Finetuning experiment look & feel for ipad

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Posts: 2, Visits: 6
Dave - Friday, May 12, 2017 - Friday, May 12, 2017
I am about to purchase a licence for Inquisit Web to run an experiment on ipad,
but I would need in the meantime to prepare and finetune the experiment previously run on desktop.

Is this possible using the Inquisit Lab?
How to?

I will need to administer the experiment with ipads on next Thursday/Friday,
so any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks a lot


> Is this possible using the Inquisit Lab?

No, not really. You would have to do so using Inquisit Web, i.e. activate your license a day or two prior to the start of the actual data collection so you have enough time to test and fine-tune the script on an iPad.

Thanks a lot

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K - Friday, May 12, 2017
I am about to purchase a licence for Inquisit Web to run an experiment on ipad,
but I would need in the meantime to prepare and finetune the experiment previously run on desktop.

Is this possible using the Inquisit Lab?
How to?

I will need to administer the experiment with ipads on next Thursday/Friday,
so any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks a lot


> Is this possible using the Inquisit Lab?

No, not really. You would have to do so using Inquisit Web, i.e. activate your license a day or two prior to the start of the actual data collection so you have enough time to test and fine-tune the script on an iPad.

Associate Member (239 reputation)Associate Member (239 reputation)Associate Member (239 reputation)Associate Member (239 reputation)Associate Member (239 reputation)Associate Member (239 reputation)Associate Member (239 reputation)Associate Member (239 reputation)Associate Member (239 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 6
I am about to purchase a licence for Inquisit Web to run an experiment on ipad,
but I would need in the meantime to prepare and finetune the experiment previously run on desktop.

Is this possible using the Inquisit Lab?
How to?

I will need to administer the experiment with ipads on next Thursday/Friday,
so any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks a lot


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