Help with test

Gaurav Krishnamoorthy
Gaurav Krishnamoorthy
Partner Member (860 reputation)Partner Member (860 reputation)Partner Member (860 reputation)Partner Member (860 reputation)Partner Member (860 reputation)Partner Member (860 reputation)Partner Member (860 reputation)Partner Member (860 reputation)Partner Member (860 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 9, Visits: 27
We are having 2 issues regarding our test and we would like some help on resolving them.  

1-We are encountering a problem regarding response times of each trial. As soon as the participant answers, the trial ends abruptly and is succeeded immediately by the next trial. We don't want the next trial to start immediately after response, but rather we want it to start after each specific timeframe as indicated by the trial's specific "timeout". 

2-We are also experiencing issues regarding the registered answers from participants. We want our test to take the first response only, and disregarding the possibility of other additional response inputs by participants.

Here is a sample of how we coded our trials. Thanks!
<trial b1> 
/ stimulustimes = [500=b1;1000=b0]
/validresponse = ("a","l")
/ recorddata = true
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.b1.correct) values.earnings1 +=0.5]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.b1.error) values.errorcounter1 +=1]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.b1.error) values.losses1 +=0]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.b1.error && values.errorcounter1 > 1) values.losses1 -= 0.5]</trial>

<trial b2> 
/ stimulustimes = [500=b2;1000=b0]
/validresponse = ("a","l")
/ recorddata = true
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.b2.correct) values.earnings1 +=0.5]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.b2.error) values.errorcounter1 +=1]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.b2.error) values.losses1 +=0]
/ ontrialend = [ if (trial.b2.error && values.errorcounter1 > 1) values.losses1 -= 0.5]</trial>

<values >

Thank you for your help!


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