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Rigth... Thank you!
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JuliaNo - Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Hey Dave,
I want to use radiobuttons and have people pick of 9 buttons, but not name all of them, but only the ends of it. The script below is how I did it. However, now I gave each button as a name just a bunch of spaces, and it will not give me any information in my data file (which I noticed a bit too late...). How could I use radiobuttons, so that it looks like none of the buttons are named but I still get the information which one people have clicked?

<radiobuttons EuropeIdent1_D>
/ caption = "question1~n"
/ options = ("   ", "   ", "   ", "   ", "  ", "   ", "   ", "   ", "")
/ orientation = horizontal
/ required = true
/ position = (15, 20)

<radiobuttons EuropeIdent2_D>
/ caption = "question2.~n"
/ options = ("   ", "   ", "   ", "   ", "  ", "   ", "   ", "   ", "")
/ orientation = horizontal
/ required = true
/ position = (15, 45)

<caption Disagreement1_D>
/ caption = "Trifft gar ~nnicht zu"
/ position = (8.5,26)

<caption Agreement1_D>
/ caption = "Trifft voll ~nund ganz zu"
/ position = (57.5,26)

<caption Disagreement2_D>
/ caption = "Trifft gar ~nnicht zu"
/ position = (8.5,51)

<caption Agreement2_D>
/ caption = "Trifft voll ~nund ganz zu"
/ position = (57.5,51)

<surveypage IdentificationEurope1_D>
/ caption = "Bitte geben Sie an, inwiefern Sie den folgenden Aussagen zustimmen."
/ questions = [1=EuropeIdent1_D; 2=EuropeIdent2_D; 3=Agreement1_D; 4=Disagreement1_D; 5=Agreement2_D; 6=Disagreement2_D]

You need to define /optionvalues in addition.

<radiobuttons EuropeIdent1_D>
/ caption = "question1~n"
/ options = ("   ", "   ", "   ", "   ", "  ", "   ", "   ", "   ", "  ")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3 ", "4 ", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
/ orientation = horizontal
/ required = true
/ position = (15, 20)
Esteemed Member (1.8K reputation)Esteemed Member (1.8K reputation)Esteemed Member (1.8K reputation)Esteemed Member (1.8K reputation)Esteemed Member (1.8K reputation)Esteemed Member (1.8K reputation)Esteemed Member (1.8K reputation)Esteemed Member (1.8K reputation)Esteemed Member (1.8K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 19, Visits: 97
Hey Dave,
I want to use radiobuttons and have people pick of 9 buttons, but not name all of them, but only the ends of it. The script below is how I did it. However, now I gave each button as a name just a bunch of spaces, and it will not give me any information in my data file (which I noticed a bit too late...). How could I use radiobuttons, so that it looks like none of the buttons are named but I still get the information which one people have clicked?

<radiobuttons EuropeIdent1_D>
/ caption = "question1~n"
/ options = ("   ", "   ", "   ", "   ", "  ", "   ", "   ", "   ", "")
/ orientation = horizontal
/ required = true
/ position = (15, 20)

<radiobuttons EuropeIdent2_D>
/ caption = "question2.~n"
/ options = ("   ", "   ", "   ", "   ", "  ", "   ", "   ", "   ", "")
/ orientation = horizontal
/ required = true
/ position = (15, 45)

<caption Disagreement1_D>
/ caption = "Trifft gar ~nnicht zu"
/ position = (8.5,26)

<caption Agreement1_D>
/ caption = "Trifft voll ~nund ganz zu"
/ position = (57.5,26)

<caption Disagreement2_D>
/ caption = "Trifft gar ~nnicht zu"
/ position = (8.5,51)

<caption Agreement2_D>
/ caption = "Trifft voll ~nund ganz zu"
/ position = (57.5,51)

<surveypage IdentificationEurope1_D>
/ caption = "Bitte geben Sie an, inwiefern Sie den folgenden Aussagen zustimmen."
/ questions = [1=EuropeIdent1_D; 2=EuropeIdent2_D; 3=Agreement1_D; 4=Disagreement1_D; 5=Agreement2_D; 6=Disagreement2_D]


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