Using Item Lists in Expressions

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Posts: 4, Visits: 14

Hello all!

I’m currently working on an experiment where participants are shown an emotionally ambiguous face. This face is the product of morphing an image of an individual demonstrating anger and an image of the same individual demonstrating another emotion. With mouse input the participant then responds on a line with what percentage of each emotion they believe is mixed.

Example; we show the fully angry face in the top left corner and a fully happy face in the top right corner. If they believe the ambiguous face has higher levels of happiness they make a selection toward the right side of the bar.

In the script we have listed the images between 1 and 42 in the following format:

<item test_emoHex_large>
/1 = "F25_Fe35.jpg"
/2 = "M43_Di35.jpg"
/3 = "F25_Fe100.jpg"
/4 = "F41_Ha75.jpg"
. . .

I have also created lists of whether the anger is presented in the left corner, and of the actual percentage of the non-anger emotion.

<item an_left>
/1 ="1"
/2 ="1"
/3 ="0"
/4 ="1"
. . .
(where 1 means anger is shown on the left side and 0 means the other emotion is shown on the left side)

<item correctr>
/1 ="35"
/2 ="35"
/3 ="100"
/4 ="75"
. . .

I want the data output columns to include the deviance from the actual percentage of the mixed faces and the percentage of over/underestimation of anger. We’ve written the expressions I have included below.

/ correctionvalue = (display.width - shape.line.width) / 2
/ correctedscore = (trial.makeresponse_line.responsex - expressions.correctionvalue) / shape.line.width * 100
/ roundedvalue = format("%.2f", expressions.correctedscore)
/ correctedan =
if (item.an_left ="1") {expressions.correctedscore;} else if (item.an_left ="0") {100 - expressions.correctedscore;}
/ deviance = abs(item.correctr - expressions.correctedan)
/ overunder = (item.correctr - expressions.correctedan)

- “correctedscore” calculates the percentage they have selected based on the monitor dimensions and mouse input
- “roundedvalue” is shown back to them
- “correctedan” normalizes the scores so they are all relative in the same way to anger

What I don’t know how to do is connecting the “an_left” and “correctr” items lists to the pictures lists so that they can be used in the expressions.

When I tried running the experiment and recording all the items lists and the relevant expressions an_left and correctr were blank, correctedscore was correct, correctedan was the same as correctedscore (so it didn’t transform based on the positioning of an), deviance recorded as 0, and overunder was blank.

Please let me know if there are any other parts of the script or other information that would help you. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.


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