What is a difference between setting size or position of stimuli in pixel vs points?

What is a difference between setting size or position of stimuli in...
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Posts: 51, Visits: 256

I wonder what is real difference between setting size or position of stimuli in pixel vs points in Inquisit.

First I claryfy my current understanding of thi issue.

According to Wikipedia Pixel: "it is the smallest controllable element of a picture represented on the screen" [Pixel]
"The number of pixels in an image is sometimes called the resolution". So number of pixels in one inch/cm/mm depends on screen resolution, the higer resolution the more pixels is placed in one inch/cm/mm.
Consequently stimuli of 100 pixels height might have different physical height  (e.g. as measured in mm) depends on screen resolution - it might look different (in terms of height) on different computers.

According to Wikipedia Point is "the smallest unit of measure (...), 172 of an international inch (about 0.353 mm)" [Point]
Consequently stimuli of 100 points height should have the same physical height measured in mm (e.g 100 points x 0.353 mm = 35.3 mm) regardless of screen resolution. Stimulus height defined in points will look exactly the same on all screens independently of screen resolution.

My questions are:

Is this pixels and points notation work in this way in Inquisit?  ( I can't imagine how one points can be independent from screen resolution)

How Inquisit can figure out how to properly calibrate one points as always e.g 0.353 mm?

What in a hypothetical situation when a point height (assume 0.353 mm) is smaller than one pixel height under actual screen resolution?  

Thank in advance for all comments.


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