I am attempting to edit the demo ultimatum game such that the program presents subjects with three stimuli photos in sequence over a course of specific trials (which i have also customized, but successfully), I have accomplished this in this way:
<item partnerpictures>
/ 1 = "Subject3.jpg"
/ 2 = "Subject16.jpg"
/ 3 = "Subject19.jpg"
<picture PlayerPic>
/ items = partnerpictures
/ select = block.ug_responder.totalcount+1
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ size = (50%, 50%)
However, due to certain control factors, I would like the 1, 2, and 3 pictures to display one of two pictures randomly, but I lack the syntax knowledge to do this properly apparently.
I have tried to accomplish this by editing the item definition such: /1 random("Subject3.jpg","Subject5.jpg")
which fails, or the picture definition to point to one of two lists of partnerpictures with the alternate pictures: /items = random(partnerpictures1,partnerpictures2)
But both of these have failed with various issues.
Finally, I came up with this which I thought would be a solution:
/ 1 = "Subject3.jpg"
/ 2 = "Subject5.jpg"
/ 3 ="Subject16.jpg"
/ 4 ="Subject18.jpg"
/ 5 ="Subject19.jpg"
/ 6 ="Subject20.jpg"
/ items =partnerpictures
/ select =random(((block.ug_responder.totalcount+1)*2),(((block.ug_responder.totalcount+1)*2)-1))
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ size = (50%, 50%)
But this seems to -always- return Subject3.jpg.. regardless of block status as well. I'm sorry for my inexperience, but can anyone help clue me in?