Presenting images whilst playing audio file

Sofia Azevedo
Sofia Azevedo
Associate Member (122 reputation)Associate Member (122 reputation)Associate Member (122 reputation)Associate Member (122 reputation)Associate Member (122 reputation)Associate Member (122 reputation)Associate Member (122 reputation)Associate Member (122 reputation)Associate Member (122 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 4
Hi guys,

I'd like to have participants viewing images whilst listening to an audio recording but would like for these images to be randomised but haven't had luck with my coding. Is this possible to do?

I've included my script below:

<picture Attachment>
/numitems = 5
/items = attachment
/position = (50,50)
/select = random

<text fixation>
/ numitems = 1
/ items = ("+")
/ color = (255, 255, 255)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 60pt)
/ txbgcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ position = (50, 50)

<item Blank>
/ 1 = "blank.jpg"

<sound Memory>
/items = ("ControlIntervention.wav")
/playthrough = true

<trial Attach>
/trialcode = "Attach"
/stimulusframes = [1= fixation; 60 = attachment; 62=blank]
/response = noresponse
/posttrialpause = 500


I tried the below, but it just looped the audio and only showed 1 of the images:

<trial Attach>
/trialcode = "Attach"
/stimulusframes = [1= fixation, Memory; 60 = attachment; 62=blank]
/response = noresponse
/posttrialpause = 500

Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated!


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