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Hi all,
I'm having a bit of trouble modifying a SART with the Mind-wandering probe extension enabled.
In fact, almost everything is finished, but in the trials which appear from time to time during the SART, I cannot get my text to appear over the top of my background. The original script used a black background as it was using radiobuttons for the probe, but I've changed it to white and am recording key responses in the trial instead.
I've pasted below the text element, which I need to have appear during the trial, so that it is presented at the same time as the shape stimuli (which ARE appearing correctly) at the bottom of the trial page (also included).
<text probe> /items = ("Have any of the shapes shown below entered your mind recently? ^^Press <O> if the circle has entered your mind. ^Press <P> if the triangle has entered your mind. ^Press <I> if the square has entered your mind. ^Press <A> if all the shapes have entered your mind. ^^Press <N> if none of the shapes have entered your mind recently.") / txcolor = black / txbgcolor = white </text>
<trial mindwandering> /ontrialend = shape.background / stimulustimes = [0=text.probe;; 1=shape.square; 1=shape.triangle] / correctresponse = ("o", "i", "p", "n", "a") / branch = [trial.SARTprepare] / beginresponsetime = 0 </trial>
I'll also include the background shape, just in case its of any use:
<shape background> /shape = rectangle /position = (50%, 50%) /size = (100%, 100%) /color = white /erase = false </shape>
The reason it is used (and erase = false) is in order to achieve a steady SOA between digits and masks - so I do not see a way to operate without it, unless anyone has any other ideas?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards, Jack.