White Rectangle on Black Background

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Rmoody - Sunday, September 3, 2017
My dot probe task is currently set up to show a black fixation cross on the center of the screen, followed by a pair of images, and then a black text probe, all on a white background. I would like to change this to have the stimuli displayed on a white background but I do not want the entire screen to be white. Rather, I would like the background to have a black border surrounding a white rectangle  (50%, 80%) in the center of the screen (50%, 50%). Is there an easy way to configure the background to have a shape in the center of it? 

Set the /screencolor to black. Then define a white rectangular <shape> in the desired dimensions with /erase set to false, and either display that shape via the <trial>s' /stimulustimes (or -frames) or the <block>s' /bgstim. Putting it in the trials along with the other stimuli, should be the more robust option. I.e.

/ screencolor = black

<shape whitebg>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = white
/ size = (95%, 90%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ erase = false

<trial exampletrial>
/ stimulustimes = [0=whitebg, fixation; 500=...]

Hope this helps.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 24
My dot probe task is currently set up to show a black fixation cross on the center of the screen, followed by a pair of images, and then a black text probe, all on a white background. I would like to change this to have the stimuli displayed on a white background but I do not want the entire screen to be white. Rather, I would like the background to have a black border surrounding a white rectangle  (50%, 80%) in the center of the screen (50%, 50%). Is there an easy way to configure the background to have a shape in the center of it? 


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