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Hello all,
I'm attempting to run an experiment in Inquisit Web that involves a binary between-subjects variable and two binary variables (presentation orders) that are being counterbalanced. Thus, in my script, I have 8 expt elements, each with groupassignment = groupnumber and subjects = (x of 8), where x ranges from 1 to 8. Running the script in Inquisit lab, I am able to assign subjects to the appropriate condition by entering the appropriate group number.
However, when I run the experiment on Inquisit Web, problems arise. I've set participant IDs to be generated randomly without replacement, so that they can serve as confirmation codes for MTurk participants, and set group IDs to be generated sequentially, in order to make sure that participants are assigned evenly to all 8 conditions. However, in my data, the group IDs appear as large, non-consecutive numbers (740797481, 740797483, 740797485, 740797487, 740797489...), and thus only half of my conditions are being run.
Is there a way to ensure than participants are assigned evenly to conditions (i.e., the 1st, 9th, 17th, etc. participant to condition 1, the 2nd, 10th, 18th, etc. participant to condition 2...)? Or am I better off removing the groupassignment attribute and just trusting that with enough participants, the conditions will receive more or less the same number of participants? More generally, any reason why the group IDs take the form they do, instead of {1, 2, 3, 4, ...}? Lastly, if you could direct me to information about how exactly the groupassignment and subjects attributes interact in Inquisit Web, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Thanks in advance, and please let me know if there's any additional info I can provide. I'm more than happy to upload my script if you'd like!