Group: Forum Members
Posts: 19,
Visits: 97
Thank you Dave (yes this helped). I discovered another problem with the different screen sizes, so I would like to ask a follow-up question. I have one radiobuttons question where people should see a text and picture as the answer categories. I couldn't figure out how to add a picture to the radiobutton, so I added pictures and placed them next to the answer options. However, with different screens, the pictures will not be displayed next to the answer options. So, after all, is there a way to include pictures as options for the radiobuttens element?
This is the code now: <radiobuttons nationality> / caption = "What is your nationality?" / options = ("~nGerman~n", "~nPortuguese~n") / optionvalues = ("Germany", "Portugal", "none") / other = "Other" </radiobuttons>
<picture GermanFlagRadioquestion> / items = ("stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Germany.png") / position = (24, 63) / size = (9%, 9%) </picture>
<picture PortugalFlagRadioquestion> / items = ("stimulusMaterial/Flag_of_Portugal.png") / position = (24, 75) / size = (9%, 9%) </picture>
<surveypage iniNat> / caption = " During the game, you will always see the initials and nationality of the other Player, as well as your own. Before starting the game, please answer the following questions:" / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.8%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=initial1; 2=initial2; 3=nationality] / stimulusframes = [1 = GermanFlagRadioquestion; 2= PortugalFlagRadioquestion] </surveypage>
<block initialsNation> / trials = [1=iniNat] </block>