Between subject design

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amselie - Thursday, September 7, 2017
Hi everyone.
Apologies in advance if this is a duplicate. I am using Inquisit 5 for running an experiment for my bachelor thesis and I so far I don't have any experience with programming. 

My issue is that I would like to have a between subject design with two conditions and randomized group assignment for my study, but I am not completely sure how to implement this. I tried creating two experiments with different blocks and it is running without any errors, but with this solution I guess that I won't obtain balanced groups. 

Is my solution correct or is there another way to create two different conditions? And is there a way to see in the data which condition a participant was assigned to?

Below I have an extract of the script that I'm using and any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)

/ groupassignment = random
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ blocks = [1 = Consent; 2 = BodyMassIndex; 3 = Instructions; 4 = stroopThreat; 5 = Nachbefragung; 6 = DemographischeDaten]
/onexptend = [
values.completed = 1;

/ groupassignment = random
/ subjects = (2 of 2)
/ blocks = [1 = Consent; 2 = Instructions; 3 = stroopKontrolle; 4 = Nachbefragung; 5 = postBodyMassIndex; 6 = DemographischeDaten]
/onexptend = [
values.completed = 1;

If you want to exert control over which condition a given participant is assigned to, you should use /groupassignment = groupnumber. You then simply enter the respective group number (here 1 or 2) if you administer the script using Inquisit Lab. If using Inquisit Web you can supply the group number via a URL query parameter included in the link you give out to your participants, i.e. you'd give half of them a link that runs condition #1, and the other half a link that runs condition #2.

Also see regarding how condition assignment works mathematically and how to determine which condition was administered.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 48
Hi everyone.
Apologies in advance if this is a duplicate. I am using Inquisit 5 for running an experiment for my bachelor thesis and I so far I don't have any experience with programming. 

My issue is that I would like to have a between subject design with two conditions and randomized group assignment for my study, but I am not completely sure how to implement this. I tried creating two experiments with different blocks and it is running without any errors, but with this solution I guess that I won't obtain balanced groups. 

Is my solution correct or is there another way to create two different conditions? And is there a way to see in the data which condition a participant was assigned to?

Below I have an extract of the script that I'm using and any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)

/ groupassignment = random
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ blocks = [1 = Consent; 2 = BodyMassIndex; 3 = Instructions; 4 = stroopThreat; 5 = Nachbefragung; 6 = DemographischeDaten]
/onexptend = [
values.completed = 1;

/ groupassignment = random
/ subjects = (2 of 2)
/ blocks = [1 = Consent; 2 = Instructions; 3 = stroopKontrolle; 4 = Nachbefragung; 5 = postBodyMassIndex; 6 = DemographischeDaten]
/onexptend = [
values.completed = 1;


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