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Hello there,
in my experiment I am presenting a word list consisting of 9 words. These words appear one underneath the other, but so far I could not manage to let them appear randomised for each participant. I would be delighted for any help as soon as possible. Thanks in advance :-)
My syntax looks like that so far: <text word1> /items = ("Heimat") /position=(50,10) </text>
<text word2> /items = ("Humor") /position=(50,19) </text>
<text word3> /items = ("Urlaub") /position=(50,28) </text>
<text word4> /items = ("Bedarf") /position=(50,37) </text>
<text word5> /items = ("Kader") /position=(50,46) </text>
<text word6> /items = ("Strecke") /position=(50,55) </text>
<text word7> /items = ("Mörder") /position=(50,64) </text>
<text word8> /items = ("Waffe") /position=(50,73) </text>
<text word9> /items = ("Panik") /position=(50,82) </text>
<trial EnkodierungWords> /stimulusframes = [1= word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6, word7, word8, word9] /timeout = 4000 </trial>
<block wordencoding> /trials = [1= noreplace(EnkodierungWords)] </block>