D-scores RRT

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Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Suze - Friday, July 21, 2017

Our script for the RRT did not include the part for the D-score. Is there a syntax for SPSS that makes it possible to calculate the D-scores.
I have found the syntax for the IAT, is there one for the RRT as well?

#1: I'm not sure which script or task you are referring to with "RRT". If it's one from the library, please link to it.
#2: A D-score is an outcome measure specific to IATs, so any other type of task would not have a "D-score" and in many cases it would not make sense to even try and calculate one.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 3

Our script for the RRT did not include the part for the D-score. Is there a syntax for SPSS that makes it possible to calculate the D-scores.
I have found the syntax for the IAT, is there one for the RRT as well?


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