle / color = white / size = (100%, 100%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** LISTS: ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ******************************* Item Selection ******************************* Beware: Item Selection differs between the task's Practice and Test Phases! Generally, the single-task practice phases (Blocks PracLetter & PracMath) rely on sequential item selection. The phases involving both tasks (Blocks PracBoth & TestBoth) use random selection without replacement. <list PracLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> <list TestLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) </list> <list PracMathList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) </list> ******************************* Math ******************************* <list PracMathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = text.PracMathProblem.currentindex </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Test Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** Generating the math problem has 4 steps 1. Selection of the first operation, MathOpt01: "(9/3)" 2. Selection of the second operation, MathOpt012: "- 2" 3. Selection of whether the answer presented to subjects should be true or false, MathCorrect: "TRUE" or "FALSE" 4. A random number added to the correct answer to make it false, MathRand: "3" Additional Math Operations (add to List 'MathOpt01'): "(4*4)", "(2*8)", "(9*2)", "(6*3)", "(3*6)", "(2*9)", "(5*4)", "(4*5)", "(7*3)", "(3*7)", "(8*3)", "(6*4)", "(4*6)", "(3*8)", "(5*5)", "(9*3)", "(3*9)", "(7*4)", "(4*7)", "(6*5)", "(5*6)", "(8*4)", "(4*8)", "(7*5)", "(5*7)", "(9*4)", "(6*6)", "(4*9)", "(8*5)", "(5*8)", "(7*6)", "(6*7)", "(9*5)", "(5*9)", "(8*6)", "(6*8)", "(7*7)", "(9*6)", "(6*9)", "(8*7)", "(7*8)", "(9*7)", "(7*9)", "(8*8)", "(9*8)", "(8*9)", "(9*9)" Difficulties for Additional Operations (add to List 'MathDifficulty'): "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4" <list MathOpt01> / items = ( "(1/1)", "(2/1)", "(2/2)", "(3/1)", "(3/3)", "(4/1)", "(4/2)", "(4/4)", "(5/1)", "(5/5)", "(6/1)", "(6/2)", "(6/3)", "(6/6)", "(7/1)", "(7/7)", "(8/1)", "(8/2)", "(8/4)", "(8/8)", "(9/1)", "(9/3)", "(9/9)", "(1*2)", "(1*3)", "(2*2)", "(1*4)", "(1*5)", "(3*2)", "(2*3)", "(1*6)", "(1*7)", "(4*2)", "(2*4)", "(1*8)", "(3*3)", "(1*9)", "(5*2)", "(2*5)", "(6*2)", "(4*3)", "(3*4)", "(2*6)", "(7*2)", "(2*7)", "(5*3)", "(3*5)", "(8*2)") / selectionrate = trial </list> <list MathDifficulty> / items = ( "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt01.currentindex </list> <list MathOpt02> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") </list> <list MathSign> / items = ( "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-") </list> <list MathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Alternate MathCorrect List Logic / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt02) / selectionrate = trial ************************************************************************************************************** <list MathRand> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6", "-7", "-8", "-9") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Initialization Trial for the Different Study Phases ************************************************************************************************************** <trial InitSetSize> / ontrialbegin = [values.currentsetsize=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracLetterSetSize.nextvalue}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.TestBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialend = [clear(item.PresentedLetters); clear(item.RecalledLetters)] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 0 / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.lettercount+=1] / ontrialend= [item.PresentedLetters.item=text.Letters.currentitem] / pretrialpause = 200 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, Letters, currentsetsize] / trialduration = values.learninginterval / validresponse = (noresponse) / branch = [if(values.lettercount==values.currentsetsize)trial.recall_letter] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial recall_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.recallcount+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.recallcount==1)values.recalldelay=500 else values.recalldelay=0] / pretrialpause = values.recalldelay / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit, recalledletters, recallprompt, letterstrings] / validresponse = (F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit) / monkeyresponse = ("F", "H", "J", "K", "exit") / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response!="exit" && trial.recall_letter.response!="clear") {item.RecalledLetters.item=trial.recall_letter.response; values.recalledletters=concat(values.recalledletters, trial.recall_letter.response)}] / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="clear") {clear(item.RecalledLetters); values.recalledletters=""}] / responsemessage = (F, clickF, 150) / responsemessage = (H, clickH, 150) / responsemessage = (J, clickJ, 150) / responsemessage = (K, clickK, 150) / responsemessage = (L, clickL, 150) / responsemessage = (N, clickN, 150) / responsemessage = (P, clickP, 150) / responsemessage = (Q, clickQ, 150) / responsemessage = (R, clickR, 150) / responsemessage = (S, clickS, 150) / responsemessage = (T, clickT, 150) / responsemessage = (Y, clickY, 150) / responsemessage = (clear, clickclear, 150) / responsemessage = (exit, clickexit, 150) / responsemessage = (_, click_, 150) / branch = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="exit")trial.letter_feedback else trial.recall_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Recall Feedback: In this trial, the presented letter sequenceis compared to the letter string the participant has entered. Feedback is given accordingly. This trial also handles reporting of math performance for Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth). ************************************************************************************************************** <trial letter_feedback> / pretrialpause = 500 / ontrialbegin = [values.correctletters=0] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.mathcurrenterrors>=3)values.matherrorswitch=2 else values.matherrorswitch=1] / ontrialbegin = [ if(item.RecalledLetters.item.1 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.1==item.RecalledLetters.item.1)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.2 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.2==item.RecalledLetters.item.2)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.3 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.3==item.RecalledLetters.item.3)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.4 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.4==item.RecalledLetters.item.4)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.5 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.5==item.RecalledLetters.item.5)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.6 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.6==item.RecalledLetters.item.6)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.7 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.7==item.RecalledLetters.item.7)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.8 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.8==item.RecalledLetters.item.8)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.9 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.9==item.RecalledLetters.item.9)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.10 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.10==item.RecalledLetters.item.10)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.11 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.11==item.RecalledLetters.item.11)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.12 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.12==item.RecalledLetters.item.12)values.correctletters+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.correctletters==values.currentsetsize) {values.ospan=values.ospan+values.correctletters; values.totalrecalledsets+=1}] / ontrialbegin = [values.totalcorrectletters=values.totalcorrectletters+values.correctletters] / ontrialend = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter" && list.PracLetterSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth" && list.PracBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth" && list.TestBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, LetterFeedback, MathFeedback, MathScore, scoredebug] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 2000 / branch = [trial.InitSetSize] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <trial prac_show_math> / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathProblem, PracMathPrompt] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / branch = [trial.prac_solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_solve_math> / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (list.PracMathCorrect.nextvalue) / responsemessage = (anyresponse, PracMathAnswer, 800) / correctmessage = true(correcttext, 800) / errormessage = true(incorrecttext, 800) / branch = [if(trial.prac_show_math.trialcount >= list.PracMathList.itemcount) trial.prac_math_feedback else trial.prac_show_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_math_feedback> / ontrialend = [values.stopblock=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, PracMathFeedback] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter-Math Practice & Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** Setting up Math Problems: 'InitMathProblem01' and 'InitMathProblem02' are used to set up and check the randomly generated math problems used for Letter-Math Practice (Block 'PracBoth') and Letter-Math Test (Block 'TestBoth'). Only math problems with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero are allowed in the task. The calculations contained in trial 'InitMathProblem01' ensure that the participant is given a math problem with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero. The adjustments may cause MathOpt02 to become zero. This *does* happen in the original version of the task programmed in E-Prime.To avoid MathOpt02=0 exchange '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' with '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0 || values.tmp_mathopt02==0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' <trial InitMathProblem01> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01==1) {values.tmp_mathopt01=list.MathOpt01.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathsign=list.MathSign.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02=list.MathOpt02.nextvalue; values.mathcorrect=list.MathCorrect.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02sign=concat(values.tmp_mathsign, values.tmp_mathopt02); values.tmp_mathopt02sign=evaluate(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1) {values.tmp_mathopt02sign+=3; values.tmp_mathopt02=abs(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1 && values.tmp_mathopt02sign>0) values.tmp_mathsign="+"] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem); values.mathtrueanswer=values.mathanswer] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="TRUE")trial.show_math] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="FALSE")trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> For trials that should present a *false* math answer, a randomly drawn integer ranging from -9 to +9 is added to the math problem's *true* result. The calculations contained in 'InitMathProblem02' ensure that this *false* answer is also greater than or equal to zero. <trial InitMathProblem02> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath02+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02==1)values.tmp_mathrand=list.MathRand.nextvalue] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02>1)values.tmp_mathrand+=2] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem)+values.tmp_mathrand] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathanswer!=values.mathtrueanswer)trial.show_math else trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** The following trials handle presentation of math problems and scoring of participants' responses. ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_math> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01=0; values.tmp_initmath02=0; values.mathproblemcount+=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathProblemDisplay, TestMathPrompt, mathtimeout] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / timeout = values.mathtimeout+500 / ontrialend = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown") {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathspeederrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / branch = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown")trial.show_letter else trial.solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial solve_math> / ontrialend = [if(trial.solve_math.correct==0) {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathaccerrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE, mathdebug] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (values.mathcorrect) / branch = [trial.show_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** SCORING ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. <trial score_report> / stimulusframes = [1=scorereport] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** BLOCKS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block PracLetter> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=white; text.MathScore.textcolor=white; values.stopblock=0] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block PracMath> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [values.mathaccuracy=0] / onblockend = [values.mathtimeout=(2.5*trial.prac_show_math.totalsdlatency)+trial.prac_show_math.totalmeanlatency] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=prac_show_math] </block> <block PracBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block TestBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPERIMENT ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <expt AOSPAN> / onexptbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / blocks = [1=InstrPracLetter; 2=PracLetter; 3=InstrPracMath; 4=PracMath; 5=InstrPracBoth; 6=PracBoth; 7=InstrTestBoth; 8=TestBoth; 9=InstrFinal] /onexptend = [values.completed = 1] </expt> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEBUG: On-Screen Debugging Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** These items are invisible by default. Enter 'debug' as subject id to enable them. <text currentsetsize> / items = ("Setsize: <%values.currentsetsize%> / Lettercount: <%values.lettercount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 5%) </text> <text letterstrings> / items = ("~tPresented Letters:~t<%item.PresentedLetters.item.1%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.2%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.3%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.4%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.5%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.6%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.7%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.8%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.9%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.10%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.11%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.12%> ~tRecalled Letters:~t<%item.RecalledLetters.item.1%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.2%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.3%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.4%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.5%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.6%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.7%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.8%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.9%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.10%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.11%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.12%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (55%, 5%) / position = (50%, 87%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text mathdebug> / items = ("~tMath Problem:~t~t<% text.MathProblem.currentitem %>~r ~tTrue Answer:~t~t<% values.mathtrueanswer %>~r ~tPresented Answer:~t<% values.mathcorrect %>~r~r") / size = (50%, 7%) / halign = center / hjustify = center / position = (45%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / erase = true(silver) </text> <text mathtimeout> / items = ("Timeout = <%values.mathtimeout%> ms~r Math Problem # <%values.mathproblemcount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 20%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text scoredebug> / items = ("OSPAN Score:~t~t<% values.ospan %> Total Number Correct:~t<% values.totalcorrectletters %>~r~r Math Errors (Total):~t<% values.mathtotalerrors %> Math Speed Errors:~t<% values.mathspeederrors %> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<% values.mathaccerrors %>~r~r") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 75%) / erase = true(white) </text> <monkey AOSPAN> / latencydistribution = normal(800, 200) / percentcorrect = 100 </monkey> ************************************************************************************************************** End of File ************************************************************************************************************** 0 | | |
And your question is? How can i use just the practice trials and instructions? I want to use the same task for another experiment.
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+x+x+x+xThank you! I am also trying to use the same practice trials and instructions from the operation span task. Is there an easy way to copy this from the operation span template on inquisit? |
Here is the entire syntax for the operation span task..... All I need are the instructions and the practice trials.
<usermanual> Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN) SCRIPT INFO Main Inquisit programming: David Nitz ( for Millisecond Software, LLC. Additional Inquisit programming: Jerry Grenard (, Sean Draine ( last updated: 01-20-2016 by K.Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC Script Copyright © 01-20-2016 Millisecond Software Task Copyright © 2005 by Dr. Randall Engle ( BACKGROUND INFO *Purpose* This script implements the Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN). Working Memory Span Tasks Reference: CONWAY, A.R.A., KANE, M.J.,BUNTING, M.F., D. ZACH HAMBRICK, D.Z., WILHELM, O., & ENGLE, R.W. (2005). Working memory span tasks: A methodological review and user’s guide. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2005, 12 (5), 769-786. *Task* Participants are presented a visual sequences of letters ranging from 3-7 letters (default) that need to be recalled at the end. Each letter in the sequence in preceded by a math problem ("(8*2) - 8 = ?") followed by a proposed solution ("e.g. 9") and participants have to decide whether the proposed solution is correct or not. Letter recall is tested by asking participants to selecte letters from a provided letter matrix. DATA FILE INFORMATION: The default data stored in the data files are: (1) Raw data file: 'AOSPAN_raw.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) build:Inquisit build computer.platform:the platform the script was run on date, time, subject, group:date and time script was run with the current subject/groupnumber blockcode, blocknum:the name and number of the current block trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial (Note: not all trials that are run might record data; by default data is collected unless /recorddata = false is set for a particular trial/block) stimulusitem:the presented stimuli in order of trial presentation response:the participant's response correct:the correctness of the response (1 = correct; 0 = incorrect) latency: the response latency (in ms) /currentsetsize: the number of letters to recall for the current problem text.letters.currentitem: the currently presented letter /mathproblemcount: counts the number of math problems in a given block text.MathProblem.currentitem: the currently presented math problem /mathtrueanswer:the correct math answer /mathanswer:the math response given /mathcorrect:1 = correct math response; 0 = incorrect math response /matheaccuracy: percentage of correctly solved math problems within the current block /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /recalledletters: the number of letters recalled of the current problem /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /totalrecalledsets: the number of correctly recalled sets (2) Summary data file: 'AOSPAN_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) script.startdate:date script was run script.starttime:time script was started script.subjectid:subject id number script.groupid:group id number script.elapsedtime:time it took to run script (in ms) computer.platform:the platform the script was run on /completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP 1 Practice Session (default): a) Practice of recalling sequences of letters of set sizes 2-3 in ascending order (4 trials) b) Practice of math task (15 trials) c) Combined practice of recalling sequence of letters (set size 2 only) and math problem: each letter is preceded by a math problem (3 trials) Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Test Session (default): 15 Trials (15 = 3 repetitions of 5 set sizes; order of set sizes is randomly determined): Recalling sequences of letters (set size 3-7): each letter is preceded by a math problem; Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Scoring: The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. STIMULI: Letters: T, L, Q, N, F, H, Y, S, P, K, R, J Math Problems (test): created on runtime; only math problems with a *true* result >= 0 are allowed in the task INSTRUCTIONS see section Editable Instructions EDITABLE CODE: check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment. </usermanual> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE STIMULI: change editable stimuli here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item PracMathProblem> / 01 = "(1*2) + 1 = ?" / 02 = "(1/1) - 1 = ?" / 03 = "(7*3) - 3 = ?" / 04 = "(4*3) + 4 = ?" / 05 = "(3/3) + 2 = ?" / 06 = "(2*6) - 4 = ?" / 07 = "(8*9) - 8 = ?" / 08 = "(4*5) - 5 = ?" / 09 = "(4*2) + 6 = ?" / 10 = "(4/4) + 7 = ?" / 11 = "(8*2) - 8 = ?" / 12 = "(2*9) - 9 = ?" / 13 = "(8/2) + 9 = ?" / 14 = "(3*8) - 1 = ?" / 15 = "(6/3) + 1 = ?" / 16 = "(9/3) - 2 = ?" </item> <item PracMathAnswer> / 01 = "3" / 02 = "2" / 03 = "18" / 04 = "16" / 05 = "1" / 06 = "6" / 07 = "64" / 08 = "11" / 09 = "14" / 10 = "12" / 11 = "2" / 12 = "9" / 13 = "7" / 14 = "23" / 15 = "3" / 16 = "7" </item> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE INSTRUCTIONS: change instructions here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item instructions> / 1 = "In this experiment you will try to memorize letters you see on the screen while you also solve simple math problems.~r In the next few minutes, you will have some practice to get you familiar with how the experiment works.~r We will begin by practicing the letter part of the experiment.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin." / 2 = "For this practice set, letters will appear on the screen one at a time. Try to remember each letter in the order presented.~r After a few sets, a recall screen will appear. Select the letters in the same order that you saw them. To do this, <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%>.~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 3 = "When you have selected all the letters, and they are in the correct order at the bottom of your screen, hit the EXIT box at the bottom right of the screen.~r If you make a mistake, hit the CLEAR box to start over.~r If you forget one of the letters, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> the BLANK box to mark the spot for the missing letter.~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to start the letter practice." / 4 = "Now you will practice doing the math part of the experiment.~r~r A math problem will appear on the screen, like this:~r (2 * 1) + 1 = ?~r Once the equation is presented, you should compute the correct answer as quickly as you can. When you know the correct answer, you will <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%>.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 5 = "You will see a number displayed on the next screen, along with a box marked TRUE and a box marked FALSE.~r If the number on the screen is the correct answer to the math problem, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the TRUE box with the mouse. If the number is not the correct answer, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the FALSE box.~r After you <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on one of the boxes, the computer will tell you if you made the right choice.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 6 = "It is VERY important that you get the math problems correct. It is also important that you try and solve the problem as quickly as you can.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 7 = "Now you will practice doing both parts of the experiment at the same time.~r~r You will be given one of the math problems and make your decision about the answer. Then, a letter will appear on the screen. Try and remember the letter.~r The computer will automatically move you onto the next letter part, if you do not answer fast enough. Skipping the True or False part will count that problem as a math error.~r Therefore it is VERY important to solve the problems as quickly and as accurately as possible.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 8 = "At the end of each set of letters and math problems, a recall screen will appear. Use the mouse to select the letters in the same order that you saw them. It is important to work QUICKLY and ACCURATELY on the math. After the recall screen, you will be given feedback about your performance regarding both the number of letters recalled and the percent correct on the math problems.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 9 = "During the feedback, you will see a number in red in the top right of the screen. This indicates your percent correct for the math problems for the entire experiment.~r It is VERY important for you to keep this at least at 85%. <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 10 = "That is the end of the practice.~r~r The real trials will look like the practice trials you just completed. Do you have any questions?~r~r~r If not, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin the experiment." / 11 = "Thank you for your participation." </item> <text scorereport> / items = ("~tResults for Subject #<%script.subjectid%>~r~r OSPAN Absolute Score:~t<%values.ospan%> OSPAN Total Correct:~t<%values.totalcorrectletters%>~r~r Math Total Errors:~t<%values.mathtotalerrors%> Math Speed Errors:~t<%values.mathspeederrors%> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<%values.mathaccerrors%>~r~r") / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (52%, 50%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> **************************************************************************************************** general instruction expressions: adjust the instruction text depending on device used to run script **************************************************************************************************** <expressions> /buttoninstruct1 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the screen";} else {"click the mouse button";} /buttoninstruct2 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the letters you want to select";} else {"use the mouse to select each letter";} /buttoninstruct3 = if (computer.touch) {"tap";} else {"click";} </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE LISTS: change editable lists here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Adjustable Task Lists: The following list elements contain the set sizes used for the different study phases. The set sizes determine how many letters the participant has to remember as well as the number of math problems she/he has to solve intermittently. The task can be extended by modifying these values. The script can handle a maximum set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracLetterSetSize> / items = (2,2,3,3) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracBothSetSize> / items = (2,2,2) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list TestBothSetSize> / items = (3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7) </list> ************************************************************************************************************** !!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!! ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEFAULTS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** script requires Inquisit or higher <defaults> / canvassize = (100%,100%) / canvasaspectratio = (4,3) / screencolor = white / txcolor = black / txbgcolor = transparent / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / inputdevice = mouse / minimumversion = "" / halign = center / valign = center </defaults> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DATA ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top ******************** raw data ******************** <data> / columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, latency, response, correct, values.currentsetsize, text.letters.currentitem, values.mathproblemcount, text.MathProblem.currentitem, values.mathtrueanswer, values.mathanswer, values.mathcorrect, values.mathaccuracy, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathaccerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathtimeout, values.recalledletters, values.totalcorrectletters, values.totalrecalledsets, values.ospan) / labels = true / separatefiles = true </data> ******************** summary data ******************** <summarydata> / columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed, values.ospan, values.totalcorrectletters, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathaccerrors) / separatefiles = true </summarydata> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** VALUES: automatically updated ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** /completed:0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) <values AOSPAN> /completed = 0 / stopblock=0 / learninginterval=1000 / currentsetsize=0 / lettercount=0 / correctletters=0 / totalcorrectletters=0 / ospan=0 / totalrecalledsets=0 / recalledletters="" / recallcount=0 / recalldelay=0 / mathaccuracy=0 / mathaccerrors=0 / mathcurrenterrors=0 / mathtotalerrors=0 / mathspeederrors=0 / mathtimeout=5000 / mathproblemcount=0 / matherrorswitch=1 / mathcorrect="" / tmp_mathopt01="" / tmp_mathopt02=0 / tmp_mathsign="" / tmp_mathopt02sign="" / mathtrueanswer=0 / tmp_mathrand=0 / mathanswer=0 / tmp_initmath01=0 / tmp_initmath02=0 </values> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPRESSIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Letter String Generation is handled by two list elements: PracLetterList and TestLetterList. Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. Switching between lists according to current study phase is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode'. <expressions AOSPAN> / selectionmode = if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")PracLetterList else TestLetterList </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block InstrPracLetter> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracMath> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracBoth> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrTestBoth> / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrFinal> / trials = [1=instructions; 2=score_report] / recorddata = false </block> <trial instructions> / pretrialpause = 250 / posttrialpause = 250 / stimulustimes = [1=instructions] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / responsetime = 2000 / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (90%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = sequence / resetinterval = 0 </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The Letter Sequence Generation is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode': Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. <text Letters> / items = ("F","P","Q","J","H","K","T","S","N","R","Y","L") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5.0%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = expressions.selectionmode </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Empty Item Elements for Storing Presented and Recalled Letter Sequences ************************************************************************************************************** <item PresentedLetters> </item> <item RecalledLetters> </item> ************************************************************************************************************** Screen Layout Elements for the Letter Recall Grid ************************************************************************************************************** <text F> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text H> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text J> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text K> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text L> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text N> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text P> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Q> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text R> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text S> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text T> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Y> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text _> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text exit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickF> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickH> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickJ> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickK> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickL> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickN> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickP> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickQ> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickR> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickS> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickT> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickY> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text click_> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickclear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickexit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text recalledletters> / items = ("<%values.recalledletters%>") / position = (50%, 80%) / txcolor = red / erase = false </text> <text recallprompt> / items = ("Select the letters in the order presented. Use the blank button to fill in forgotten items.") / position = (50%, 5%) / size = (95%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / erase = false </text> <text LetterFeedback> / items = ("You recalled <%values.correctletters%> out of <%values.lettercount%> letters correctly.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(white) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Practice Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems are hardcoded only for the Math Practice Phase (Block PracMath). For all other Study Phases (Block PracBoth & Block TestBoth) the Math Problems are generated dynamically. ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <text PracMathProblem> / items = PracMathProblem / position = (50%, 45%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = PracMathList </text> <text PracMathAnswer> / items = PracMathAnswer / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = false / select = current(PracMathProblem) </text> <text PracMathFeedback> / items = ("You were correct on <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalcorrectcount%> of <%list.PracMathList.itemcount%> math trials. That is <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalpercentcorrect%> percent correct.~r~r~r Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (65%, 50%) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Text and Layout Items used for the Math Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <text MathProblemDisplay> / items = ("<%text.MathProblem.currentitem%> = ?") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathProblem> / items = ("<%values.tmp_mathopt01%> <%values.tmp_mathsign%> <%values.tmp_mathopt02%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathCorrect> / items = ("<%text.MathCorrect.selectedvalue%>") / select = noreplace / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 60%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathAnswer> / items = ("<%values.mathanswer%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathScore> / items = ("<%values.mathaccuracy%>%") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / position = (85%, 15%) / size = (10%, 10%) </text> <text MathFeedback> / items = ( "You made <%values.mathcurrenterrors%> math error(s) on this set of trials.", "You have made a total of 3 or more math errors during this set of trials. Please do your best on the math.") / select = values.matherrorswitch / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (80%, 30%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) </text> <text TRUE> / items = ("TRUE") / position = (31%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text FALSE> / items = ("FALSE") / position = (69%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text TestMathPrompt> / items = ("Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = false </text> <text PracMathPrompt> / items = ("When you have solved the math problem,~nclick the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text correcttext> / items = ("Correct") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> <text incorrecttext> / items = ("Incorrect") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: General Purpose Screen Layout Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <shape GrayFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = silver / size = (78.3%, 78%) / erase = false </shape> <shape BlackFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = black / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> <shape WhiteScreen> / shape = rectangle / color = white / size = (100%, 100%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** LISTS: ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ******************************* Item Selection ******************************* Beware: Item Selection differs between the task's Practice and Test Phases! Generally, the single-task practice phases (Blocks PracLetter & PracMath) rely on sequential item selection. The phases involving both tasks (Blocks PracBoth & TestBoth) use random selection without replacement. <list PracLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> <list TestLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) </list> <list PracMathList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) </list> ******************************* Math ******************************* <list PracMathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = text.PracMathProblem.currentindex </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Test Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** Generating the math problem has 4 steps 1. Selection of the first operation, MathOpt01: "(9/3)" 2. Selection of the second operation, MathOpt012: "- 2" 3. Selection of whether the answer presented to subjects should be true or false, MathCorrect: "TRUE" or "FALSE" 4. A random number added to the correct answer to make it false, MathRand: "3" Additional Math Operations (add to List 'MathOpt01'): "(4*4)", "(2*8)", "(9*2)", "(6*3)", "(3*6)", "(2*9)", "(5*4)", "(4*5)", "(7*3)", "(3*7)", "(8*3)", "(6*4)", "(4*6)", "(3*8)", "(5*5)", "(9*3)", "(3*9)", "(7*4)", "(4*7)", "(6*5)", "(5*6)", "(8*4)", "(4*8)", "(7*5)", "(5*7)", "(9*4)", "(6*6)", "(4*9)", "(8*5)", "(5*8)", "(7*6)", "(6*7)", "(9*5)", "(5*9)", "(8*6)", "(6*8)", "(7*7)", "(9*6)", "(6*9)", "(8*7)", "(7*8)", "(9*7)", "(7*9)", "(8*8)", "(9*8)", "(8*9)", "(9*9)" Difficulties for Additional Operations (add to List 'MathDifficulty'): "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4" <list MathOpt01> / items = ( "(1/1)", "(2/1)", "(2/2)", "(3/1)", "(3/3)", "(4/1)", "(4/2)", "(4/4)", "(5/1)", "(5/5)", "(6/1)", "(6/2)", "(6/3)", "(6/6)", "(7/1)", "(7/7)", "(8/1)", "(8/2)", "(8/4)", "(8/8)", "(9/1)", "(9/3)", "(9/9)", "(1*2)", "(1*3)", "(2*2)", "(1*4)", "(1*5)", "(3*2)", "(2*3)", "(1*6)", "(1*7)", "(4*2)", "(2*4)", "(1*8)", "(3*3)", "(1*9)", "(5*2)", "(2*5)", "(6*2)", "(4*3)", "(3*4)", "(2*6)", "(7*2)", "(2*7)", "(5*3)", "(3*5)", "(8*2)") / selectionrate = trial </list> <list MathDifficulty> / items = ( "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt01.currentindex </list> <list MathOpt02> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") </list> <list MathSign> / items = ( "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-") </list> <list MathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Alternate MathCorrect List Logic / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt02) / selectionrate = trial ************************************************************************************************************** <list MathRand> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6", "-7", "-8", "-9") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Initialization Trial for the Different Study Phases ************************************************************************************************************** <trial InitSetSize> / ontrialbegin = [values.currentsetsize=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracLetterSetSize.nextvalue}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.TestBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialend = [clear(item.PresentedLetters); clear(item.RecalledLetters)] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 0 / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.lettercount+=1] / ontrialend= [item.PresentedLetters.item=text.Letters.currentitem] / pretrialpause = 200 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, Letters, currentsetsize] / trialduration = values.learninginterval / validresponse = (noresponse) / branch = [if(values.lettercount==values.currentsetsize)trial.recall_letter] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial recall_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.recallcount+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.recallcount==1)values.recalldelay=500 else values.recalldelay=0] / pretrialpause = values.recalldelay / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit, recalledletters, recallprompt, letterstrings] / validresponse = (F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit) / monkeyresponse = ("F", "H", "J", "K", "exit") / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response!="exit" && trial.recall_letter.response!="clear") {item.RecalledLetters.item=trial.recall_letter.response; values.recalledletters=concat(values.recalledletters, trial.recall_letter.response)}] / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="clear") {clear(item.RecalledLetters); values.recalledletters=""}] / responsemessage = (F, clickF, 150) / responsemessage = (H, clickH, 150) / responsemessage = (J, clickJ, 150) / responsemessage = (K, clickK, 150) / responsemessage = (L, clickL, 150) / responsemessage = (N, clickN, 150) / responsemessage = (P, clickP, 150) / responsemessage = (Q, clickQ, 150) / responsemessage = (R, clickR, 150) / responsemessage = (S, clickS, 150) / responsemessage = (T, clickT, 150) / responsemessage = (Y, clickY, 150) / responsemessage = (clear, clickclear, 150) / responsemessage = (exit, clickexit, 150) / responsemessage = (_, click_, 150) / branch = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="exit")trial.letter_feedback else trial.recall_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Recall Feedback: In this trial, the presented letter sequenceis compared to the letter string the participant has entered. Feedback is given accordingly. This trial also handles reporting of math performance for Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth). ************************************************************************************************************** <trial letter_feedback> / pretrialpause = 500 / ontrialbegin = [values.correctletters=0] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.mathcurrenterrors>=3)values.matherrorswitch=2 else values.matherrorswitch=1] / ontrialbegin = [ if(item.RecalledLetters.item.1 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.1==item.RecalledLetters.item.1)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.2 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.2==item.RecalledLetters.item.2)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.3 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.3==item.RecalledLetters.item.3)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.4 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.4==item.RecalledLetters.item.4)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.5 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.5==item.RecalledLetters.item.5)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.6 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.6==item.RecalledLetters.item.6)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.7 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.7==item.RecalledLetters.item.7)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.8 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.8==item.RecalledLetters.item.8)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.9 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.9==item.RecalledLetters.item.9)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.10 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.10==item.RecalledLetters.item.10)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.11 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.11==item.RecalledLetters.item.11)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.12 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.12==item.RecalledLetters.item.12)values.correctletters+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.correctletters==values.currentsetsize) {values.ospan=values.ospan+values.correctletters; values.totalrecalledsets+=1}] / ontrialbegin = [values.totalcorrectletters=values.totalcorrectletters+values.correctletters] / ontrialend = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter" && list.PracLetterSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth" && list.PracBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth" && list.TestBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, LetterFeedback, MathFeedback, MathScore, scoredebug] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 2000 / branch = [trial.InitSetSize] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <trial prac_show_math> / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathProblem, PracMathPrompt] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / branch = [trial.prac_solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_solve_math> / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (list.PracMathCorrect.nextvalue) / responsemessage = (anyresponse, PracMathAnswer, 800) / correctmessage = true(correcttext, 800) / errormessage = true(incorrecttext, 800) / branch = [if(trial.prac_show_math.trialcount >= list.PracMathList.itemcount) trial.prac_math_feedback else trial.prac_show_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_math_feedback> / ontrialend = [values.stopblock=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, PracMathFeedback] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter-Math Practice & Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** Setting up Math Problems: 'InitMathProblem01' and 'InitMathProblem02' are used to set up and check the randomly generated math problems used for Letter-Math Practice (Block 'PracBoth') and Letter-Math Test (Block 'TestBoth'). Only math problems with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero are allowed in the task. The calculations contained in trial 'InitMathProblem01' ensure that the participant is given a math problem with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero. The adjustments may cause MathOpt02 to become zero. This *does* happen in the original version of the task programmed in E-Prime.To avoid MathOpt02=0 exchange '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' with '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0 || values.tmp_mathopt02==0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' <trial InitMathProblem01> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01==1) {values.tmp_mathopt01=list.MathOpt01.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathsign=list.MathSign.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02=list.MathOpt02.nextvalue; values.mathcorrect=list.MathCorrect.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02sign=concat(values.tmp_mathsign, values.tmp_mathopt02); values.tmp_mathopt02sign=evaluate(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1) {values.tmp_mathopt02sign+=3; values.tmp_mathopt02=abs(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1 && values.tmp_mathopt02sign>0) values.tmp_mathsign="+"] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem); values.mathtrueanswer=values.mathanswer] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="TRUE")trial.show_math] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="FALSE")trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> For trials that should present a *false* math answer, a randomly drawn integer ranging from -9 to +9 is added to the math problem's *true* result. The calculations contained in 'InitMathProblem02' ensure that this *false* answer is also greater than or equal to zero. <trial InitMathProblem02> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath02+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02==1)values.tmp_mathrand=list.MathRand.nextvalue] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02>1)values.tmp_mathrand+=2] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem)+values.tmp_mathrand] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathanswer!=values.mathtrueanswer)trial.show_math else trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** The following trials handle presentation of math problems and scoring of participants' responses. ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_math> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01=0; values.tmp_initmath02=0; values.mathproblemcount+=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathProblemDisplay, TestMathPrompt, mathtimeout] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / timeout = values.mathtimeout+500 / ontrialend = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown") {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathspeederrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / branch = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown")trial.show_letter else trial.solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial solve_math> / ontrialend = [if(trial.solve_math.correct==0) {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathaccerrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE, mathdebug] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (values.mathcorrect) / branch = [trial.show_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** SCORING ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. <trial score_report> / stimulusframes = [1=scorereport] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** BLOCKS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block PracLetter> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=white; text.MathScore.textcolor=white; values.stopblock=0] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block PracMath> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [values.mathaccuracy=0] / onblockend = [values.mathtimeout=(2.5*trial.prac_show_math.totalsdlatency)+trial.prac_show_math.totalmeanlatency] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=prac_show_math] </block> <block PracBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block TestBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPERIMENT ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <expt AOSPAN> / onexptbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / blocks = [1=InstrPracLetter; 2=PracLetter; 3=InstrPracMath; 4=PracMath; 5=InstrPracBoth; 6=PracBoth; 7=InstrTestBoth; 8=TestBoth; 9=InstrFinal] /onexptend = [values.completed = 1] </expt> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEBUG: On-Screen Debugging Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** These items are invisible by default. Enter 'debug' as subject id to enable them. <text currentsetsize> / items = ("Setsize: <%values.currentsetsize%> / Lettercount: <%values.lettercount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 5%) </text> <text letterstrings> / items = ("~tPresented Letters:~t<%item.PresentedLetters.item.1%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.2%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.3%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.4%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.5%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.6%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.7%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.8%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.9%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.10%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.11%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.12%> ~tRecalled Letters:~t<%item.RecalledLetters.item.1%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.2%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.3%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.4%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.5%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.6%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.7%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.8%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.9%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.10%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.11%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.12%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (55%, 5%) / position = (50%, 87%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text mathdebug> / items = ("~tMath Problem:~t~t<% text.MathProblem.currentitem %>~r ~tTrue Answer:~t~t<% values.mathtrueanswer %>~r ~tPresented Answer:~t<% values.mathcorrect %>~r~r") / size = (50%, 7%) / halign = center / hjustify = center / position = (45%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / erase = true(silver) </text> <text mathtimeout> / items = ("Timeout = <%values.mathtimeout%> ms~r Math Problem # <%values.mathproblemcount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 20%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text scoredebug> / items = ("OSPAN Score:~t~t<% values.ospan %> Total Number Correct:~t<% values.totalcorrectletters %>~r~r Math Errors (Total):~t<% values.mathtotalerrors %> Math Speed Errors:~t<% values.mathspeederrors %> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<% values.mathaccerrors %>~r~r") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 75%) / erase = true(white) </text> <monkey AOSPAN> / latencydistribution = normal(800, 200) / percentcorrect = 100 </monkey> ************************************************************************************************************** End of File ************************************************************************************************************** 0 | | |
And your question is? How can i use just the practice trials and instructions? I want to use the same task for another experiment. Copy everything run by <block InstrPracMath> and <block PracMath>, i.e. all the <trial> elements, associated stimuli (<text>, <shape>, etc.), <item> elements, and so forth.
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+x+x+x+x+xThank you! I am also trying to use the same practice trials and instructions from the operation span task. Is there an easy way to copy this from the operation span template on inquisit? |
Here is the entire syntax for the operation span task..... All I need are the instructions and the practice trials.
<usermanual> Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN) SCRIPT INFO Main Inquisit programming: David Nitz ( for Millisecond Software, LLC. Additional Inquisit programming: Jerry Grenard (, Sean Draine ( last updated: 01-20-2016 by K.Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC Script Copyright © 01-20-2016 Millisecond Software Task Copyright © 2005 by Dr. Randall Engle ( BACKGROUND INFO *Purpose* This script implements the Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN). Working Memory Span Tasks Reference: CONWAY, A.R.A., KANE, M.J.,BUNTING, M.F., D. ZACH HAMBRICK, D.Z., WILHELM, O., & ENGLE, R.W. (2005). Working memory span tasks: A methodological review and user’s guide. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2005, 12 (5), 769-786. *Task* Participants are presented a visual sequences of letters ranging from 3-7 letters (default) that need to be recalled at the end. Each letter in the sequence in preceded by a math problem ("(8*2) - 8 = ?") followed by a proposed solution ("e.g. 9") and participants have to decide whether the proposed solution is correct or not. Letter recall is tested by asking participants to selecte letters from a provided letter matrix. DATA FILE INFORMATION: The default data stored in the data files are: (1) Raw data file: 'AOSPAN_raw.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) build:Inquisit build computer.platform:the platform the script was run on date, time, subject, group:date and time script was run with the current subject/groupnumber blockcode, blocknum:the name and number of the current block trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial (Note: not all trials that are run might record data; by default data is collected unless /recorddata = false is set for a particular trial/block) stimulusitem:the presented stimuli in order of trial presentation response:the participant's response correct:the correctness of the response (1 = correct; 0 = incorrect) latency: the response latency (in ms) /currentsetsize: the number of letters to recall for the current problem text.letters.currentitem: the currently presented letter /mathproblemcount: counts the number of math problems in a given block text.MathProblem.currentitem: the currently presented math problem /mathtrueanswer:the correct math answer /mathanswer:the math response given /mathcorrect:1 = correct math response; 0 = incorrect math response /matheaccuracy: percentage of correctly solved math problems within the current block /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /recalledletters: the number of letters recalled of the current problem /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /totalrecalledsets: the number of correctly recalled sets (2) Summary data file: 'AOSPAN_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) script.startdate:date script was run script.starttime:time script was started script.subjectid:subject id number script.groupid:group id number script.elapsedtime:time it took to run script (in ms) computer.platform:the platform the script was run on /completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP 1 Practice Session (default): a) Practice of recalling sequences of letters of set sizes 2-3 in ascending order (4 trials) b) Practice of math task (15 trials) c) Combined practice of recalling sequence of letters (set size 2 only) and math problem: each letter is preceded by a math problem (3 trials) Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Test Session (default): 15 Trials (15 = 3 repetitions of 5 set sizes; order of set sizes is randomly determined): Recalling sequences of letters (set size 3-7): each letter is preceded by a math problem; Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Scoring: The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. STIMULI: Letters: T, L, Q, N, F, H, Y, S, P, K, R, J Math Problems (test): created on runtime; only math problems with a *true* result >= 0 are allowed in the task INSTRUCTIONS see section Editable Instructions EDITABLE CODE: check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment. </usermanual> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE STIMULI: change editable stimuli here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item PracMathProblem> / 01 = "(1*2) + 1 = ?" / 02 = "(1/1) - 1 = ?" / 03 = "(7*3) - 3 = ?" / 04 = "(4*3) + 4 = ?" / 05 = "(3/3) + 2 = ?" / 06 = "(2*6) - 4 = ?" / 07 = "(8*9) - 8 = ?" / 08 = "(4*5) - 5 = ?" / 09 = "(4*2) + 6 = ?" / 10 = "(4/4) + 7 = ?" / 11 = "(8*2) - 8 = ?" / 12 = "(2*9) - 9 = ?" / 13 = "(8/2) + 9 = ?" / 14 = "(3*8) - 1 = ?" / 15 = "(6/3) + 1 = ?" / 16 = "(9/3) - 2 = ?" </item> <item PracMathAnswer> / 01 = "3" / 02 = "2" / 03 = "18" / 04 = "16" / 05 = "1" / 06 = "6" / 07 = "64" / 08 = "11" / 09 = "14" / 10 = "12" / 11 = "2" / 12 = "9" / 13 = "7" / 14 = "23" / 15 = "3" / 16 = "7" </item> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE INSTRUCTIONS: change instructions here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item instructions> / 1 = "In this experiment you will try to memorize letters you see on the screen while you also solve simple math problems.~r In the next few minutes, you will have some practice to get you familiar with how the experiment works.~r We will begin by practicing the letter part of the experiment.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin." / 2 = "For this practice set, letters will appear on the screen one at a time. Try to remember each letter in the order presented.~r After a few sets, a recall screen will appear. Select the letters in the same order that you saw them. To do this, <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%>.~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 3 = "When you have selected all the letters, and they are in the correct order at the bottom of your screen, hit the EXIT box at the bottom right of the screen.~r If you make a mistake, hit the CLEAR box to start over.~r If you forget one of the letters, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> the BLANK box to mark the spot for the missing letter.~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to start the letter practice." / 4 = "Now you will practice doing the math part of the experiment.~r~r A math problem will appear on the screen, like this:~r (2 * 1) + 1 = ?~r Once the equation is presented, you should compute the correct answer as quickly as you can. When you know the correct answer, you will <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%>.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 5 = "You will see a number displayed on the next screen, along with a box marked TRUE and a box marked FALSE.~r If the number on the screen is the correct answer to the math problem, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the TRUE box with the mouse. If the number is not the correct answer, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the FALSE box.~r After you <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on one of the boxes, the computer will tell you if you made the right choice.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 6 = "It is VERY important that you get the math problems correct. It is also important that you try and solve the problem as quickly as you can.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 7 = "Now you will practice doing both parts of the experiment at the same time.~r~r You will be given one of the math problems and make your decision about the answer. Then, a letter will appear on the screen. Try and remember the letter.~r The computer will automatically move you onto the next letter part, if you do not answer fast enough. Skipping the True or False part will count that problem as a math error.~r Therefore it is VERY important to solve the problems as quickly and as accurately as possible.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 8 = "At the end of each set of letters and math problems, a recall screen will appear. Use the mouse to select the letters in the same order that you saw them. It is important to work QUICKLY and ACCURATELY on the math. After the recall screen, you will be given feedback about your performance regarding both the number of letters recalled and the percent correct on the math problems.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 9 = "During the feedback, you will see a number in red in the top right of the screen. This indicates your percent correct for the math problems for the entire experiment.~r It is VERY important for you to keep this at least at 85%. <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 10 = "That is the end of the practice.~r~r The real trials will look like the practice trials you just completed. Do you have any questions?~r~r~r If not, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin the experiment." / 11 = "Thank you for your participation." </item> <text scorereport> / items = ("~tResults for Subject #<%script.subjectid%>~r~r OSPAN Absolute Score:~t<%values.ospan%> OSPAN Total Correct:~t<%values.totalcorrectletters%>~r~r Math Total Errors:~t<%values.mathtotalerrors%> Math Speed Errors:~t<%values.mathspeederrors%> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<%values.mathaccerrors%>~r~r") / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (52%, 50%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> **************************************************************************************************** general instruction expressions: adjust the instruction text depending on device used to run script **************************************************************************************************** <expressions> /buttoninstruct1 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the screen";} else {"click the mouse button";} /buttoninstruct2 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the letters you want to select";} else {"use the mouse to select each letter";} /buttoninstruct3 = if (computer.touch) {"tap";} else {"click";} </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE LISTS: change editable lists here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Adjustable Task Lists: The following list elements contain the set sizes used for the different study phases. The set sizes determine how many letters the participant has to remember as well as the number of math problems she/he has to solve intermittently. The task can be extended by modifying these values. The script can handle a maximum set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracLetterSetSize> / items = (2,2,3,3) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracBothSetSize> / items = (2,2,2) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list TestBothSetSize> / items = (3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7) </list> ************************************************************************************************************** !!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!! ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEFAULTS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** script requires Inquisit or higher <defaults> / canvassize = (100%,100%) / canvasaspectratio = (4,3) / screencolor = white / txcolor = black / txbgcolor = transparent / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / inputdevice = mouse / minimumversion = "" / halign = center / valign = center </defaults> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DATA ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top ******************** raw data ******************** <data> / columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, latency, response, correct, values.currentsetsize, text.letters.currentitem, values.mathproblemcount, text.MathProblem.currentitem, values.mathtrueanswer, values.mathanswer, values.mathcorrect, values.mathaccuracy, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathaccerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathtimeout, values.recalledletters, values.totalcorrectletters, values.totalrecalledsets, values.ospan) / labels = true / separatefiles = true </data> ******************** summary data ******************** <summarydata> / columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed, values.ospan, values.totalcorrectletters, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathaccerrors) / separatefiles = true </summarydata> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** VALUES: automatically updated ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** /completed:0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) <values AOSPAN> /completed = 0 / stopblock=0 / learninginterval=1000 / currentsetsize=0 / lettercount=0 / correctletters=0 / totalcorrectletters=0 / ospan=0 / totalrecalledsets=0 / recalledletters="" / recallcount=0 / recalldelay=0 / mathaccuracy=0 / mathaccerrors=0 / mathcurrenterrors=0 / mathtotalerrors=0 / mathspeederrors=0 / mathtimeout=5000 / mathproblemcount=0 / matherrorswitch=1 / mathcorrect="" / tmp_mathopt01="" / tmp_mathopt02=0 / tmp_mathsign="" / tmp_mathopt02sign="" / mathtrueanswer=0 / tmp_mathrand=0 / mathanswer=0 / tmp_initmath01=0 / tmp_initmath02=0 </values> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPRESSIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Letter String Generation is handled by two list elements: PracLetterList and TestLetterList. Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. Switching between lists according to current study phase is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode'. <expressions AOSPAN> / selectionmode = if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")PracLetterList else TestLetterList </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block InstrPracLetter> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracMath> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracBoth> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrTestBoth> / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrFinal> / trials = [1=instructions; 2=score_report] / recorddata = false </block> <trial instructions> / pretrialpause = 250 / posttrialpause = 250 / stimulustimes = [1=instructions] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / responsetime = 2000 / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (90%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = sequence / resetinterval = 0 </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The Letter Sequence Generation is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode': Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. <text Letters> / items = ("F","P","Q","J","H","K","T","S","N","R","Y","L") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5.0%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = expressions.selectionmode </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Empty Item Elements for Storing Presented and Recalled Letter Sequences ************************************************************************************************************** <item PresentedLetters> </item> <item RecalledLetters> </item> ************************************************************************************************************** Screen Layout Elements for the Letter Recall Grid ************************************************************************************************************** <text F> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text H> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text J> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text K> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text L> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text N> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text P> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Q> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text R> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text S> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text T> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Y> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text _> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text exit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickF> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickH> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickJ> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickK> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickL> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickN> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickP> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickQ> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickR> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickS> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickT> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickY> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text click_> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickclear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickexit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text recalledletters> / items = ("<%values.recalledletters%>") / position = (50%, 80%) / txcolor = red / erase = false </text> <text recallprompt> / items = ("Select the letters in the order presented. Use the blank button to fill in forgotten items.") / position = (50%, 5%) / size = (95%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / erase = false </text> <text LetterFeedback> / items = ("You recalled <%values.correctletters%> out of <%values.lettercount%> letters correctly.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(white) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Practice Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems are hardcoded only for the Math Practice Phase (Block PracMath). For all other Study Phases (Block PracBoth & Block TestBoth) the Math Problems are generated dynamically. ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <text PracMathProblem> / items = PracMathProblem / position = (50%, 45%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = PracMathList </text> <text PracMathAnswer> / items = PracMathAnswer / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = false / select = current(PracMathProblem) </text> <text PracMathFeedback> / items = ("You were correct on <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalcorrectcount%> of <%list.PracMathList.itemcount%> math trials. That is <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalpercentcorrect%> percent correct.~r~r~r Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (65%, 50%) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Text and Layout Items used for the Math Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <text MathProblemDisplay> / items = ("<%text.MathProblem.currentitem%> = ?") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathProblem> / items = ("<%values.tmp_mathopt01%> <%values.tmp_mathsign%> <%values.tmp_mathopt02%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathCorrect> / items = ("<%text.MathCorrect.selectedvalue%>") / select = noreplace / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 60%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathAnswer> / items = ("<%values.mathanswer%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathScore> / items = ("<%values.mathaccuracy%>%") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / position = (85%, 15%) / size = (10%, 10%) </text> <text MathFeedback> / items = ( "You made <%values.mathcurrenterrors%> math error(s) on this set of trials.", "You have made a total of 3 or more math errors during this set of trials. Please do your best on the math.") / select = values.matherrorswitch / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (80%, 30%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) </text> <text TRUE> / items = ("TRUE") / position = (31%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text FALSE> / items = ("FALSE") / position = (69%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text TestMathPrompt> / items = ("Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = false </text> <text PracMathPrompt> / items = ("When you have solved the math problem,~nclick the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text correcttext> / items = ("Correct") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> <text incorrecttext> / items = ("Incorrect") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: General Purpose Screen Layout Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <shape GrayFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = silver / size = (78.3%, 78%) / erase = false </shape> <shape BlackFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = black / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> <shape WhiteScreen> / shape = rectangle / color = white / size = (100%, 100%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** LISTS: ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ******************************* Item Selection ******************************* Beware: Item Selection differs between the task's Practice and Test Phases! Generally, the single-task practice phases (Blocks PracLetter & PracMath) rely on sequential item selection. The phases involving both tasks (Blocks PracBoth & TestBoth) use random selection without replacement. <list PracLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> <list TestLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) </list> <list PracMathList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) </list> ******************************* Math ******************************* <list PracMathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = text.PracMathProblem.currentindex </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Test Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** Generating the math problem has 4 steps 1. Selection of the first operation, MathOpt01: "(9/3)" 2. Selection of the second operation, MathOpt012: "- 2" 3. Selection of whether the answer presented to subjects should be true or false, MathCorrect: "TRUE" or "FALSE" 4. A random number added to the correct answer to make it false, MathRand: "3" Additional Math Operations (add to List 'MathOpt01'): "(4*4)", "(2*8)", "(9*2)", "(6*3)", "(3*6)", "(2*9)", "(5*4)", "(4*5)", "(7*3)", "(3*7)", "(8*3)", "(6*4)", "(4*6)", "(3*8)", "(5*5)", "(9*3)", "(3*9)", "(7*4)", "(4*7)", "(6*5)", "(5*6)", "(8*4)", "(4*8)", "(7*5)", "(5*7)", "(9*4)", "(6*6)", "(4*9)", "(8*5)", "(5*8)", "(7*6)", "(6*7)", "(9*5)", "(5*9)", "(8*6)", "(6*8)", "(7*7)", "(9*6)", "(6*9)", "(8*7)", "(7*8)", "(9*7)", "(7*9)", "(8*8)", "(9*8)", "(8*9)", "(9*9)" Difficulties for Additional Operations (add to List 'MathDifficulty'): "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4" <list MathOpt01> / items = ( "(1/1)", "(2/1)", "(2/2)", "(3/1)", "(3/3)", "(4/1)", "(4/2)", "(4/4)", "(5/1)", "(5/5)", "(6/1)", "(6/2)", "(6/3)", "(6/6)", "(7/1)", "(7/7)", "(8/1)", "(8/2)", "(8/4)", "(8/8)", "(9/1)", "(9/3)", "(9/9)", "(1*2)", "(1*3)", "(2*2)", "(1*4)", "(1*5)", "(3*2)", "(2*3)", "(1*6)", "(1*7)", "(4*2)", "(2*4)", "(1*8)", "(3*3)", "(1*9)", "(5*2)", "(2*5)", "(6*2)", "(4*3)", "(3*4)", "(2*6)", "(7*2)", "(2*7)", "(5*3)", "(3*5)", "(8*2)") / selectionrate = trial </list> <list MathDifficulty> / items = ( "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt01.currentindex </list> <list MathOpt02> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") </list> <list MathSign> / items = ( "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-") </list> <list MathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Alternate MathCorrect List Logic / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt02) / selectionrate = trial ************************************************************************************************************** <list MathRand> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6", "-7", "-8", "-9") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Initialization Trial for the Different Study Phases ************************************************************************************************************** <trial InitSetSize> / ontrialbegin = [values.currentsetsize=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracLetterSetSize.nextvalue}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.TestBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialend = [clear(item.PresentedLetters); clear(item.RecalledLetters)] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 0 / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.lettercount+=1] / ontrialend= [item.PresentedLetters.item=text.Letters.currentitem] / pretrialpause = 200 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, Letters, currentsetsize] / trialduration = values.learninginterval / validresponse = (noresponse) / branch = [if(values.lettercount==values.currentsetsize)trial.recall_letter] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial recall_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.recallcount+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.recallcount==1)values.recalldelay=500 else values.recalldelay=0] / pretrialpause = values.recalldelay / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit, recalledletters, recallprompt, letterstrings] / validresponse = (F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit) / monkeyresponse = ("F", "H", "J", "K", "exit") / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response!="exit" && trial.recall_letter.response!="clear") {item.RecalledLetters.item=trial.recall_letter.response; values.recalledletters=concat(values.recalledletters, trial.recall_letter.response)}] / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="clear") {clear(item.RecalledLetters); values.recalledletters=""}] / responsemessage = (F, clickF, 150) / responsemessage = (H, clickH, 150) / responsemessage = (J, clickJ, 150) / responsemessage = (K, clickK, 150) / responsemessage = (L, clickL, 150) / responsemessage = (N, clickN, 150) / responsemessage = (P, clickP, 150) / responsemessage = (Q, clickQ, 150) / responsemessage = (R, clickR, 150) / responsemessage = (S, clickS, 150) / responsemessage = (T, clickT, 150) / responsemessage = (Y, clickY, 150) / responsemessage = (clear, clickclear, 150) / responsemessage = (exit, clickexit, 150) / responsemessage = (_, click_, 150) / branch = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="exit")trial.letter_feedback else trial.recall_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Recall Feedback: In this trial, the presented letter sequenceis compared to the letter string the participant has entered. Feedback is given accordingly. This trial also handles reporting of math performance for Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth). ************************************************************************************************************** <trial letter_feedback> / pretrialpause = 500 / ontrialbegin = [values.correctletters=0] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.mathcurrenterrors>=3)values.matherrorswitch=2 else values.matherrorswitch=1] / ontrialbegin = [ if(item.RecalledLetters.item.1 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.1==item.RecalledLetters.item.1)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.2 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.2==item.RecalledLetters.item.2)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.3 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.3==item.RecalledLetters.item.3)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.4 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.4==item.RecalledLetters.item.4)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.5 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.5==item.RecalledLetters.item.5)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.6 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.6==item.RecalledLetters.item.6)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.7 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.7==item.RecalledLetters.item.7)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.8 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.8==item.RecalledLetters.item.8)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.9 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.9==item.RecalledLetters.item.9)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.10 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.10==item.RecalledLetters.item.10)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.11 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.11==item.RecalledLetters.item.11)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.12 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.12==item.RecalledLetters.item.12)values.correctletters+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.correctletters==values.currentsetsize) {values.ospan=values.ospan+values.correctletters; values.totalrecalledsets+=1}] / ontrialbegin = [values.totalcorrectletters=values.totalcorrectletters+values.correctletters] / ontrialend = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter" && list.PracLetterSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth" && list.PracBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth" && list.TestBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, LetterFeedback, MathFeedback, MathScore, scoredebug] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 2000 / branch = [trial.InitSetSize] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <trial prac_show_math> / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathProblem, PracMathPrompt] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / branch = [trial.prac_solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_solve_math> / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (list.PracMathCorrect.nextvalue) / responsemessage = (anyresponse, PracMathAnswer, 800) / correctmessage = true(correcttext, 800) / errormessage = true(incorrecttext, 800) / branch = [if(trial.prac_show_math.trialcount >= list.PracMathList.itemcount) trial.prac_math_feedback else trial.prac_show_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_math_feedback> / ontrialend = [values.stopblock=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, PracMathFeedback] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter-Math Practice & Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** Setting up Math Problems: 'InitMathProblem01' and 'InitMathProblem02' are used to set up and check the randomly generated math problems used for Letter-Math Practice (Block 'PracBoth') and Letter-Math Test (Block 'TestBoth'). Only math problems with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero are allowed in the task. The calculations contained in trial 'InitMathProblem01' ensure that the participant is given a math problem with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero. The adjustments may cause MathOpt02 to become zero. This *does* happen in the original version of the task programmed in E-Prime.To avoid MathOpt02=0 exchange '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' with '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0 || values.tmp_mathopt02==0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' <trial InitMathProblem01> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01==1) {values.tmp_mathopt01=list.MathOpt01.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathsign=list.MathSign.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02=list.MathOpt02.nextvalue; values.mathcorrect=list.MathCorrect.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02sign=concat(values.tmp_mathsign, values.tmp_mathopt02); values.tmp_mathopt02sign=evaluate(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1) {values.tmp_mathopt02sign+=3; values.tmp_mathopt02=abs(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1 && values.tmp_mathopt02sign>0) values.tmp_mathsign="+"] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem); values.mathtrueanswer=values.mathanswer] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="TRUE")trial.show_math] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="FALSE")trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> For trials that should present a *false* math answer, a randomly drawn integer ranging from -9 to +9 is added to the math problem's *true* result. The calculations contained in 'InitMathProblem02' ensure that this *false* answer is also greater than or equal to zero. <trial InitMathProblem02> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath02+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02==1)values.tmp_mathrand=list.MathRand.nextvalue] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02>1)values.tmp_mathrand+=2] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem)+values.tmp_mathrand] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathanswer!=values.mathtrueanswer)trial.show_math else trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** The following trials handle presentation of math problems and scoring of participants' responses. ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_math> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01=0; values.tmp_initmath02=0; values.mathproblemcount+=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathProblemDisplay, TestMathPrompt, mathtimeout] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / timeout = values.mathtimeout+500 / ontrialend = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown") {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathspeederrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / branch = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown")trial.show_letter else trial.solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial solve_math> / ontrialend = [if(trial.solve_math.correct==0) {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathaccerrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE, mathdebug] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (values.mathcorrect) / branch = [trial.show_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** SCORING ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. <trial score_report> / stimulusframes = [1=scorereport] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** BLOCKS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block PracLetter> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=white; text.MathScore.textcolor=white; values.stopblock=0] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block PracMath> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [values.mathaccuracy=0] / onblockend = [values.mathtimeout=(2.5*trial.prac_show_math.totalsdlatency)+trial.prac_show_math.totalmeanlatency] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=prac_show_math] </block> <block PracBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block TestBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPERIMENT ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <expt AOSPAN> / onexptbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / blocks = [1=InstrPracLetter; 2=PracLetter; 3=InstrPracMath; 4=PracMath; 5=InstrPracBoth; 6=PracBoth; 7=InstrTestBoth; 8=TestBoth; 9=InstrFinal] /onexptend = [values.completed = 1] </expt> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEBUG: On-Screen Debugging Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** These items are invisible by default. Enter 'debug' as subject id to enable them. <text currentsetsize> / items = ("Setsize: <%values.currentsetsize%> / Lettercount: <%values.lettercount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 5%) </text> <text letterstrings> / items = ("~tPresented Letters:~t<%item.PresentedLetters.item.1%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.2%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.3%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.4%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.5%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.6%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.7%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.8%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.9%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.10%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.11%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.12%> ~tRecalled Letters:~t<%item.RecalledLetters.item.1%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.2%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.3%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.4%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.5%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.6%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.7%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.8%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.9%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.10%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.11%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.12%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (55%, 5%) / position = (50%, 87%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text mathdebug> / items = ("~tMath Problem:~t~t<% text.MathProblem.currentitem %>~r ~tTrue Answer:~t~t<% values.mathtrueanswer %>~r ~tPresented Answer:~t<% values.mathcorrect %>~r~r") / size = (50%, 7%) / halign = center / hjustify = center / position = (45%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / erase = true(silver) </text> <text mathtimeout> / items = ("Timeout = <%values.mathtimeout%> ms~r Math Problem # <%values.mathproblemcount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 20%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text scoredebug> / items = ("OSPAN Score:~t~t<% values.ospan %> Total Number Correct:~t<% values.totalcorrectletters %>~r~r Math Errors (Total):~t<% values.mathtotalerrors %> Math Speed Errors:~t<% values.mathspeederrors %> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<% values.mathaccerrors %>~r~r") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 75%) / erase = true(white) </text> <monkey AOSPAN> / latencydistribution = normal(800, 200) / percentcorrect = 100 </monkey> ************************************************************************************************************** End of File ************************************************************************************************************** 0 | | |
And your question is? How can i use just the practice trials and instructions? I want to use the same task for another experiment. Copy everything run by <block InstrPracMath> and <block PracMath>, i.e. all the <trial> elements, associated stimuli (<text>, <shape>, etc.), <item> elements, and so forth. Here's all that's needed for just the math practice part: ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Variables and Routines for Scoring and Adjusting Task Flow ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <values> / stopblock=0 / mathaccuracy=0 / mathproblemcount=0 / mathtotalerrors=0 </values> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Trial Definitions ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracMathList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) </list> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Trials ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <trial prac_show_math> / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathProblem, PracMathPrompt] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / branch = [trial.prac_solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_solve_math> / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / iscorrectresponse = [trial.prac_solve_math.response==list.PracMathCorrect.nextvalue] / responsemessage = (anyresponse, PracMathAnswer, 800) / correctmessage = true(correcttext, 800) / errormessage = true(incorrecttext, 800) / branch = [if(trial.prac_show_math.trialcount >= list.PracMathList.itemcount) trial.prac_math_feedback else trial.prac_show_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_math_feedback> / ontrialend = [values.stopblock=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, PracMathFeedback] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> <text PracMathFeedback> / items = ("You were correct on <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalcorrectcount%> of <%list.PracMathList.itemcount%> math trials. That is <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalpercentcorrect%> percent correct.~r~r~r Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (65%, 50%) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Practice Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems are hardcoded only for the Math Practice Phase (Block PracMath). For all other Study Phases (Block PracBoth & Block TestBoth) the Math Problems are generated dynamically. ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <text PracMathProblem> / items = PracMathProblem / position = (50%, 45%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = PracMathList </text> <item PracMathProblem> / 01 = "(1*2) + 1 = ?" / 02 = "(1/1) - 1 = ?" / 03 = "(7*3) - 3 = ?" / 04 = "(4*3) + 4 = ?" / 05 = "(3/3) + 2 = ?" / 06 = "(2*6) - 4 = ?" / 07 = "(8*9) - 8 = ?" / 08 = "(4*5) - 5 = ?" / 09 = "(4*2) + 6 = ?" / 10 = "(4/4) + 7 = ?" / 11 = "(8*2) - 8 = ?" / 12 = "(2*9) - 9 = ?" / 13 = "(8/2) + 9 = ?" / 14 = "(3*8) - 1 = ?" / 15 = "(6/3) + 1 = ?" / 16 = "(9/3) - 2 = ?" </item> <text PracMathAnswer> / items = PracMathAnswer / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = false / select = current(PracMathProblem) </text> <item PracMathAnswer> / 01 = "3" / 02 = "2" / 03 = "18" / 04 = "16" / 05 = "1" / 06 = "6" / 07 = "64" / 08 = "11" / 09 = "14" / 10 = "12" / 11 = "2" / 12 = "9" / 13 = "7" / 14 = "23" / 15 = "3" / 16 = "7" </item> <list PracMathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = text.PracMathProblem.currentindex </list> <text TRUE> / items = ("TRUE") / position = (31%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = (white) / erase = false </text> <text FALSE> / items = ("FALSE") / position = (69%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = (white) / erase = false </text> <text PracMathPrompt> / items = ("When you have solved the math problem,~nclick the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text correcttext> / items = ("Correct") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = (blue) / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> <text incorrecttext> / items = ("Incorrect") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = (blue) / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** General Purpose Screen Layout Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <shape GrayFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = (silver) / size = (78.3%, 78%) / erase = false </shape> <shape BlackFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = (black) / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> <shape WhiteScreen> / shape = rectangle / color = (white) / size = (100%, 100%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Task Instructions ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block InstrPracMath> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <trial instructions> / pretrialpause = 250 / posttrialpause = 250 / stimulustimes = [1=instructions] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / responsetime = 2000 / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (90%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = sequence / resetinterval = 0 </text> <item instructions> / 1 = "Now you will practice doing the math part of the experiment.~r~r A math problem will appear on the screen, like this:~r (2 * 1) + 1 = ?~r As soon as you see the math problem, you should compute the correct answer. In the above problem, the answer 3 is correct.~r When you know the correct answer, you will click the mouse button.~r~r Click the mouse button to continue." / 2 = "You will see a number displayed on the next screen, along with a box marked TRUE and a box marked FALSE.~r If the number on the screen is the correct answer to the math problem, click on the TRUE box with the mouse. If the number is not the correct answer, click on the FALSE box.~r For example, if you see the problem~r (2 * 2) + 1 = ?~r and the number on the following screen is 5 click the TRUE box, because the answer is correct.~r If you see the problem~r (2 * 2) + 1 = ?~r and the number on the next screen is 6 click the FALSE box, because the correct answer is 5, not 6.~r After you click on one of the boxes, the computer will tell you if you made the right choice.~r~r~r Click the left mouse button to continue." / 3 = "It is VERY important that you get the math problems correct. It is also important that you try and solve the problem as quickly as you can.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r When you're ready, click the mouse to try some practice problems." </item> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Block Definitions for Study Phases ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block PracMath> / onblockbegin = [values.mathaccuracy=0] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=prac_show_math] </block> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Experiment Definition ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=InstrPracMath; 2=PracMath] </expt> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Default Settings For Entire Experiment / Data Output ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <defaults> / canvassize = (100%,100%) / canvasaspectratio = (4,3) / screencolor = (white) / txcolor = (black) / txbgcolor = (transparent) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / inputdevice = mouse / minimumversion = "" / halign = center / valign = center </defaults> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** END OF FILE ************************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************
Group: Awaiting Activation
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+x+x+x+x+x+xThank you! I am also trying to use the same practice trials and instructions from the operation span task. Is there an easy way to copy this from the operation span template on inquisit? |
Here is the entire syntax for the operation span task..... All I need are the instructions and the practice trials.
<usermanual> Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN) SCRIPT INFO Main Inquisit programming: David Nitz ( for Millisecond Software, LLC. Additional Inquisit programming: Jerry Grenard (, Sean Draine ( last updated: 01-20-2016 by K.Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC Script Copyright © 01-20-2016 Millisecond Software Task Copyright © 2005 by Dr. Randall Engle ( BACKGROUND INFO *Purpose* This script implements the Automated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN). Working Memory Span Tasks Reference: CONWAY, A.R.A., KANE, M.J.,BUNTING, M.F., D. ZACH HAMBRICK, D.Z., WILHELM, O., & ENGLE, R.W. (2005). Working memory span tasks: A methodological review and user’s guide. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2005, 12 (5), 769-786. *Task* Participants are presented a visual sequences of letters ranging from 3-7 letters (default) that need to be recalled at the end. Each letter in the sequence in preceded by a math problem ("(8*2) - 8 = ?") followed by a proposed solution ("e.g. 9") and participants have to decide whether the proposed solution is correct or not. Letter recall is tested by asking participants to selecte letters from a provided letter matrix. DATA FILE INFORMATION: The default data stored in the data files are: (1) Raw data file: 'AOSPAN_raw.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) build:Inquisit build computer.platform:the platform the script was run on date, time, subject, group:date and time script was run with the current subject/groupnumber blockcode, blocknum:the name and number of the current block trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial (Note: not all trials that are run might record data; by default data is collected unless /recorddata = false is set for a particular trial/block) stimulusitem:the presented stimuli in order of trial presentation response:the participant's response correct:the correctness of the response (1 = correct; 0 = incorrect) latency: the response latency (in ms) /currentsetsize: the number of letters to recall for the current problem text.letters.currentitem: the currently presented letter /mathproblemcount: counts the number of math problems in a given block text.MathProblem.currentitem: the currently presented math problem /mathtrueanswer:the correct math answer /mathanswer:the math response given /mathcorrect:1 = correct math response; 0 = incorrect math response /matheaccuracy: percentage of correctly solved math problems within the current block /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /recalledletters: the number of letters recalled of the current problem /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /totalrecalledsets: the number of correctly recalled sets (2) Summary data file: 'AOSPAN_summary*.iqdat' (a separate file for each participant) script.startdate:date script was run script.starttime:time script was started script.subjectid:subject id number script.groupid:group id number script.elapsedtime:time it took to run script (in ms) computer.platform:the platform the script was run on /completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. /mathtotalerrors: counts number of any errors (speed or accuracy) made during math problems within the current block /mathaccerrors: counts the number of incorrectly solved math problems within the current block /mathspeederrors: counts the number of times participant ran out of time when solving the math problems within the current block /ospan:The OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). /totalcorrectletters: the total number of letters recalled in the correct position. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP 1 Practice Session (default): a) Practice of recalling sequences of letters of set sizes 2-3 in ascending order (4 trials) b) Practice of math task (15 trials) c) Combined practice of recalling sequence of letters (set size 2 only) and math problem: each letter is preceded by a math problem (3 trials) Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Test Session (default): 15 Trials (15 = 3 repetitions of 5 set sizes; order of set sizes is randomly determined): Recalling sequences of letters (set size 3-7): each letter is preceded by a math problem; Letter recall is done by picking out letters from a provided letter matrix. Scoring: The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. STIMULI: Letters: T, L, Q, N, F, H, Y, S, P, K, R, J Math Problems (test): created on runtime; only math problems with a *true* result >= 0 are allowed in the task INSTRUCTIONS see section Editable Instructions EDITABLE CODE: check below for (relatively) easily editable parameters, stimuli, instructions etc. Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to further customize your experiment. </usermanual> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE STIMULI: change editable stimuli here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item PracMathProblem> / 01 = "(1*2) + 1 = ?" / 02 = "(1/1) - 1 = ?" / 03 = "(7*3) - 3 = ?" / 04 = "(4*3) + 4 = ?" / 05 = "(3/3) + 2 = ?" / 06 = "(2*6) - 4 = ?" / 07 = "(8*9) - 8 = ?" / 08 = "(4*5) - 5 = ?" / 09 = "(4*2) + 6 = ?" / 10 = "(4/4) + 7 = ?" / 11 = "(8*2) - 8 = ?" / 12 = "(2*9) - 9 = ?" / 13 = "(8/2) + 9 = ?" / 14 = "(3*8) - 1 = ?" / 15 = "(6/3) + 1 = ?" / 16 = "(9/3) - 2 = ?" </item> <item PracMathAnswer> / 01 = "3" / 02 = "2" / 03 = "18" / 04 = "16" / 05 = "1" / 06 = "6" / 07 = "64" / 08 = "11" / 09 = "14" / 10 = "12" / 11 = "2" / 12 = "9" / 13 = "7" / 14 = "23" / 15 = "3" / 16 = "7" </item> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE INSTRUCTIONS: change instructions here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <item instructions> / 1 = "In this experiment you will try to memorize letters you see on the screen while you also solve simple math problems.~r In the next few minutes, you will have some practice to get you familiar with how the experiment works.~r We will begin by practicing the letter part of the experiment.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin." / 2 = "For this practice set, letters will appear on the screen one at a time. Try to remember each letter in the order presented.~r After a few sets, a recall screen will appear. Select the letters in the same order that you saw them. To do this, <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%>.~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 3 = "When you have selected all the letters, and they are in the correct order at the bottom of your screen, hit the EXIT box at the bottom right of the screen.~r If you make a mistake, hit the CLEAR box to start over.~r If you forget one of the letters, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> the BLANK box to mark the spot for the missing letter.~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to start the letter practice." / 4 = "Now you will practice doing the math part of the experiment.~r~r A math problem will appear on the screen, like this:~r (2 * 1) + 1 = ?~r Once the equation is presented, you should compute the correct answer as quickly as you can. When you know the correct answer, you will <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%>.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 5 = "You will see a number displayed on the next screen, along with a box marked TRUE and a box marked FALSE.~r If the number on the screen is the correct answer to the math problem, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the TRUE box with the mouse. If the number is not the correct answer, <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on the FALSE box.~r After you <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> on one of the boxes, the computer will tell you if you made the right choice.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 6 = "It is VERY important that you get the math problems correct. It is also important that you try and solve the problem as quickly as you can.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r When you're ready, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 7 = "Now you will practice doing both parts of the experiment at the same time.~r~r You will be given one of the math problems and make your decision about the answer. Then, a letter will appear on the screen. Try and remember the letter.~r The computer will automatically move you onto the next letter part, if you do not answer fast enough. Skipping the True or False part will count that problem as a math error.~r Therefore it is VERY important to solve the problems as quickly and as accurately as possible.~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 8 = "At the end of each set of letters and math problems, a recall screen will appear. Use the mouse to select the letters in the same order that you saw them. It is important to work QUICKLY and ACCURATELY on the math. After the recall screen, you will be given feedback about your performance regarding both the number of letters recalled and the percent correct on the math problems.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to continue." / 9 = "During the feedback, you will see a number in red in the top right of the screen. This indicates your percent correct for the math problems for the entire experiment.~r It is VERY important for you to keep this at least at 85%. <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to try some practice problems." / 10 = "That is the end of the practice.~r~r The real trials will look like the practice trials you just completed. Do you have any questions?~r~r~r If not, <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%> to begin the experiment." / 11 = "Thank you for your participation." </item> <text scorereport> / items = ("~tResults for Subject #<%script.subjectid%>~r~r OSPAN Absolute Score:~t<%values.ospan%> OSPAN Total Correct:~t<%values.totalcorrectletters%>~r~r Math Total Errors:~t<%values.mathtotalerrors%> Math Speed Errors:~t<%values.mathspeederrors%> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<%values.mathaccerrors%>~r~r") / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (52%, 50%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> **************************************************************************************************** general instruction expressions: adjust the instruction text depending on device used to run script **************************************************************************************************** <expressions> /buttoninstruct1 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the screen";} else {"click the mouse button";} /buttoninstruct2 = if (computer.touch) {"tap the letters you want to select";} else {"use the mouse to select each letter";} /buttoninstruct3 = if (computer.touch) {"tap";} else {"click";} </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE LISTS: change editable lists here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Adjustable Task Lists: The following list elements contain the set sizes used for the different study phases. The set sizes determine how many letters the participant has to remember as well as the number of math problems she/he has to solve intermittently. The task can be extended by modifying these values. The script can handle a maximum set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. set size of 12, task flow will be adjusted automatically. ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracLetterSetSize> / items = (2,2,3,3) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracBothSetSize> / items = (2,2,2) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Set Sizes for Letter & Math Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <list TestBothSetSize> / items = (3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7) </list> ************************************************************************************************************** !!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!! ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEFAULTS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** script requires Inquisit or higher <defaults> / canvassize = (100%,100%) / canvasaspectratio = (4,3) / screencolor = white / txcolor = black / txbgcolor = transparent / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / inputdevice = mouse / minimumversion = "" / halign = center / valign = center </defaults> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DATA ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top ******************** raw data ******************** <data> / columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, latency, response, correct, values.currentsetsize, text.letters.currentitem, values.mathproblemcount, text.MathProblem.currentitem, values.mathtrueanswer, values.mathanswer, values.mathcorrect, values.mathaccuracy, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathaccerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathtimeout, values.recalledletters, values.totalcorrectletters, values.totalrecalledsets, values.ospan) / labels = true / separatefiles = true </data> ******************** summary data ******************** <summarydata> / columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed, values.ospan, values.totalcorrectletters, values.mathtotalerrors, values.mathspeederrors, values.mathaccerrors) / separatefiles = true </summarydata> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** VALUES: automatically updated ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** /completed:0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) <values AOSPAN> /completed = 0 / stopblock=0 / learninginterval=1000 / currentsetsize=0 / lettercount=0 / correctletters=0 / totalcorrectletters=0 / ospan=0 / totalrecalledsets=0 / recalledletters="" / recallcount=0 / recalldelay=0 / mathaccuracy=0 / mathaccerrors=0 / mathcurrenterrors=0 / mathtotalerrors=0 / mathspeederrors=0 / mathtimeout=5000 / mathproblemcount=0 / matherrorswitch=1 / mathcorrect="" / tmp_mathopt01="" / tmp_mathopt02=0 / tmp_mathsign="" / tmp_mathopt02sign="" / mathtrueanswer=0 / tmp_mathrand=0 / mathanswer=0 / tmp_initmath01=0 / tmp_initmath02=0 </values> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPRESSIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Letter String Generation is handled by two list elements: PracLetterList and TestLetterList. Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. Switching between lists according to current study phase is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode'. <expressions AOSPAN> / selectionmode = if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")PracLetterList else TestLetterList </expressions> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block InstrPracLetter> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracMath> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrPracBoth> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrTestBoth> / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block InstrFinal> / trials = [1=instructions; 2=score_report] / recorddata = false </block> <trial instructions> / pretrialpause = 250 / posttrialpause = 250 / stimulustimes = [1=instructions] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / responsetime = 2000 / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (90%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = sequence / resetinterval = 0 </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The Letter Sequence Generation is handled dynamically by 'expressions.selectionmode': Letter Practice (Block PracLetter) uses sequential selection. Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth) use random selection without replacement for each sequence. <text Letters> / items = ("F","P","Q","J","H","K","T","S","N","R","Y","L") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5.0%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = expressions.selectionmode </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Empty Item Elements for Storing Presented and Recalled Letter Sequences ************************************************************************************************************** <item PresentedLetters> </item> <item RecalledLetters> </item> ************************************************************************************************************** Screen Layout Elements for the Letter Recall Grid ************************************************************************************************************** <text F> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text H> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text J> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text K> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text L> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text N> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text P> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Q> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text R> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text S> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text T> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text Y> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text _> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text exit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickF> / items = ("F") / position = (25%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickH> / items = ("H") / position = (50%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickJ> / items = ("J") / position = (75%, 18%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickK> / items = ("K") / position = (25%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickL> / items = ("L") / position = (50%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickN> / items = ("N") / position = (75%, 33%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickP> / items = ("P") / position = (25%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickQ> / items = ("Q") / position = (50%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickR> / items = ("R") / position = (75%, 48%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickS> / items = ("S") / position = (25%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickT> / items = ("T") / position = (50%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text clickY> / items = ("Y") / position = (75%, 63%) / size = (5%, 6%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false </text> <text click_> / items = ("BLANK") / position = (50%, 72%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickclear> / items = ("CLEAR") / position = (18%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text clickexit> / items = ("EXIT") / position = (82%, 87%) / size = (13%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / erase = false </text> <text recalledletters> / items = ("<%values.recalledletters%>") / position = (50%, 80%) / txcolor = red / erase = false </text> <text recallprompt> / items = ("Select the letters in the order presented. Use the blank button to fill in forgotten items.") / position = (50%, 5%) / size = (95%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / erase = false </text> <text LetterFeedback> / items = ("You recalled <%values.correctletters%> out of <%values.lettercount%> letters correctly.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(white) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Practice Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems are hardcoded only for the Math Practice Phase (Block PracMath). For all other Study Phases (Block PracBoth & Block TestBoth) the Math Problems are generated dynamically. ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <text PracMathProblem> / items = PracMathProblem / position = (50%, 45%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = PracMathList </text> <text PracMathAnswer> / items = PracMathAnswer / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = false / select = current(PracMathProblem) </text> <text PracMathFeedback> / items = ("You were correct on <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalcorrectcount%> of <%list.PracMathList.itemcount%> math trials. That is <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalpercentcorrect%> percent correct.~r~r~r Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (65%, 50%) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center </text> ************************************************************************************************************** Text and Layout Items used for the Math Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <text MathProblemDisplay> / items = ("<%text.MathProblem.currentitem%> = ?") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathProblem> / items = ("<%values.tmp_mathopt01%> <%values.tmp_mathsign%> <%values.tmp_mathopt02%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / hjustify = left / position = (50%, 45%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathCorrect> / items = ("<%text.MathCorrect.selectedvalue%>") / select = noreplace / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 60%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathAnswer> / items = ("<%values.mathanswer%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text MathScore> / items = ("<%values.mathaccuracy%>%") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / position = (85%, 15%) / size = (10%, 10%) </text> <text MathFeedback> / items = ( "You made <%values.mathcurrenterrors%> math error(s) on this set of trials.", "You have made a total of 3 or more math errors during this set of trials. Please do your best on the math.") / select = values.matherrorswitch / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (80%, 30%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) </text> <text TRUE> / items = ("TRUE") / position = (31%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text FALSE> / items = ("FALSE") / position = (69%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = white / erase = false </text> <text TestMathPrompt> / items = ("Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = false </text> <text PracMathPrompt> / items = ("When you have solved the math problem,~nclick the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text correcttext> / items = ("Correct") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> <text incorrecttext> / items = ("Incorrect") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI: General Purpose Screen Layout Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <shape GrayFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = silver / size = (78.3%, 78%) / erase = false </shape> <shape BlackFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = black / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> <shape WhiteScreen> / shape = rectangle / color = white / size = (100%, 100%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** LISTS: ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ******************************* Item Selection ******************************* Beware: Item Selection differs between the task's Practice and Test Phases! Generally, the single-task practice phases (Blocks PracLetter & PracMath) rely on sequential item selection. The phases involving both tasks (Blocks PracBoth & TestBoth) use random selection without replacement. <list PracLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) / selectionmode = sequence / selectionrate = trial </list> <list TestLetterList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) </list> <list PracMathList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) </list> ******************************* Math ******************************* <list PracMathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = text.PracMathProblem.currentindex </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Test Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** Generating the math problem has 4 steps 1. Selection of the first operation, MathOpt01: "(9/3)" 2. Selection of the second operation, MathOpt012: "- 2" 3. Selection of whether the answer presented to subjects should be true or false, MathCorrect: "TRUE" or "FALSE" 4. A random number added to the correct answer to make it false, MathRand: "3" Additional Math Operations (add to List 'MathOpt01'): "(4*4)", "(2*8)", "(9*2)", "(6*3)", "(3*6)", "(2*9)", "(5*4)", "(4*5)", "(7*3)", "(3*7)", "(8*3)", "(6*4)", "(4*6)", "(3*8)", "(5*5)", "(9*3)", "(3*9)", "(7*4)", "(4*7)", "(6*5)", "(5*6)", "(8*4)", "(4*8)", "(7*5)", "(5*7)", "(9*4)", "(6*6)", "(4*9)", "(8*5)", "(5*8)", "(7*6)", "(6*7)", "(9*5)", "(5*9)", "(8*6)", "(6*8)", "(7*7)", "(9*6)", "(6*9)", "(8*7)", "(7*8)", "(9*7)", "(7*9)", "(8*8)", "(9*8)", "(8*9)", "(9*9)" Difficulties for Additional Operations (add to List 'MathDifficulty'): "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4" <list MathOpt01> / items = ( "(1/1)", "(2/1)", "(2/2)", "(3/1)", "(3/3)", "(4/1)", "(4/2)", "(4/4)", "(5/1)", "(5/5)", "(6/1)", "(6/2)", "(6/3)", "(6/6)", "(7/1)", "(7/7)", "(8/1)", "(8/2)", "(8/4)", "(8/8)", "(9/1)", "(9/3)", "(9/9)", "(1*2)", "(1*3)", "(2*2)", "(1*4)", "(1*5)", "(3*2)", "(2*3)", "(1*6)", "(1*7)", "(4*2)", "(2*4)", "(1*8)", "(3*3)", "(1*9)", "(5*2)", "(2*5)", "(6*2)", "(4*3)", "(3*4)", "(2*6)", "(7*2)", "(2*7)", "(5*3)", "(3*5)", "(8*2)") / selectionrate = trial </list> <list MathDifficulty> / items = ( "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt01.currentindex </list> <list MathOpt02> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") </list> <list MathSign> / items = ( "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-") </list> <list MathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** Alternate MathCorrect List Logic / items = ( "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = list.MathOpt02) / selectionrate = trial ************************************************************************************************************** <list MathRand> / items = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6", "-7", "-8", "-9") </list> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Letters ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Initialization Trial for the Different Study Phases ************************************************************************************************************** <trial InitSetSize> / ontrialbegin = [values.currentsetsize=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracLetterSetSize.nextvalue}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.PracBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth") {values.currentsetsize=list.TestBothSetSize.nextvalue; reset(list.TestLetterList)}] / ontrialend = [clear(item.PresentedLetters); clear(item.RecalledLetters)] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 0 / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter Trials ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.lettercount+=1] / ontrialend= [item.PresentedLetters.item=text.Letters.currentitem] / pretrialpause = 200 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, Letters, currentsetsize] / trialduration = values.learninginterval / validresponse = (noresponse) / branch = [if(values.lettercount==values.currentsetsize)trial.recall_letter] / branch = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter")trial.show_letter else trial.InitMathProblem01] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial recall_letter> / ontrialbegin = [values.recallcount+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.recallcount==1)values.recalldelay=500 else values.recalldelay=0] / pretrialpause = values.recalldelay / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit, recalledletters, recallprompt, letterstrings] / validresponse = (F, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Y, _, clear, exit) / monkeyresponse = ("F", "H", "J", "K", "exit") / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response!="exit" && trial.recall_letter.response!="clear") {item.RecalledLetters.item=trial.recall_letter.response; values.recalledletters=concat(values.recalledletters, trial.recall_letter.response)}] / ontrialend = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="clear") {clear(item.RecalledLetters); values.recalledletters=""}] / responsemessage = (F, clickF, 150) / responsemessage = (H, clickH, 150) / responsemessage = (J, clickJ, 150) / responsemessage = (K, clickK, 150) / responsemessage = (L, clickL, 150) / responsemessage = (N, clickN, 150) / responsemessage = (P, clickP, 150) / responsemessage = (Q, clickQ, 150) / responsemessage = (R, clickR, 150) / responsemessage = (S, clickS, 150) / responsemessage = (T, clickT, 150) / responsemessage = (Y, clickY, 150) / responsemessage = (clear, clickclear, 150) / responsemessage = (exit, clickexit, 150) / responsemessage = (_, click_, 150) / branch = [if(trial.recall_letter.response=="exit")trial.letter_feedback else trial.recall_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Recall Feedback: In this trial, the presented letter sequenceis compared to the letter string the participant has entered. Feedback is given accordingly. This trial also handles reporting of math performance for Letter-Math Practice (Block PracBoth) and Letter-Math Test (Block TestBoth). ************************************************************************************************************** <trial letter_feedback> / pretrialpause = 500 / ontrialbegin = [values.correctletters=0] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.mathcurrenterrors>=3)values.matherrorswitch=2 else values.matherrorswitch=1] / ontrialbegin = [ if(item.RecalledLetters.item.1 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.1==item.RecalledLetters.item.1)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.2 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.2==item.RecalledLetters.item.2)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.3 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.3==item.RecalledLetters.item.3)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.4 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.4==item.RecalledLetters.item.4)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.5 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.5==item.RecalledLetters.item.5)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.6 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.6==item.RecalledLetters.item.6)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.7 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.7==item.RecalledLetters.item.7)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.8 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.8==item.RecalledLetters.item.8)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.9 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.9==item.RecalledLetters.item.9)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.10 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.10==item.RecalledLetters.item.10)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.11 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.11==item.RecalledLetters.item.11)values.correctletters+=1; if(item.RecalledLetters.item.12 != "" && item.PresentedLetters.item.12==item.RecalledLetters.item.12)values.correctletters+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.correctletters==values.currentsetsize) {values.ospan=values.ospan+values.correctletters; values.totalrecalledsets+=1}] / ontrialbegin = [values.totalcorrectletters=values.totalcorrectletters+values.correctletters] / ontrialend = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracLetter" && list.PracLetterSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="PracBoth" && list.PracBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / ontrialend = [if(script.currentblock=="TestBoth" && list.TestBothSetSize.unselectedcount==0) {values.stopblock=1}] / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, LetterFeedback, MathFeedback, MathScore, scoredebug] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 2000 / branch = [trial.InitSetSize] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Math ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** <trial prac_show_math> / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathProblem, PracMathPrompt] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / branch = [trial.prac_solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_solve_math> / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (list.PracMathCorrect.nextvalue) / responsemessage = (anyresponse, PracMathAnswer, 800) / correctmessage = true(correcttext, 800) / errormessage = true(incorrecttext, 800) / branch = [if(trial.prac_show_math.trialcount >= list.PracMathList.itemcount) trial.prac_math_feedback else trial.prac_show_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_math_feedback> / ontrialend = [values.stopblock=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, PracMathFeedback] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** Letter-Math Practice & Test Phase ************************************************************************************************************** Setting up Math Problems: 'InitMathProblem01' and 'InitMathProblem02' are used to set up and check the randomly generated math problems used for Letter-Math Practice (Block 'PracBoth') and Letter-Math Test (Block 'TestBoth'). Only math problems with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero are allowed in the task. The calculations contained in trial 'InitMathProblem01' ensure that the participant is given a math problem with a *true* result greater than or equal to zero. The adjustments may cause MathOpt02 to become zero. This *does* happen in the original version of the task programmed in E-Prime.To avoid MathOpt02=0 exchange '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' with '/ branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0 || values.tmp_mathopt02==0)trial.InitMathProblem01]' <trial InitMathProblem01> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01==1) {values.tmp_mathopt01=list.MathOpt01.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathsign=list.MathSign.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02=list.MathOpt02.nextvalue; values.mathcorrect=list.MathCorrect.nextvalue; values.tmp_mathopt02sign=concat(values.tmp_mathsign, values.tmp_mathopt02); values.tmp_mathopt02sign=evaluate(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1) {values.tmp_mathopt02sign+=3; values.tmp_mathopt02=abs(values.tmp_mathopt02sign)}] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath01>1 && values.tmp_mathopt02sign>0) values.tmp_mathsign="+"] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem); values.mathtrueanswer=values.mathanswer] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer<0)trial.InitMathProblem01] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="TRUE")trial.show_math] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathcorrect=="FALSE")trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> For trials that should present a *false* math answer, a randomly drawn integer ranging from -9 to +9 is added to the math problem's *true* result. The calculations contained in 'InitMathProblem02' ensure that this *false* answer is also greater than or equal to zero. <trial InitMathProblem02> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath02+=1] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02==1)values.tmp_mathrand=list.MathRand.nextvalue] / ontrialbegin = [if(values.tmp_initmath02>1)values.tmp_mathrand+=2] / ontrialend = [values.mathanswer=evaluate(text.MathProblem.currentitem)+values.tmp_mathrand] / branch = [if(values.mathanswer>=0 && values.mathanswer!=values.mathtrueanswer)trial.show_math else trial.InitMathProblem02] / trialduration = 0 / validresponse = (noresponse) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** The following trials handle presentation of math problems and scoring of participants' responses. ************************************************************************************************************** <trial show_math> / ontrialbegin = [values.tmp_initmath01=0; values.tmp_initmath02=0; values.mathproblemcount+=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathProblemDisplay, TestMathPrompt, mathtimeout] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / timeout = values.mathtimeout+500 / ontrialend = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown") {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathspeederrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / branch = [if(trial.show_math.response!="lbuttondown")trial.show_letter else trial.solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial solve_math> / ontrialend = [if(trial.solve_math.correct==0) {values.mathcurrenterrors+=1; values.mathaccerrors+=1; values.mathtotalerrors+=1}] / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, MathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE, mathdebug] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / correctresponse = (values.mathcorrect) / branch = [trial.show_letter] / recorddata = true </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** SCORING ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** The program reports five values at the conclusion of the experiment: The first, OSPAN score, uses the traditional "absolute ospan" scoring method. It is the sum of all perfectly recalled sets. So, for example, if an individual recalled correctly 2 letters in a set size of 2, 3 letters in a set size of 3, and 3 letters in a set size of 4, their OSPAN score would be 5 (2 + 3 + 0). Total number correct is the total number of letters recalled in the correct position (2 + 3 + 4 = 9 in the above example). Math errors are reported as total number of errors, accuracy errors where the subject solved the operation incorrectly, and speed errors in which the subject ran out of time in attempting to solve a given operation. <trial score_report> / stimulusframes = [1=scorereport] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** BLOCKS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block PracLetter> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=white; text.MathScore.textcolor=white; values.stopblock=0] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block PracMath> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [values.mathaccuracy=0] / onblockend = [values.mathtimeout=(2.5*trial.prac_show_math.totalsdlatency)+trial.prac_show_math.totalmeanlatency] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=prac_show_math] </block> <block PracBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> <block TestBoth> / onblockbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / onblockbegin = [text.MathFeedback.textcolor=black; text.MathScore.textcolor=red] / onblockbegin = [values.mathcurrenterrors=0; values.mathaccuracy=0; values.mathaccerrors=0; values.mathtotalerrors=0; values.mathspeederrors=0; values.mathproblemcount=0; values.lettercount=0; values.correctletters=0; values.currentsetsize=0; values.recallcount=0; values.recalledletters=""; values.totalrecalledsets=0; values.totalcorrectletters=0; values.ospan=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=InitSetSize] </block> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPERIMENT ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <expt AOSPAN> / onexptbegin = [if(script.subjectid!="debug") {text.currentsetsize.textcolor=white; text.letterstrings.textcolor=white; text.mathdebug.textcolor=silver; text.mathtimeout.textcolor=silver; text.scoredebug.textcolor=white}] / blocks = [1=InstrPracLetter; 2=PracLetter; 3=InstrPracMath; 4=PracMath; 5=InstrPracBoth; 6=PracBoth; 7=InstrTestBoth; 8=TestBoth; 9=InstrFinal] /onexptend = [values.completed = 1] </expt> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEBUG: On-Screen Debugging Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** These items are invisible by default. Enter 'debug' as subject id to enable them. <text currentsetsize> / items = ("Setsize: <%values.currentsetsize%> / Lettercount: <%values.lettercount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 5%) </text> <text letterstrings> / items = ("~tPresented Letters:~t<%item.PresentedLetters.item.1%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.2%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.3%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.4%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.5%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.6%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.7%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.8%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.9%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.10%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.11%><%item.PresentedLetters.item.12%> ~tRecalled Letters:~t<%item.RecalledLetters.item.1%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.2%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.3%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.4%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.5%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.6%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.7%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.8%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.9%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.10%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.11%><%item.RecalledLetters.item.12%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (55%, 5%) / position = (50%, 87%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center / erase = false </text> <text mathdebug> / items = ("~tMath Problem:~t~t<% text.MathProblem.currentitem %>~r ~tTrue Answer:~t~t<% values.mathtrueanswer %>~r ~tPresented Answer:~t<% values.mathcorrect %>~r~r") / size = (50%, 7%) / halign = center / hjustify = center / position = (45%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / erase = true(silver) </text> <text mathtimeout> / items = ("Timeout = <%values.mathtimeout%> ms~r Math Problem # <%values.mathproblemcount%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 20%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text scoredebug> / items = ("OSPAN Score:~t~t<% values.ospan %> Total Number Correct:~t<% values.totalcorrectletters %>~r~r Math Errors (Total):~t<% values.mathtotalerrors %> Math Speed Errors:~t<% values.mathspeederrors %> Math Accuracy Errors:~t<% values.mathaccerrors %>~r~r") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / txcolor = blue / size = (50%, 5%) / position = (50%, 75%) / erase = true(white) </text> <monkey AOSPAN> / latencydistribution = normal(800, 200) / percentcorrect = 100 </monkey> ************************************************************************************************************** End of File ************************************************************************************************************** 0 | | |
And your question is? How can i use just the practice trials and instructions? I want to use the same task for another experiment. Copy everything run by <block InstrPracMath> and <block PracMath>, i.e. all the <trial> elements, associated stimuli (<text>, <shape>, etc.), <item> elements, and so forth. Here's all that's needed for just the math practice part: ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Variables and Routines for Scoring and Adjusting Task Flow ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <values> / stopblock=0 / mathaccuracy=0 / mathproblemcount=0 / mathtotalerrors=0 </values> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Trial Definitions ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <list PracMathList> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) </list> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Trials ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Practice Phase ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <trial prac_show_math> / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathProblem, PracMathPrompt] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / branch = [trial.prac_solve_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_solve_math> / ontrialend = [values.mathaccuracy=round(((values.mathproblemcount-values.mathtotalerrors)/values.mathproblemcount)*100)] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=BlackFrame, GrayFrame, PracMathAnswer, TRUE, FALSE] / validresponse = (TRUE, FALSE) / iscorrectresponse = [trial.prac_solve_math.response==list.PracMathCorrect.nextvalue] / responsemessage = (anyresponse, PracMathAnswer, 800) / correctmessage = true(correcttext, 800) / errormessage = true(incorrecttext, 800) / branch = [if(trial.prac_show_math.trialcount >= list.PracMathList.itemcount) trial.prac_math_feedback else trial.prac_show_math] / recorddata = true </trial> <trial prac_math_feedback> / ontrialend = [values.stopblock=1] / pretrialpause = 500 / stimulusframes = [1=WhiteScreen, PracMathFeedback] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / recorddata = false </trial> <text PracMathFeedback> / items = ("You were correct on <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalcorrectcount%> of <%list.PracMathList.itemcount%> math trials. That is <%trial.prac_solve_math.totalpercentcorrect%> percent correct.~r~r~r Click the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (65%, 50%) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems (Practice Phase) ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Math Problems are hardcoded only for the Math Practice Phase (Block PracMath). For all other Study Phases (Block PracBoth & Block TestBoth) the Math Problems are generated dynamically. ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <text PracMathProblem> / items = PracMathProblem / position = (50%, 45%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / erase = true(silver) / select = PracMathList </text> <item PracMathProblem> / 01 = "(1*2) + 1 = ?" / 02 = "(1/1) - 1 = ?" / 03 = "(7*3) - 3 = ?" / 04 = "(4*3) + 4 = ?" / 05 = "(3/3) + 2 = ?" / 06 = "(2*6) - 4 = ?" / 07 = "(8*9) - 8 = ?" / 08 = "(4*5) - 5 = ?" / 09 = "(4*2) + 6 = ?" / 10 = "(4/4) + 7 = ?" / 11 = "(8*2) - 8 = ?" / 12 = "(2*9) - 9 = ?" / 13 = "(8/2) + 9 = ?" / 14 = "(3*8) - 1 = ?" / 15 = "(6/3) + 1 = ?" / 16 = "(9/3) - 2 = ?" </item> <text PracMathAnswer> / items = PracMathAnswer / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true) / position = (50%, 30%) / erase = false / select = current(PracMathProblem) </text> <item PracMathAnswer> / 01 = "3" / 02 = "2" / 03 = "18" / 04 = "16" / 05 = "1" / 06 = "6" / 07 = "64" / 08 = "11" / 09 = "14" / 10 = "12" / 11 = "2" / 12 = "9" / 13 = "7" / 14 = "23" / 15 = "3" / 16 = "7" </item> <list PracMathCorrect> / items = ( "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE", "FALSE") / selectionmode = text.PracMathProblem.currentindex </list> <text TRUE> / items = ("TRUE") / position = (31%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = (white) / erase = false </text> <text FALSE> / items = ("FALSE") / position = (69%, 52%) / size = (10%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txbgcolor = (white) / erase = false </text> <text PracMathPrompt> / items = ("When you have solved the math problem,~nclick the left mouse button to continue.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.7%, true) / position = (50%, 65%) / size = (60%, 10%) / erase = true(silver) </text> <text correcttext> / items = ("Correct") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = (blue) / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> <text incorrecttext> / items = ("Incorrect") / position = (50%, 72%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true) / txcolor = (blue) / size = (15%, 5%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = true(silver) </text> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** General Purpose Screen Layout Items ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <shape GrayFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = (silver) / size = (78.3%, 78%) / erase = false </shape> <shape BlackFrame> / shape = rectangle / color = (black) / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> <shape WhiteScreen> / shape = rectangle / color = (white) / size = (100%, 100%) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false </shape> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Task Instructions ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block InstrPracMath> / trials = [1-3=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <trial instructions> / pretrialpause = 250 / posttrialpause = 250 / stimulustimes = [1=instructions] / validresponse = (lbuttondown) / responsetime = 2000 / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (90%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = sequence / resetinterval = 0 </text> <item instructions> / 1 = "Now you will practice doing the math part of the experiment.~r~r A math problem will appear on the screen, like this:~r (2 * 1) + 1 = ?~r As soon as you see the math problem, you should compute the correct answer. In the above problem, the answer 3 is correct.~r When you know the correct answer, you will click the mouse button.~r~r Click the mouse button to continue." / 2 = "You will see a number displayed on the next screen, along with a box marked TRUE and a box marked FALSE.~r If the number on the screen is the correct answer to the math problem, click on the TRUE box with the mouse. If the number is not the correct answer, click on the FALSE box.~r For example, if you see the problem~r (2 * 2) + 1 = ?~r and the number on the following screen is 5 click the TRUE box, because the answer is correct.~r If you see the problem~r (2 * 2) + 1 = ?~r and the number on the next screen is 6 click the FALSE box, because the correct answer is 5, not 6.~r After you click on one of the boxes, the computer will tell you if you made the right choice.~r~r~r Click the left mouse button to continue." / 3 = "It is VERY important that you get the math problems correct. It is also important that you try and solve the problem as quickly as you can.~r Do you have any questions?~r~r~r When you're ready, click the mouse to try some practice problems." </item> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Block Definitions for Study Phases ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <block PracMath> / onblockbegin = [values.mathaccuracy=0] / onblockend = [values.stopblock=0] / stop = [values.stopblock==1] / trials = [1=prac_show_math] </block> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Experiment Definition ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=InstrPracMath; 2=PracMath] </expt> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Default Settings For Entire Experiment / Data Output ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** <defaults> / canvassize = (100%,100%) / canvasaspectratio = (4,3) / screencolor = (white) / txcolor = (black) / txbgcolor = (transparent) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4.0%, true) / inputdevice = mouse / minimumversion = "" / halign = center / valign = center </defaults> ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** END OF FILE ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is great. Last thing I want to do is combine this with the practice math trials that you showed me in the other post. Will I have to redefine everything now to do that?