Converting Inquisit 4 syntax to Inquisit 3

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Hi All,
I programmed an experiment using Inquisit 4, but the computers on which the study will run have Inquisit 3. Inquisit 3 does not recognize two commands that were recognized by Inquisit 4 and therefore the script, which ran in Inquisit 4, does not run in Inquisit 3.

If anyone is able to provide the equivalent syntax for Inquisit 3, or a resource that contains this information, I would greatly appreciate it! The syntax reference for Inquisit 3 has not been helpful. The two issues are:
1. The first command (beginresponsetime) that is causing problems is, indeed, in the Inquisit 3 syntax reference guide, but for some reason still will not run on Inquisit 3. I am attempting to prevent responding before 1.5 seconds has elapsed. This is what ran in Inquisit 4 but not Inquisit 3:

<trial stevehomeinfopairing>
/beginresponsetime = 1500
/ stimulusframes = [1=Steveitems, Homeitems]
/ validresponse = (" ")

2. Inquisit 3 does not recognize syntax to present 10 pairs of stimuli consisting of one photo and one text stimulus (the text is the same in all trials); specifically, inquisit 3 does not recognize (under <picture> ) the "/ select = text.Tiffanynoinfoitems.currentindex" (I have included syntax for the whole block in case it is necessary). Can I do the same thing using different commands in Inquisit 3?

<text Tiffanynoinfoitems>
/ items = Tiffanynoinfoitems ("Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly")
/ select = noreplace
/halign = left

<picture noinfoitemstiffany>
/ items = ("no info stimulus 1.jpg" "no info stimulus 2.jpg" "no info stimulus 3.jpg" "no info stimulus 4.jpg" "no info stimulus 5.jpg" "no info stimulus 6.jpg" "no info stimulus 7.jpg" "no info stimulus 8.jpg" "no info stimulus 9.jpg" "no info stimulus 10.jpg")
/ select = text.Tiffanynoinfoitems.currentindex
/halign = right

<trial tiffanynoinfopairing>
/beginresponsetime = 1500
/ stimulusframes = [1=Tiffanynoinfoitems, noinfoitemstiffany]
/ validresponse = (" ")

<block tiffanynoinfopairing>
/ trials = [1-10 = tiffanynoinfopairing]

Thanks so much!

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RR - Sunday, June 4, 2017
Hi All,
I programmed an experiment using Inquisit 4, but the computers on which the study will run have Inquisit 3. Inquisit 3 does not recognize two commands that were recognized by Inquisit 4 and therefore the script, which ran in Inquisit 4, does not run in Inquisit 3.

If anyone is able to provide the equivalent syntax for Inquisit 3, or a resource that contains this information, I would greatly appreciate it! The syntax reference for Inquisit 3 has not been helpful. The two issues are:
1. The first command (beginresponsetime) that is causing problems is, indeed, in the Inquisit 3 syntax reference guide, but for some reason still will not run on Inquisit 3. I am attempting to prevent responding before 1.5 seconds has elapsed. This is what ran in Inquisit 4 but not Inquisit 3:

<trial stevehomeinfopairing>
/beginresponsetime = 1500
/ stimulusframes = [1=Steveitems, Homeitems]
/ validresponse = (" ")

2. Inquisit 3 does not recognize syntax to present 10 pairs of stimuli consisting of one photo and one text stimulus (the text is the same in all trials); specifically, inquisit 3 does not recognize (under <picture> ) the "/ select = text.Tiffanynoinfoitems.currentindex" (I have included syntax for the whole block in case it is necessary). Can I do the same thing using different commands in Inquisit 3?

<text Tiffanynoinfoitems>
/ items = Tiffanynoinfoitems ("Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly")
/ select = noreplace
/halign = left

<picture noinfoitemstiffany>
/ items = ("no info stimulus 1.jpg" "no info stimulus 2.jpg" "no info stimulus 3.jpg" "no info stimulus 4.jpg" "no info stimulus 5.jpg" "no info stimulus 6.jpg" "no info stimulus 7.jpg" "no info stimulus 8.jpg" "no info stimulus 9.jpg" "no info stimulus 10.jpg")
/ select = text.Tiffanynoinfoitems.currentindex
/halign = right

<trial tiffanynoinfopairing>
/beginresponsetime = 1500
/ stimulusframes = [1=Tiffanynoinfoitems, noinfoitemstiffany]
/ validresponse = (" ")

<block tiffanynoinfopairing>
/ trials = [1-10 = tiffanynoinfopairing]

Thanks so much!

#1: You need /responsetime in Inquisit 3 syntax.
#2: See the "How to Present Stimulus Pairs" topic in the Inquisit 3 documentation for the correct syntax. It is

/ select = current(
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Posts: 6, Visits: 12
Dave - Monday, June 5, 2017
RR - Sunday, June 4, 2017
Hi All,
I programmed an experiment using Inquisit 4, but the computers on which the study will run have Inquisit 3. Inquisit 3 does not recognize two commands that were recognized by Inquisit 4 and therefore the script, which ran in Inquisit 4, does not run in Inquisit 3.

If anyone is able to provide the equivalent syntax for Inquisit 3, or a resource that contains this information, I would greatly appreciate it! The syntax reference for Inquisit 3 has not been helpful. The two issues are:
1. The first command (beginresponsetime) that is causing problems is, indeed, in the Inquisit 3 syntax reference guide, but for some reason still will not run on Inquisit 3. I am attempting to prevent responding before 1.5 seconds has elapsed. This is what ran in Inquisit 4 but not Inquisit 3:

<trial stevehomeinfopairing>
/beginresponsetime = 1500
/ stimulusframes = [1=Steveitems, Homeitems]
/ validresponse = (" ")

2. Inquisit 3 does not recognize syntax to present 10 pairs of stimuli consisting of one photo and one text stimulus (the text is the same in all trials); specifically, inquisit 3 does not recognize (under <picture> ) the "/ select = text.Tiffanynoinfoitems.currentindex" (I have included syntax for the whole block in case it is necessary). Can I do the same thing using different commands in Inquisit 3?

<text Tiffanynoinfoitems>
/ items = Tiffanynoinfoitems ("Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly" "Tiffany Kristen Kelly")
/ select = noreplace
/halign = left

<picture noinfoitemstiffany>
/ items = ("no info stimulus 1.jpg" "no info stimulus 2.jpg" "no info stimulus 3.jpg" "no info stimulus 4.jpg" "no info stimulus 5.jpg" "no info stimulus 6.jpg" "no info stimulus 7.jpg" "no info stimulus 8.jpg" "no info stimulus 9.jpg" "no info stimulus 10.jpg")
/ select = text.Tiffanynoinfoitems.currentindex
/halign = right

<trial tiffanynoinfopairing>
/beginresponsetime = 1500
/ stimulusframes = [1=Tiffanynoinfoitems, noinfoitemstiffany]
/ validresponse = (" ")

<block tiffanynoinfopairing>
/ trials = [1-10 = tiffanynoinfopairing]

Thanks so much!

#1: You need /responsetime in Inquisit 3 syntax.
#2: See the "How to Present Stimulus Pairs" topic in the Inquisit 3 documentation for the correct syntax. It is

/ select = current(

Thanks so much, Dave, this worked perfectly!

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