Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6,
Visits: 35
Hi there,
I would like to play some background music while people a completing a couple of survey pages. I know that this is supported in the <block> element (through /bgstim), but it doesn't appear to be supported in the <survey> element. Is this the case? If so, any way around it?
Thanks in advance!
P.S. This is the script for my survey:
<survey Mood_ratings> / pages = [1 = Mood_ratings; 2 = Mood_ratings2] / itemspacing = 8% / screencolor = (white) / showquestionnumbers = false / showpagenumbers = false / nextlabel = "Press button to continue" / nextbuttonposition = (70%, 90%) </survey>
<surveypage Mood_ratings> / questions = [1 = question1; 2 = q1] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 18) / recorddata = true / nextlabel = "Press button to continue" </surveypage>
<surveypage Mood_ratings2> / questions = [1 = question2; 2 = q2a; 3 = q2b; 4 = q2c; 5 = q2d; 6 = q2e; 7 = q2f; 8 = q2g; 9 = q2h; 10 = q2i; 11 = q2j] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 18) / recorddata = true / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Press button to continue" </surveypage>
<caption question1> / caption = "Please indicate on the sliding scale the extent to which you feel sad (left) vs happy (right):~r~r" / position = (10%, 40%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 24, true) </caption>
<slider q1> / labels = ("Sad", "Happy") / range = (1, 10) / slidersize = (50%, 5%) / showtooltips = true / position = (20%, 60%) / required = true </slider>
<caption question2> / caption = "Thinking of your current state, to what extent do you feel:~r" / position = (10%, 5%) / fontstyle =("Arial", 24, true) </caption>
<dropdown q2a> / caption = "a) Upset" / options = ("Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", "Extremely") / required = true / position = (10%, 15%) /orientation = vertical </dropdown>
/ orientation = horizontalequal
<dropdown q2b> / caption = "~r~rb) Hostile" / options = ("Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", "Extremely") / orientation = vertical / required = true / position = (10%, 25%) </dropdown>
<dropdown q2c> / caption = "~r~rc) Alert" / options = ("Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", "Extremely") / orientation = vertical / required = true /position = (10%, 40%) </dropdown>
<dropdown q2d> / caption = "~r~rd) Ashamed" / options = ("Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", "Extremely") / orientation = vertical / required = true / position = (10%, 55%) </dropdown>
<dropdown q2e> / caption = "~r~re) Inspired" / options = ("Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", "Extremely") / orientation = vertical / required = true / position = (10%, 70%) </dropdown>
<dropdown q2f> / caption = "f) Nervous" / options = ("Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", "Extremely") / orientation = vertical / required = true / position = (50%, 15%) </dropdown>
<dropdown q2g> / caption = "g) Determined" / options = ("Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", "Extremely") / orientation = vertical / required = true / position = (50%, 30%) </dropdown>
<dropdown q2h> / caption = "h) Attentive" / options = ("Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", "Extremely") / orientation = vertical / required = true / position = (50%, 45%) </dropdown>
<dropdown q2i> / caption = "i) Afraid" / options = ("Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", "Extremely") / orientation = vertical / required = true / position = (50%, 60%) </dropdown>
<dropdown q2j> / caption = "j) Active" / options = ("Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", "Extremely") / orientation = vertical / required = true / position = (50%, 75%) </dropdown>