"Elements not located" error messages

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Hi everyone,
I'm compiling a script that includes explicit measures and two IATs. There are two blocks in my script (attached), "consent" and "targets_no_info" that Inquisit has issues with; the trials for both of these blocks could not be "located." I have moderate familiarity with Inquisit, and included for each block a block element, a response scale element (Likert, openended), a text element, and an item element. I have checked the script for typos, etc., and can't figure out what the problem is.

Within the consent block, it also says it cannot locate the postinstructions, even though the label for the page and the postinstructions are clearly the same (i.e., there is no typo). I'm not sure what the problem is there.

Any input is much appreciated! Script is attached.

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RR - Thursday, June 1, 2017
Hi everyone,
I'm compiling a script that includes explicit measures and two IATs. There are two blocks in my script (attached), "consent" and "targets_no_info" that Inquisit has issues with; the trials for both of these blocks could not be "located." I have moderate familiarity with Inquisit, and included for each block a block element, a response scale element (Likert, openended), a text element, and an item element. I have checked the script for typos, etc., and can't figure out what the problem is.

Within the consent block, it also says it cannot locate the postinstructions, even though the label for the page and the postinstructions are clearly the same (i.e., there is no typo). I'm not sure what the problem is there.

Any input is much appreciated! Script is attached.


The problem is that you have an unmatched double-quote (") in <page consent>:

<page consent>
"You are invited to participate ...

i.e. it has no counterpart and thus essentially all elements located after the <page> cannot be parsed properly. Delete the quote, it is not needed anyway.

Beyond that, there is no <text> element called "consent" anywhere in the script, which is why

<likert consent>
/ anchors = [1="Yes"; 2="No"]
/anchorwidth = 120
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 13pt)
/ frames = [1 = consent]
/ mouse=true
/ numpoints=2
/ position= (50, 80)
/trialcode = "consent"

will rightly throw an error. You only have an <item consent> element -- and an <item> element merely holds items, it is not a stimulus that can be displayed on its own.

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Posts: 6, Visits: 12
Thanks so much, Dave--it works perfectly now!

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