Requested size larger than guaranteed supported texture size - Please Help

Requested size larger than guaranteed supported texture size - Please...
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As Dave suggest, I would try it out using the newest version of Inquisit 5 (5.0.6 at this writing).

Also, if you are able to get us any information on the machines and version of Windows that you are experiencing this problem on it may prove quite helpful in our effort to solve the issue.  

Thanks and Enjoy,

Developer at Millisecond Software, LLC.
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devinc92 - Sunday, March 26, 2017
Hello all,

I am currently collecting data using the OSPAN and RSPAN online. I have created a batch file and I have been running participants. However, every 1 out of 5 participants are getting the following error when going from the RSPAN to the OSPAN (a short time into the OSPAN). This exits out of Inquisit and I essentially lose half their data because they wont have time to redo it from the beginning.

Script Context
Error Message

Error/myaccount/scripts/devinc92/batch/AutomatedOSPAN.iqxDirect2D Error: 0x8899001d
The requested size is larger than the guaranteed supported texture size. Line 1055, File

Clearly I know nothing about coding or the language, and it may be easy to solve for someone with experience.

It seems to happen randomly and on different computers as well. Otherwise, the script runs fine and I have no troubles.
I have attached the batch file as well as all the files in the batch.

Thanks so much,

Not seeing anything obviously wrong with the scripts. This particular error would normally occur if you were to draw a stimulus to the screen that is either sized or positioned such that the resulting texture is so large that it exceeds the given system's capabilities, e.g. something like this

<shape someshape>
/ size = (10000%, 10000%)


<shape someshape>
/ position = (-900%, -900%)

i.e. trying to draw something that is hundreds or thousands of times larger than the actual display.

However, I'm not seeing anything like that in those scripts. As far as I can tell, the positions and sizes are all well within reason, and there shouldn't be anything that creates a particularly large texture.

It looks like your web experiment currently runs on a bit outdated Inquisit Web version, however. I'd recommend going into its settings and changing those to use the latest available version ( -- perhaps that will resolve the problem on the affected machines. Let me know what you find.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 20
Hello all,

I am currently collecting data using the OSPAN and RSPAN online. I have created a batch file and I have been running participants. However, every 1 out of 5 participants are getting the following error when going from the RSPAN to the OSPAN (a short time into the OSPAN). This exits out of Inquisit and I essentially lose half their data because they wont have time to redo it from the beginning.

Script Context
Error Message

Error/myaccount/scripts/devinc92/batch/AutomatedOSPAN.iqxDirect2D Error: 0x8899001d
The requested size is larger than the guaranteed supported texture size. Line 1055, File

Clearly I know nothing about coding or the language, and it may be easy to solve for someone with experience.

It seems to happen randomly and on different computers as well. Otherwise, the script runs fine and I have no troubles.
I have attached the batch file as well as all the files in the batch.

Thanks so much,
batch.iqx (603 views, 110 bytes)
AutomatedOSPAN.iqx (547 views, 61.00 KB)
AutomatedRSPAN.iqx (589 views, 63.00 KB)
ParticipantNumber.iqx (615 views, 586 bytes)

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