sequence of stimuli type within a trial

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Posts: 83, Visits: 261

in my current experiment, I am trying to sample two types of stimuli throughout the block. The trial itself is split up into three phases, where I need one type of trial-unique picture (e.g. indoor or outdoor pictures) to appear during the cue and outcome portion of the trial. Right now, I just have "stim1" at cue and "stim2" at outcome, but I want these items to both be an indoor or outdoor picture given a sequence. Previously, in javascript, I had a set sequence where an indoor picture would be sampled if the randomized array was a 1 (versus a 0) at trial. Ideally, I would want indoor and outdoor pictures to be sampled randomly, without allowing the same type of stimulus to appear in more than two trials in a row. Additionally, I want to set a particular type of reward stimulus (highVal or lowVal at outcome) given the type of stimulus picture sampled at trial.

thank you so much in advance! 

Creating Stimuli

<picture stim1>
/ items = stim1_Outdoor *I want this to be either indoor or outdoor
/ size = (30%, 30%)
/ select = values.stim1

<picture stim2>
/ items = stim2_Outdoor *I want this to be either indoor or outdoor (same type as stim1)
/ size = (30%, 30%)
/ select = values.stim2

<picture oldStim1>
/ items = stim1_Outdoor
/ size = (40%, 40%)
/ select = values.oldStim1

<picture highVal> *this is contingent on whether it's an indoor or outdoor picture
/ items = highValue
/ size = (13%, 13%)
/ resetinterval = 0
/ vposition = 30
/ hposition = 50

<picture lowVal> *this is contingent on whether it's an indoor or outdoor picture
/ items = lowValue
/ size = (10%, 10%)
/ resetinterval = 0

/ screencolor = (175, 175, 175)
/ txcolor = darkgrey

<shape blank>
/ color = (175, 175, 175)
/ shape = rectangle
/ size = (100%, 100%)

<text estimateQ>
/ items = ("please estimate the value of this type of scene ~n(indoor or outdoor) from 1 to 100")
/ hjustify = center
/ size = (50%,50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",30)
/ vposition = (60)
/ hposition = (50)
/ txbgcolor = (transparent)
/ txcolor = aliceblue
/ erase = false

<item stim1_Outdoor>
/1 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_1.jpg"
/2 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_2.jpg"
/3 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_3.jpg"
/4 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_4.jpg"
/5 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_5.jpg"
/6 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_6.jpg"
/7 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_7.jpg"
/8 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_8.jpg"
/9 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_9.jpg"
/10 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_10.jpg"
/11 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_11.jpg"
/12 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_12.jpg"
/13 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_13.jpg"
/14 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_14.jpg"
/15 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_15.jpg"
/16 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_16.jpg"
/17 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_17.jpg"
/18 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_18.jpg"
/19 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_19.jpg"
/20 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_20.jpg"
/21 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_21.jpg"
/22 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_22.jpg"
/23 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_23.jpg"
/24 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_24.jpg"
/25 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_25.jpg"
/26 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_26.jpg"

<item stim2_Outdoor>
/1 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_27.jpg"
/2 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_28.jpg"
/3 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_29.jpg"
/4 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_30.jpg"
/5 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_31.jpg"
/6 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_32.jpg"
/7 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_33.jpg"
/8 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_34.jpg"
/9 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_35.jpg"
/10 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_36.jpg"
/11 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_37.jpg"
/12 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_38.jpg"
/13 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_39.jpg"
/14 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_40.jpg"
/15 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_41.jpg"
/16 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_42.jpg"
/17 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_43.jpg"
/18 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_44.jpg"
/19 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_45.jpg"
/20 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_46.jpg"
/21 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_47.jpg"
/22 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_48.jpg"
/23 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_49.jpg"
/24 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_50.jpg"
/25 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_51.jpg"
/26 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_53.jpg"

<item stim1_Indoor>
/1 = "indoorPics/Indoor_1.jpg"
/2 = "indoorPics/Indoor_2.jpg"
/3 = "indoorPics/Indoor_3.jpg"
/4 = "indoorPics/Indoor_4.jpg"
/5 = "indoorPics/Indoor_5.jpg"
/6 = "indoorPics/Indoor_6.jpg"
/7 = "indoorPics/Indoor_7.jpg"
/8 = "indoorPics/Indoor_8.jpg"
/9 = "indoorPics/Indoor_9.jpg"
/10 = "indoorPics/Indoor_10.jpg"
/11 = "indoorPics/Indoor_11.jpg"
/12 = "indoorPics/Indoor_12.jpg"
/13 = "indoorPics/Indoor_13.jpg"
/14 = "indoorPics/Indoor_14.jpg"
/15 = "indoorPics/Indoor_15.jpg"
/16 = "indoorPics/Indoor_16.jpg"
/17 = "indoorPics/Indoor_17.jpg"
/18 = "indoorPics/Indoor_18.jpg"
/19 = "indoorPics/Indoor_19.jpg"
/20 = "indoorPics/Indoor_20.jpg"
/21 = "indoorPics/Indoor_21.jpg"
/22 = "indoorPics/Indoor_22.jpg"
/23 = "indoorPics/Indoor_23.jpg"
/24 = "indoorPics/Indoor_24.jpg"
/25 = "indoorPics/Indoor_25.jpg"
/26 = "indoorPics/Indoor_26.jpg"

<item stim2_Indoor>
/1 = "indoorPics/Indoor_27.jpg"
/2 = "indoorPics/Indoor_28.jpg"
/3 = "indoorPics/Indoor_29.jpg"
/4 = "indoorPics/Indoor_30.jpg"
/5 = "indoorPics/Indoor_31.jpg"
/6 = "indoorPics/Indoor_32.jpg"
/7 = "indoorPics/Indoor_33.jpg"
/8 = "indoorPics/Indoor_34.jpg"
/9 = "indoorPics/Indoor_35.jpg"
/10 = "indoorPics/Indoor_36.jpg"
/11 = "indoorPics/Indoor_37.jpg"
/12 = "indoorPics/Indoor_38.jpg"
/13 = "indoorPics/Indoor_39.jpg"
/14 = "indoorPics/Indoor_40.jpg"
/15 = "indoorPics/Indoor_41.jpg"
/16 = "indoorPics/Indoor_42.jpg"
/17 = "indoorPics/Indoor_43.jpg"
/18 = "indoorPics/Indoor_44.jpg"
/19 = "indoorPics/Indoor_45.jpg"
/20 = "indoorPics/Indoor_46.jpg"
/21 = "indoorPics/Indoor_47.jpg"
/22 = "indoorPics/Indoor_48.jpg"
/23 = "indoorPics/Indoor_49.jpg"
/24 = "indoorPics/Indoor_50.jpg"
/25 = "indoorPics/Indoor_51.jpg"
/26 = "indoorPics/Indoor_52.jpg"

<item highValue>
/1 = "valPics/40cents.png"
/2 = "valPics/50cents.png"
/3 = "valPics/60cents.png"
/4 = "valPics/70cents.png"
/5 = "valPics/80cents.png"

<item lowValue>
/1 = "valPics/20cents.png"
/2 = "valPics/30cents.png"
/3 = "valPics/40cents.png"
/4 = "valPics/50cents.png"
/5 = "valPics/60cents.png"

Creating an Experiment

/ blocks = [1=learning;2=memory]

/ stim1 = 1
/ stim2 = 1
/ oldStim1 = 1

<block learning>
/ trials = [1-64 = sequence(cue,outcome)]
/ errormessage = false

<block memory>
/ trials = [1-5 = old]
/ errormessage = false

<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.stim1=list.randomStim1.nextindex; list.memStim1.appenditem(values.stim1);]
/ pretrialpause = 1000
/ stimulustimes = [0=stim1]
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ timeout = 3000
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ branch = [

<openended estimate>
/ position = (50, 50)
/ buttonlabel = " press enter to submit"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",15)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ stimulustimes = [0=estimateQ]
/ linelength = 3
/ range = (1,100)
/ numlines = 1
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial",30)
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ timeout = 5000

<trial outcome>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.stim2=list.randomStim2.nextindex; list.memStim2.appenditem(values.stim2);]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blank; 1=stim2; 1=highVal]
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ trialduration = 3000
/ validresponse = (noresponse)

<trial old>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.oldStim1 = list.memStim1.item(5),list.memStim1.item(1)]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blank; 1=oldStim1]
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ trialduration = 3000
/ validresponse = (noresponse)

<list randomStim1>
/ poolsize = 5

<list randomStim2>
/ poolsize = 5

<list memStim1>
/ selectionrate = always

<list memStim2>

<list oldStims>

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<picture highVal> *this is contingent on whether it's an indoor or outdoor picture
/ items = highValue
/ size = (13%, 13%)
/ resetinterval = 0
/ vposition = 30
/ hposition = 50

<picture lowVal> *this is contingent on whether it's an indoor or outdoor picture
/ items = lowValue
/ size = (10%, 10%)
/ resetinterval = 0

You say you want the above to be contingent on whether the selected stimulus is indoor vs outdoor, but you don't explain the contingency you want. Please elaborate.

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Dave - Wednesday, September 13, 2017
<picture highVal> *this is contingent on whether it's an indoor or outdoor picture
/ items = highValue
/ size = (13%, 13%)
/ resetinterval = 0
/ vposition = 30
/ hposition = 50

<picture lowVal> *this is contingent on whether it's an indoor or outdoor picture
/ items = lowValue
/ size = (10%, 10%)
/ resetinterval = 0

You say you want the above to be contingent on whether the selected stimulus is indoor vs outdoor, but you don't explain the contingency you want. Please elaborate.

Questions about the specific indoor/outdoor to high/low value contingency aside (see previous response), the easiest options is to simply set up two separate chains of trials: one chain for "indoor", another chain for "outdoor". Then sample from those two chains at the block-level via a <list> with /maxrunsize set to 2:

Creating Stimuli
//indoor stims
<text stim1_indoor>
/ items = stim1_Indoor
/ size = (30%, 30%)
/ select = values.stim1

<text stim2_indoor>
/ items = stim2_Indoor
/ size = (30%, 30%)
/ select = values.stim2

//outdoor stims
<text stim1_outdoor>
/ items = stim1_Outdoor
/ size = (30%, 30%)
/ select = values.stim1

<text stim2_outdoor>
/ items = stim2_Outdoor
/ size = (30%, 30%)
/ select = values.stim2

<text highVal>
/ items = highValue
/ size = (13%, 13%)
/ resetinterval = 0
/ vposition = 30
/ hposition = 50

<text lowVal>
/ items = lowValue
/ size = (10%, 10%)
/ resetinterval = 0

/ screencolor = (175, 175, 175)
/ txcolor = darkgrey

<shape blank>
/ color = (175, 175, 175)
/ shape = rectangle
/ size = (100%, 100%)

<text estimateQ>
/ items = ("please estimate the value of this type of scene ~n(indoor or outdoor) from 1 to 100")
/ hjustify = center
/ size = (50%,50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",30)
/ vposition = (60)
/ hposition = (50)
/ txbgcolor = (transparent)
/ txcolor = aliceblue
/ erase = false

<item stim1_Outdoor>
/1 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_1.jpg"
/2 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_2.jpg"
/3 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_3.jpg"
/4 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_4.jpg"
/5 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_5.jpg"
/6 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_6.jpg"
/7 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_7.jpg"
/8 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_8.jpg"
/9 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_9.jpg"
/10 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_10.jpg"
/11 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_11.jpg"
/12 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_12.jpg"
/13 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_13.jpg"
/14 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_14.jpg"
/15 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_15.jpg"
/16 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_16.jpg"
/17 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_17.jpg"
/18 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_18.jpg"
/19 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_19.jpg"
/20 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_20.jpg"
/21 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_21.jpg"
/22 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_22.jpg"
/23 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_23.jpg"
/24 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_24.jpg"
/25 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_25.jpg"
/26 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_26.jpg"

<item stim2_Outdoor>
/1 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_27.jpg"
/2 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_28.jpg"
/3 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_29.jpg"
/4 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_30.jpg"
/5 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_31.jpg"
/6 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_32.jpg"
/7 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_33.jpg"
/8 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_34.jpg"
/9 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_35.jpg"
/10 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_36.jpg"
/11 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_37.jpg"
/12 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_38.jpg"
/13 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_39.jpg"
/14 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_40.jpg"
/15 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_41.jpg"
/16 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_42.jpg"
/17 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_43.jpg"
/18 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_44.jpg"
/19 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_45.jpg"
/20 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_46.jpg"
/21 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_47.jpg"
/22 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_48.jpg"
/23 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_49.jpg"
/24 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_50.jpg"
/25 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_51.jpg"
/26 = "outdoorPics/Outdoor_53.jpg"

<item stim1_Indoor>
/1 = "indoorPics/Indoor_1.jpg"
/2 = "indoorPics/Indoor_2.jpg"
/3 = "indoorPics/Indoor_3.jpg"
/4 = "indoorPics/Indoor_4.jpg"
/5 = "indoorPics/Indoor_5.jpg"
/6 = "indoorPics/Indoor_6.jpg"
/7 = "indoorPics/Indoor_7.jpg"
/8 = "indoorPics/Indoor_8.jpg"
/9 = "indoorPics/Indoor_9.jpg"
/10 = "indoorPics/Indoor_10.jpg"
/11 = "indoorPics/Indoor_11.jpg"
/12 = "indoorPics/Indoor_12.jpg"
/13 = "indoorPics/Indoor_13.jpg"
/14 = "indoorPics/Indoor_14.jpg"
/15 = "indoorPics/Indoor_15.jpg"
/16 = "indoorPics/Indoor_16.jpg"
/17 = "indoorPics/Indoor_17.jpg"
/18 = "indoorPics/Indoor_18.jpg"
/19 = "indoorPics/Indoor_19.jpg"
/20 = "indoorPics/Indoor_20.jpg"
/21 = "indoorPics/Indoor_21.jpg"
/22 = "indoorPics/Indoor_22.jpg"
/23 = "indoorPics/Indoor_23.jpg"
/24 = "indoorPics/Indoor_24.jpg"
/25 = "indoorPics/Indoor_25.jpg"
/26 = "indoorPics/Indoor_26.jpg"

<item stim2_Indoor>
/1 = "indoorPics/Indoor_27.jpg"
/2 = "indoorPics/Indoor_28.jpg"
/3 = "indoorPics/Indoor_29.jpg"
/4 = "indoorPics/Indoor_30.jpg"
/5 = "indoorPics/Indoor_31.jpg"
/6 = "indoorPics/Indoor_32.jpg"
/7 = "indoorPics/Indoor_33.jpg"
/8 = "indoorPics/Indoor_34.jpg"
/9 = "indoorPics/Indoor_35.jpg"
/10 = "indoorPics/Indoor_36.jpg"
/11 = "indoorPics/Indoor_37.jpg"
/12 = "indoorPics/Indoor_38.jpg"
/13 = "indoorPics/Indoor_39.jpg"
/14 = "indoorPics/Indoor_40.jpg"
/15 = "indoorPics/Indoor_41.jpg"
/16 = "indoorPics/Indoor_42.jpg"
/17 = "indoorPics/Indoor_43.jpg"
/18 = "indoorPics/Indoor_44.jpg"
/19 = "indoorPics/Indoor_45.jpg"
/20 = "indoorPics/Indoor_46.jpg"
/21 = "indoorPics/Indoor_47.jpg"
/22 = "indoorPics/Indoor_48.jpg"
/23 = "indoorPics/Indoor_49.jpg"
/24 = "indoorPics/Indoor_50.jpg"
/25 = "indoorPics/Indoor_51.jpg"
/26 = "indoorPics/Indoor_52.jpg"

<item highValue>
/1 = "valPics/40cents.png"
/2 = "valPics/50cents.png"
/3 = "valPics/60cents.png"
/4 = "valPics/70cents.png"
/5 = "valPics/80cents.png"

<item lowValue>
/1 = "valPics/20cents.png"
/2 = "valPics/30cents.png"
/3 = "valPics/40cents.png"
/4 = "valPics/50cents.png"
/5 = "valPics/60cents.png"

Creating an Experiment

/ blocks = [1=learning]

/ stim1 = 1
/ stim2 = 1

<block learning>
/ trials = [1-52 = list.triallist]
/ errormessage = false

<list triallist>
/ items = (trial.cue_indoor, trial.cue_outdoor)
/ poolsize = 52
/ maxrunsize = 2

//indoor trials
<trial cue_indoor>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.stim1=list.s1_indoor.nextindex]
/ pretrialpause = 1000
/ stimulustimes = [0=stim1_indoor]
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ timeout = 3000
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ branch = [

<openended estimate_indoor>
/ position = (50, 50)
/ buttonlabel = " press enter to submit"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",15)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ stimulustimes = [0=estimateQ]
/ linelength = 3
/ range = (1,100)
/ numlines = 1
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial",30)
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ timeout = 5000
/ branch = [

<trial outcome_indoor>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.stim2=list.s2_indoor.nextindex]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blank,stim2_indoor, highVal]
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ trialduration = 3000
/ validresponse = (noresponse)

//outdoor trials
<trial cue_outdoor>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.stim1=list.s1_outdoor.nextindex;]
/ pretrialpause = 1000
/ stimulustimes = [0=stim1_outdoor]
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ timeout = 3000
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ branch = [

<openended estimate_outdoor>
/ position = (50, 50)
/ buttonlabel = " press enter to submit"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",15)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ stimulustimes = [0=estimateQ]
/ linelength = 3
/ range = (1,100)
/ numlines = 1
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial",30)
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ timeout = 5000
/ branch = [

<trial outcome_outdoor>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.stim2=list.s2_outdoor.nextindex]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blank,stim2_outdoor, lowVal]
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ trialduration = 3000
/ validresponse = (noresponse)

//indoor item numbers
<list s1_indoor>
/ poolsize = 26

<list s2_indoor>
/ poolsize = 26

//outdoor item numbers
<list s1_outdoor>
/ poolsize = 26

<list s2_outdoor>
/ poolsize = 26

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Posts: 83, Visits: 261
Dave - Wednesday, September 13, 2017
<picture highVal> *this is contingent on whether it's an indoor or outdoor picture
/ items = highValue
/ size = (13%, 13%)
/ resetinterval = 0
/ vposition = 30
/ hposition = 50

<picture lowVal> *this is contingent on whether it's an indoor or outdoor picture
/ items = lowValue
/ size = (10%, 10%)
/ resetinterval = 0

You say you want the above to be contingent on whether the selected stimulus is indoor vs outdoor, but you don't explain the contingency you want. Please elaborate.

thank you! 

the contingency is that if it's indoor, the reward is high value, and if outdoor, the reward is low value. (there are several conditions, but I should be able to generalize from this one example, thanks!). 
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Posts: 83, Visits: 261
nrouhani - Thursday, September 14, 2017
Dave - Wednesday, September 13, 2017
<picture highVal> *this is contingent on whether it's an indoor or outdoor picture
/ items = highValue
/ size = (13%, 13%)
/ resetinterval = 0
/ vposition = 30
/ hposition = 50

<picture lowVal> *this is contingent on whether it's an indoor or outdoor picture
/ items = lowValue
/ size = (10%, 10%)
/ resetinterval = 0

You say you want the above to be contingent on whether the selected stimulus is indoor vs outdoor, but you don't explain the contingency you want. Please elaborate.

thank you! 

the contingency is that if it's indoor, the reward is high value, and if outdoor, the reward is low value. (there are several conditions, but I should be able to generalize from this one example, thanks!). 

by the way I see how to do this, no need to reply! thank you! :) 

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