Passing information to Inquisit and being able to see this information in the data file

Passing information to Inquisit and being able to see this information...
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Posts: 4, Visits: 7

I'm new to Inquisit so apologies if this has been answered elsewhere (but I couldn't find any posts containing the information I'm after).

I'm running an experiment in which participants start in Qualtrics (Part A), then they are automatically redirected to Inquisit to complete a B-IAT, and then redirected back to Qualtrics (Part B) for additional questionnaires. Anyway, I've managed to pass information via query from Qualtrics (Part A) to Inquisit, specifically the subject id, using these instruction:, and

However, there is information from another embedded data field that I'd like to pass from Qualtrics (Part A) to Inquisit, and have it show on the raw data file as an additional column. I'm assuming I'll need to add code to the Inquisit script. However, I'm not sure where or what to write so that the downloadable data file contains this information. Any suggestions how to do this? 

This is the URL that automatically redirects participants from Qualtrics to Inquisit:${e://Field/id}&QualtricsID=${e://Field/ResponseID}

The information that I'd like to have shown on the Inquisit raw data file is the 'QualtricsID' field.

Many thanks for any help you can provide!


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