How to Allow Multiple Responses for Openended Trials?

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 40

I'm trying to program an anagram task where participants are asked to find as many possibles solutions to an anagram as they can. For example, for a single trial they are shown "EAHTR" as the stimulus and would try to work out the max number of solutions (in this case a total of 2 solutions - EARTH and HEART). I can't get the openended element to stay on the same page after one of the two correct answers are inputted. Ideally, I want the the participant to stay on the same page until they feel they have exhausted all of their solutions and then have control of moving onto the next stimulus. Has anyone had experience with this type of problem and/or have any suggestions on how to solve it? Many thanks! 

Here's an excerpt of what I've been working with so far. 

<text a1>
/items = ("EAHTR")
/position = (30, 20)
/txcolor = black

<text a2>
/items = ("KINTH")
/position = (30, 20)
/txcolor = black

<item answer_a1>
/ 1 = "earth"
/ 2 = "heart"

<item answer_a2>
/ 1 = "think"

<openended a1>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = a1]
/ correctresponse = ("earth", "heart")
/ buttonlabel = "Submit"
/ position = (30, 50)
/ timeout = 1800000
/ response = correct

<openended a2>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = a2]
/ correctresponse = ("think")
/ buttonlabel = "Submit"
/ position = (30, 50)
/ timeout = 1800000
/ response = correct


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