Select items for a second part of the experiment based upon the ratings in the first part of the...

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Posts: 6, Visits: 18
I am currently programming a novel task and wondered whether Inquisit allows to include only the pictures in a experiment that have been given the highest rating in an earlier part of the experiment?
To be clear:
in part 1 of the experiment people rate 50 pictures upon negative affect using a VAS scale ranging from 0 -100.
In the second part of the experiment I would like to use the 5 pictures that have gotten the highest score on negative affect.
Can this be done in inquisit?
thanks in advance
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
I am currently programming a novel task and wondered whether Inquisit allows to include only the pictures in a experiment that have been given the highest rating in an earlier part of the experiment?
To be clear:
in part 1 of the experiment people rate 50 pictures upon negative affect using a VAS scale ranging from 0 -100.
In the second part of the experiment I would like to use the 5 pictures that have gotten the highest score on negative affect.
Can this be done in inquisit?
thanks in advance

Yes, it can be done, see e.g. and for an example of one possible approach.

Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)
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Posts: 6, Visits: 18
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
I am currently programming a novel task and wondered whether Inquisit allows to include only the pictures in a experiment that have been given the highest rating in an earlier part of the experiment?
To be clear:
in part 1 of the experiment people rate 50 pictures upon negative affect using a VAS scale ranging from 0 -100.
In the second part of the experiment I would like to use the 5 pictures that have gotten the highest score on negative affect.
Can this be done in inquisit?
thanks in advance

Yes, it can be done, see e.g. and for an example of one possible approach.

Dear Dave,

thanks for your quick reply. I had a look at these solution. I think I more or less understand the idea.
However, all of these are made for likert scales. Would you have an example using sliders (ranging from 0 -100)?

kind regards

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
I am currently programming a novel task and wondered whether Inquisit allows to include only the pictures in a experiment that have been given the highest rating in an earlier part of the experiment?
To be clear:
in part 1 of the experiment people rate 50 pictures upon negative affect using a VAS scale ranging from 0 -100.
In the second part of the experiment I would like to use the 5 pictures that have gotten the highest score on negative affect.
Can this be done in inquisit?
thanks in advance

Yes, it can be done, see e.g. and for an example of one possible approach.

Dear Dave,

thanks for your quick reply. I had a look at these solution. I think I more or less understand the idea.
However, all of these are made for likert scales. Would you have an example using sliders (ranging from 0 -100)?

kind regards

It would work exactly the same. You put the <slider> on a <surveypage>. You run that page via a <block>'s /trials. You sort responses into the respective bins based on the <slider>'s response property instead of a <likert>'s.

Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 18
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
I am currently programming a novel task and wondered whether Inquisit allows to include only the pictures in a experiment that have been given the highest rating in an earlier part of the experiment?
To be clear:
in part 1 of the experiment people rate 50 pictures upon negative affect using a VAS scale ranging from 0 -100.
In the second part of the experiment I would like to use the 5 pictures that have gotten the highest score on negative affect.
Can this be done in inquisit?
thanks in advance

Yes, it can be done, see e.g. and for an example of one possible approach.

Dear Dave,

thanks for your quick reply. I had a look at these solution. I think I more or less understand the idea.
However, all of these are made for likert scales. Would you have an example using sliders (ranging from 0 -100)?

kind regards

It would work exactly the same. You put the <slider> on a <surveypage>. You run that page via a <block>'s /trials. You sort responses into the respective bins based on the <slider>'s response property instead of a <likert>'s.

thank you, I'll try to work it out!

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
I am currently programming a novel task and wondered whether Inquisit allows to include only the pictures in a experiment that have been given the highest rating in an earlier part of the experiment?
To be clear:
in part 1 of the experiment people rate 50 pictures upon negative affect using a VAS scale ranging from 0 -100.
In the second part of the experiment I would like to use the 5 pictures that have gotten the highest score on negative affect.
Can this be done in inquisit?
thanks in advance

Yes, it can be done, see e.g. and for an example of one possible approach.

Dear Dave,

thanks for your quick reply. I had a look at these solution. I think I more or less understand the idea.
However, all of these are made for likert scales. Would you have an example using sliders (ranging from 0 -100)?

kind regards

It would work exactly the same. You put the <slider> on a <surveypage>. You run that page via a <block>'s /trials. You sort responses into the respective bins based on the <slider>'s response property instead of a <likert>'s.

Here's the example from adapted to <slider>s instead of <likert> elements:

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-12=noreplace(female_page, male_page);
/ postinstructions = (selectionresults)

<surveypage female_page>
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="1")item.female_r1.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="2")item.female_r2.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="3")item.female_r3.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="4")item.female_r4.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="5")item.female_r5.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ stimulusframes = [1=female,debug]
/ questions = [1=female_slider]

<slider female_slider>
/ range = (1,5)
/ slidersize = (50%, 10%)
/ position = (25%, 80%)

<text female>
/ items = femaleitems
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<item femaleitems>
/ 1 = "Female A"
/ 2 = "Female B"
/ 3 = "Female C"
/ 4 = "Female D"
/ 5 = "Female E"
/ 6 = "Female F"

<surveypage male_page>
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="1")item.male_r1.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="2")item.male_r2.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="3")item.male_r3.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="4")item.male_r4.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="5")item.male_r5.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ stimulusframes = [1=male,debug]
/ questions = [1=male_slider]

<slider male_slider>
/ range = (1,5)
/ slidersize = (50%, 10%)
/ position = (25%, 80%)

<text male>
/ items = maleitems
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<item maleitems>
/ 1 = "Male A"
/ 2 = "Male B"
/ 3 = "Male C"
/ 4 = "Male D"
/ 5 = "Male E"
/ 6 = "Male F"

<text debug>
/ items = ("Female rating results:
Male rating results:
/ size = (90%, 30%)
/ position = (50%, 30%)
/ erase = false

<item female_r1>

<item female_r2>

<item female_r3>

<item female_r4>

<item female_r5>

<item male_r1>

<item male_r2>

<item male_r3>

<item male_r4>

<item male_r5>

<trial ratingresults>
/ stimulusframes = [1=debug]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ timeout = 5000

<trial select_females_high>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.female_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r5.item(1)); item.female_r5.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r4.item(1)); item.female_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r3.item(1)); item.female_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r2.item(1)); item.female_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r1.item(1)); item.female_r1.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_females_low>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.female_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r1.item(1)); item.female_r1.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r2.item(1)); item.female_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r3.item(1)); item.female_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r4.item(1)); item.female_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r5.item(1)); item.female_r5.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_males_high>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.male_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r5.item(1)); item.male_r5.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r4.item(1)); item.male_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r3.item(1)); item.male_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r2.item(1)); item.male_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r1.item(1)); item.male_r1.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_males_low>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.male_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r1.item(1)); item.male_r1.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r2.item(1)); item.male_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r3.item(1)); item.male_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r4.item(1)); item.male_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r5.item(1)); item.male_r5.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<item high>

<item low>

<page selectionresults>
^'High' item set (<%item.high.itemcount%> items):
^<%item.high.item(1)%>, <%item.high.item(2)%>, <%item.high.item(3)%>, <%item.high.item(4)%>
^'Low' item set (<%item.low.itemcount%> items):
^<%item.low.item(1)%>, <%item.low.item(2)%>, <%item.low.item(3)%>, <%item.low.item(4)%>

Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 18
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
I am currently programming a novel task and wondered whether Inquisit allows to include only the pictures in a experiment that have been given the highest rating in an earlier part of the experiment?
To be clear:
in part 1 of the experiment people rate 50 pictures upon negative affect using a VAS scale ranging from 0 -100.
In the second part of the experiment I would like to use the 5 pictures that have gotten the highest score on negative affect.
Can this be done in inquisit?
thanks in advance

Yes, it can be done, see e.g. and for an example of one possible approach.

Dear Dave,

thanks for your quick reply. I had a look at these solution. I think I more or less understand the idea.
However, all of these are made for likert scales. Would you have an example using sliders (ranging from 0 -100)?

kind regards

It would work exactly the same. You put the <slider> on a <surveypage>. You run that page via a <block>'s /trials. You sort responses into the respective bins based on the <slider>'s response property instead of a <likert>'s.

Here's the example from adapted to <slider>s instead of <likert> elements:

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-12=noreplace(female_page, male_page);
/ postinstructions = (selectionresults)

<surveypage female_page>
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="1")item.female_r1.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="2")item.female_r2.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="3")item.female_r3.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="4")item.female_r4.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="5")item.female_r5.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ stimulusframes = [1=female,debug]
/ questions = [1=female_slider]

<slider female_slider>
/ range = (1,5)
/ slidersize = (50%, 10%)
/ position = (25%, 80%)

<text female>
/ items = femaleitems
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<item femaleitems>
/ 1 = "Female A"
/ 2 = "Female B"
/ 3 = "Female C"
/ 4 = "Female D"
/ 5 = "Female E"
/ 6 = "Female F"

<surveypage male_page>
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="1")item.male_r1.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="2")item.male_r2.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="3")item.male_r3.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="4")item.male_r4.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="5")item.male_r5.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ stimulusframes = [1=male,debug]
/ questions = [1=male_slider]

<slider male_slider>
/ range = (1,5)
/ slidersize = (50%, 10%)
/ position = (25%, 80%)

<text male>
/ items = maleitems
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<item maleitems>
/ 1 = "Male A"
/ 2 = "Male B"
/ 3 = "Male C"
/ 4 = "Male D"
/ 5 = "Male E"
/ 6 = "Male F"

<text debug>
/ items = ("Female rating results:
Male rating results:
/ size = (90%, 30%)
/ position = (50%, 30%)
/ erase = false

<item female_r1>

<item female_r2>

<item female_r3>

<item female_r4>

<item female_r5>

<item male_r1>

<item male_r2>

<item male_r3>

<item male_r4>

<item male_r5>

<trial ratingresults>
/ stimulusframes = [1=debug]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ timeout = 5000

<trial select_females_high>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.female_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r5.item(1)); item.female_r5.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r4.item(1)); item.female_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r3.item(1)); item.female_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r2.item(1)); item.female_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r1.item(1)); item.female_r1.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_females_low>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.female_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r1.item(1)); item.female_r1.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r2.item(1)); item.female_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r3.item(1)); item.female_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r4.item(1)); item.female_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r5.item(1)); item.female_r5.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_males_high>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.male_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r5.item(1)); item.male_r5.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r4.item(1)); item.male_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r3.item(1)); item.male_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r2.item(1)); item.male_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r1.item(1)); item.male_r1.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_males_low>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.male_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r1.item(1)); item.male_r1.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r2.item(1)); item.male_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r3.item(1)); item.male_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r4.item(1)); item.male_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r5.item(1)); item.male_r5.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<item high>

<item low>

<page selectionresults>
^'High' item set (<%item.high.itemcount%> items):
^<%item.high.item(1)%>, <%item.high.item(2)%>, <%item.high.item(3)%>, <%item.high.item(4)%>
^'Low' item set (<%item.low.itemcount%> items):
^<%item.low.item(1)%>, <%item.low.item(2)%>, <%item.low.item(3)%>, <%item.low.item(4)%>

this great!
I have completely adapted the script and it works fine to report which 4 receive the highest and which  4 receive the lowest values.
However how can I automatically get these in the second part of the experiment? Here I want participants to perform a reaction time task using these particular pictures.
I guess I can not just replace 

<item targetB.item>
/1 = "Bad 1"
/2 = "Bad 2"
/3 = "Bad 3"
/4 = "Bad 4"

<picture targetA.text>
/ items = targetA.item
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%, true)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/select = noreplacenorepeat

thanks for all your help here

 to show the highest and lowest 

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
dimitri_VR - Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
I am currently programming a novel task and wondered whether Inquisit allows to include only the pictures in a experiment that have been given the highest rating in an earlier part of the experiment?
To be clear:
in part 1 of the experiment people rate 50 pictures upon negative affect using a VAS scale ranging from 0 -100.
In the second part of the experiment I would like to use the 5 pictures that have gotten the highest score on negative affect.
Can this be done in inquisit?
thanks in advance

Yes, it can be done, see e.g. and for an example of one possible approach.

Dear Dave,

thanks for your quick reply. I had a look at these solution. I think I more or less understand the idea.
However, all of these are made for likert scales. Would you have an example using sliders (ranging from 0 -100)?

kind regards

It would work exactly the same. You put the <slider> on a <surveypage>. You run that page via a <block>'s /trials. You sort responses into the respective bins based on the <slider>'s response property instead of a <likert>'s.

Here's the example from adapted to <slider>s instead of <likert> elements:

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-12=noreplace(female_page, male_page);
/ postinstructions = (selectionresults)

<surveypage female_page>
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="1")item.female_r1.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="2")item.female_r2.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="3")item.female_r3.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="4")item.female_r4.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="5")item.female_r5.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ stimulusframes = [1=female,debug]
/ questions = [1=female_slider]

<slider female_slider>
/ range = (1,5)
/ slidersize = (50%, 10%)
/ position = (25%, 80%)

<text female>
/ items = femaleitems
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<item femaleitems>
/ 1 = "Female A"
/ 2 = "Female B"
/ 3 = "Female C"
/ 4 = "Female D"
/ 5 = "Female E"
/ 6 = "Female F"

<surveypage male_page>
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="1")item.male_r1.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="2")item.male_r2.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="3")item.male_r3.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="4")item.male_r4.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="5")item.male_r5.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ stimulusframes = [1=male,debug]
/ questions = [1=male_slider]

<slider male_slider>
/ range = (1,5)
/ slidersize = (50%, 10%)
/ position = (25%, 80%)

<text male>
/ items = maleitems
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<item maleitems>
/ 1 = "Male A"
/ 2 = "Male B"
/ 3 = "Male C"
/ 4 = "Male D"
/ 5 = "Male E"
/ 6 = "Male F"

<text debug>
/ items = ("Female rating results:
Male rating results:
/ size = (90%, 30%)
/ position = (50%, 30%)
/ erase = false

<item female_r1>

<item female_r2>

<item female_r3>

<item female_r4>

<item female_r5>

<item male_r1>

<item male_r2>

<item male_r3>

<item male_r4>

<item male_r5>

<trial ratingresults>
/ stimulusframes = [1=debug]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ timeout = 5000

<trial select_females_high>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.female_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r5.item(1)); item.female_r5.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r4.item(1)); item.female_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r3.item(1)); item.female_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r2.item(1)); item.female_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r1.item(1)); item.female_r1.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_females_low>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.female_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r1.item(1)); item.female_r1.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r2.item(1)); item.female_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r3.item(1)); item.female_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r4.item(1)); item.female_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r5.item(1)); item.female_r5.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_males_high>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.male_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r5.item(1)); item.male_r5.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r4.item(1)); item.male_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r3.item(1)); item.male_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r2.item(1)); item.male_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r1.item(1)); item.male_r1.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_males_low>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.male_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r1.item(1)); item.male_r1.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r2.item(1)); item.male_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r3.item(1)); item.male_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r4.item(1)); item.male_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r5.item(1)); item.male_r5.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<item high>

<item low>

<page selectionresults>
^'High' item set (<%item.high.itemcount%> items):
^<%item.high.item(1)%>, <%item.high.item(2)%>, <%item.high.item(3)%>, <%item.high.item(4)%>
^'Low' item set (<%item.low.itemcount%> items):
^<%item.low.item(1)%>, <%item.low.item(2)%>, <%item.low.item(3)%>, <%item.low.item(4)%>

this great!
I have completely adapted the script and it works fine to report which 4 receive the highest and which  4 receive the lowest values.
However how can I automatically get these in the second part of the experiment? Here I want participants to perform a reaction time task using these particular pictures.
I guess I can not just replace 

<item targetB.item>
/1 = "Bad 1"
/2 = "Bad 2"
/3 = "Bad 3"
/4 = "Bad 4"

<picture targetA.text>
/ items = targetA.item
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%, true)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/select = noreplacenorepeat

thanks for all your help here

 to show the highest and lowest 


The slider script puts the selected items in two <item> elements: <item high> and <item low> in the example. You merely reference / use those <item> elements in your <picture> elements for the 2nd part.

Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)Respected Member (481 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 18
Dave - Tuesday, June 27, 2017
dimitri_VR - Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
I am currently programming a novel task and wondered whether Inquisit allows to include only the pictures in a experiment that have been given the highest rating in an earlier part of the experiment?
To be clear:
in part 1 of the experiment people rate 50 pictures upon negative affect using a VAS scale ranging from 0 -100.
In the second part of the experiment I would like to use the 5 pictures that have gotten the highest score on negative affect.
Can this be done in inquisit?
thanks in advance

Yes, it can be done, see e.g. and for an example of one possible approach.

Dear Dave,

thanks for your quick reply. I had a look at these solution. I think I more or less understand the idea.
However, all of these are made for likert scales. Would you have an example using sliders (ranging from 0 -100)?

kind regards

It would work exactly the same. You put the <slider> on a <surveypage>. You run that page via a <block>'s /trials. You sort responses into the respective bins based on the <slider>'s response property instead of a <likert>'s.

Here's the example from adapted to <slider>s instead of <likert> elements:

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-12=noreplace(female_page, male_page);
/ postinstructions = (selectionresults)

<surveypage female_page>
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="1")item.female_r1.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="2")item.female_r2.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="3")item.female_r3.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="4")item.female_r4.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="5")item.female_r5.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ stimulusframes = [1=female,debug]
/ questions = [1=female_slider]

<slider female_slider>
/ range = (1,5)
/ slidersize = (50%, 10%)
/ position = (25%, 80%)

<text female>
/ items = femaleitems
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<item femaleitems>
/ 1 = "Female A"
/ 2 = "Female B"
/ 3 = "Female C"
/ 4 = "Female D"
/ 5 = "Female E"
/ 6 = "Female F"

<surveypage male_page>
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="1")item.male_r1.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="2")item.male_r2.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="3")item.male_r3.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="4")item.male_r4.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="5")item.male_r5.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ stimulusframes = [1=male,debug]
/ questions = [1=male_slider]

<slider male_slider>
/ range = (1,5)
/ slidersize = (50%, 10%)
/ position = (25%, 80%)

<text male>
/ items = maleitems
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<item maleitems>
/ 1 = "Male A"
/ 2 = "Male B"
/ 3 = "Male C"
/ 4 = "Male D"
/ 5 = "Male E"
/ 6 = "Male F"

<text debug>
/ items = ("Female rating results:
Male rating results:
/ size = (90%, 30%)
/ position = (50%, 30%)
/ erase = false

<item female_r1>

<item female_r2>

<item female_r3>

<item female_r4>

<item female_r5>

<item male_r1>

<item male_r2>

<item male_r3>

<item male_r4>

<item male_r5>

<trial ratingresults>
/ stimulusframes = [1=debug]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ timeout = 5000

<trial select_females_high>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.female_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r5.item(1)); item.female_r5.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r4.item(1)); item.female_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r3.item(1)); item.female_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r2.item(1)); item.female_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r1.item(1)); item.female_r1.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_females_low>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.female_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r1.item(1)); item.female_r1.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r2.item(1)); item.female_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r3.item(1)); item.female_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r4.item(1)); item.female_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r5.item(1)); item.female_r5.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_males_high>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.male_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r5.item(1)); item.male_r5.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r4.item(1)); item.male_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r3.item(1)); item.male_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r2.item(1)); item.male_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r1.item(1)); item.male_r1.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_males_low>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.male_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r1.item(1)); item.male_r1.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r2.item(1)); item.male_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r3.item(1)); item.male_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r4.item(1)); item.male_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r5.item(1)); item.male_r5.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<item high>

<item low>

<page selectionresults>
^'High' item set (<%item.high.itemcount%> items):
^<%item.high.item(1)%>, <%item.high.item(2)%>, <%item.high.item(3)%>, <%item.high.item(4)%>
^'Low' item set (<%item.low.itemcount%> items):
^<%item.low.item(1)%>, <%item.low.item(2)%>, <%item.low.item(3)%>, <%item.low.item(4)%>

this great!
I have completely adapted the script and it works fine to report which 4 receive the highest and which  4 receive the lowest values.
However how can I automatically get these in the second part of the experiment? Here I want participants to perform a reaction time task using these particular pictures.
I guess I can not just replace 

<item targetB.item>
/1 = "Bad 1"
/2 = "Bad 2"
/3 = "Bad 3"
/4 = "Bad 4"

<picture targetA.text>
/ items = targetA.item
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%, true)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/select = noreplacenorepeat

thanks for all your help here

 to show the highest and lowest 


The slider script puts the selected items in two <item> elements: <item high> and <item low> in the example. You merely reference / use those <item> elements in your <picture> elements for the 2nd part.
Thanks for your help.
I tried to do it this way. however I get sometimes twice the same picture. I am doing something wrong, but don't seem to find it. 
I would like to see each of the high pictures shown once. 

<picture high_intense1>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (20, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = noreplace

<picture high_intense2>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (40, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = noreplace

<picture high_intense3>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (60, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = noreplace

<picture high_intense4>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (80, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = noreplace

<trial test>
/ stimulustimes = [0= high_intense1, high_intense2, high_intense3, high_intense4]
/ validresponse = (37)

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
dimitri_VR - Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Dave - Tuesday, June 27, 2017
dimitri_VR - Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
Dave - Monday, June 26, 2017
dimitri_VR - Monday, June 26, 2017
I am currently programming a novel task and wondered whether Inquisit allows to include only the pictures in a experiment that have been given the highest rating in an earlier part of the experiment?
To be clear:
in part 1 of the experiment people rate 50 pictures upon negative affect using a VAS scale ranging from 0 -100.
In the second part of the experiment I would like to use the 5 pictures that have gotten the highest score on negative affect.
Can this be done in inquisit?
thanks in advance

Yes, it can be done, see e.g. and for an example of one possible approach.

Dear Dave,

thanks for your quick reply. I had a look at these solution. I think I more or less understand the idea.
However, all of these are made for likert scales. Would you have an example using sliders (ranging from 0 -100)?

kind regards

It would work exactly the same. You put the <slider> on a <surveypage>. You run that page via a <block>'s /trials. You sort responses into the respective bins based on the <slider>'s response property instead of a <likert>'s.

Here's the example from adapted to <slider>s instead of <likert> elements:

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-12=noreplace(female_page, male_page);
/ postinstructions = (selectionresults)

<surveypage female_page>
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="1")item.female_r1.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="2")item.female_r2.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="3")item.female_r3.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="4")item.female_r4.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.female_slider.response=="5")item.female_r5.item=text.female.currentitem]
/ stimulusframes = [1=female,debug]
/ questions = [1=female_slider]

<slider female_slider>
/ range = (1,5)
/ slidersize = (50%, 10%)
/ position = (25%, 80%)

<text female>
/ items = femaleitems
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<item femaleitems>
/ 1 = "Female A"
/ 2 = "Female B"
/ 3 = "Female C"
/ 4 = "Female D"
/ 5 = "Female E"
/ 6 = "Female F"

<surveypage male_page>
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="1")item.male_r1.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="2")item.male_r2.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="3")item.male_r3.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="4")item.male_r4.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if(slider.male_slider.response=="5")item.male_r5.item=text.male.currentitem]
/ stimulusframes = [1=male,debug]
/ questions = [1=male_slider]

<slider male_slider>
/ range = (1,5)
/ slidersize = (50%, 10%)
/ position = (25%, 80%)

<text male>
/ items = maleitems
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<item maleitems>
/ 1 = "Male A"
/ 2 = "Male B"
/ 3 = "Male C"
/ 4 = "Male D"
/ 5 = "Male E"
/ 6 = "Male F"

<text debug>
/ items = ("Female rating results:
Male rating results:
/ size = (90%, 30%)
/ position = (50%, 30%)
/ erase = false

<item female_r1>

<item female_r2>

<item female_r3>

<item female_r4>

<item female_r5>

<item male_r1>

<item male_r2>

<item male_r3>

<item male_r4>

<item male_r5>

<trial ratingresults>
/ stimulusframes = [1=debug]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ timeout = 5000

<trial select_females_high>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.female_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r5.item(1)); item.female_r5.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r4.item(1)); item.female_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r3.item(1)); item.female_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r2.item(1)); item.female_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.female_r1.item(1)); item.female_r1.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_females_low>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.female_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r1.item(1)); item.female_r1.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r2.item(1)); item.female_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r3.item(1)); item.female_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r4.item(1)); item.female_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.female_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.female_r5.item(1)); item.female_r5.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_males_high>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.male_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r5.item(1)); item.male_r5.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r4.item(1)); item.male_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r3.item(1)); item.male_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r2.item(1)); item.male_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.high.appenditem(item.male_r1.item(1)); item.male_r1.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<trial select_males_low>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (item.male_r1.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r1.item(1)); item.male_r1.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r2.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r2.item(1)); item.male_r2.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r3.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r3.item(1)); item.male_r3.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r4.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r4.item(1)); item.male_r4.removeitem(1);}
    else if (item.male_r5.itemcount > 0) {item.low.appenditem(item.male_r5.item(1)); item.male_r5.removeitem(1);}; ]
/ trialduration = 0

<item high>

<item low>

<page selectionresults>
^'High' item set (<%item.high.itemcount%> items):
^<%item.high.item(1)%>, <%item.high.item(2)%>, <%item.high.item(3)%>, <%item.high.item(4)%>
^'Low' item set (<%item.low.itemcount%> items):
^<%item.low.item(1)%>, <%item.low.item(2)%>, <%item.low.item(3)%>, <%item.low.item(4)%>

this great!
I have completely adapted the script and it works fine to report which 4 receive the highest and which  4 receive the lowest values.
However how can I automatically get these in the second part of the experiment? Here I want participants to perform a reaction time task using these particular pictures.
I guess I can not just replace 

<item targetB.item>
/1 = "Bad 1"
/2 = "Bad 2"
/3 = "Bad 3"
/4 = "Bad 4"

<picture targetA.text>
/ items = targetA.item
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%, true)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/select = noreplacenorepeat

thanks for all your help here

 to show the highest and lowest 


The slider script puts the selected items in two <item> elements: <item high> and <item low> in the example. You merely reference / use those <item> elements in your <picture> elements for the 2nd part.
Thanks for your help.
I tried to do it this way. however I get sometimes twice the same picture. I am doing something wrong, but don't seem to find it. 
I would like to see each of the high pictures shown once. 

<picture high_intense1>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (20, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = noreplace

<picture high_intense2>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (40, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = noreplace

<picture high_intense3>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (60, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = noreplace

<picture high_intense4>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (80, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = noreplace

<trial test>
/ stimulustimes = [0= high_intense1, high_intense2, high_intense3, high_intense4]
/ validresponse = (37)

You need a <list> in addition if you want all items selected from the same selection pool across multiple <picture> elements:

<picture high_intense1>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (20, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = list.fouritems.nextindex

<picture high_intense2>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (40, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = list.fouritems.nextindex

<picture high_intense3>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (60, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = list.fouritems.nextindex

<picture high_intense4>
/ items = item.high
/ position = (80, 30)
/ size = (200,200)
/ select = list.fouritems.nextindex

<list fouritems>
/ poolsize = 4
/ selectionrate = always

<trial test>
/ stimulustimes = [0= high_intense1, high_intense2, high_intense3, high_intense4]
/ validresponse = (37)


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