Disable 'Next' button in openended

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Hey guys,

As far as I can tell, you actually can't do this in Inquisit, but here goes anyway:

I'm trying to use <openended> to programme a writing task, where the 'Next' button is disabled until a certain amount of time has elapsed. That way, I can be sure participants spent a certain amount of time writing before they move on. Can I disable the next button for a specified amount of time?

Thanks in advance!
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ewa2702 - Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Hey guys,

As far as I can tell, you actually can't do this in Inquisit, but here goes anyway:

I'm trying to use <openended> to programme a writing task, where the 'Next' button is disabled until a certain amount of time has elapsed. That way, I can be sure participants spent a certain amount of time writing before they move on. Can I disable the next button for a specified amount of time?

Thanks in advance!


I have one idea but not sure if it can fix your issue.

I do not know how to hidde next button in openended, but it is possible to activate next button only after some amount of time elapsed.
I mean next button is on the screen all the time but it cannot be used to move forward until some time elapsed.

To do this I have used
<clock> element to measured time
<branch> to repeate openended if given amonun of time does not elepse
<values.previous_response> to store given response before repetaing openended
 <defaulresponse> to keep previous response on a screen when repeating openended

Script attached below allow to go further in openended only after 10 seconds elapsed   - I hope it work ;)
Clock is visible but might be hidden by changin font color of clock to background color of te sreen.


<openended type>
/ stimulustimes = [0=timer]
/ timeout = 100000000
/ buttonlabel = "Next"
/ position = (50,50)
/ size = (30%,30%)
/ defaultresponse = values.previous_response

/ ontrialend = [values.previous_response = openended.type.response; ]
/ ontrialend = [values.typetimeout = values.typetimeout - openended.type.elapsedtime]
/ branch = [if (clock.timer.elapsedtime > 0) openended.type]
/ multiline = true

<block A>
/ trials = [1=type]

<clock timer>
/ mode = timer
/ timeout = values.typetimeout
/ txbgcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Lucida Handwriting", 2.50%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = black
/ position = (10,10)

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ewa2702 - Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Hey guys,

As far as I can tell, you actually can't do this in Inquisit, but here goes anyway:

I'm trying to use <openended> to programme a writing task, where the 'Next' button is disabled until a certain amount of time has elapsed. That way, I can be sure participants spent a certain amount of time writing before they move on. Can I disable the next button for a specified amount of time?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, you can achieve this via /isvalidresponse:

<openended myopenended>
/ isvalidresponse = [
    openended.myopenended.latency >= 60000]

This code will not allow the openended to terminate until at least 60 seconds have elapsed.

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Dave - Thursday, September 14, 2017

ewa2702 - Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Hey guys,

As far as I can tell, you actually can't do this in Inquisit, but here goes anyway:

I'm trying to use <openended> to programme a writing task, where the 'Next' button is disabled until a certain amount of time has elapsed. That way, I can be sure participants spent a certain amount of time writing before they move on. Can I disable the next button for a specified amount of time?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, you can achieve this via /isvalidresponse:

<openended myopenended>
/ isvalidresponse = [
    openended.myopenended.latency >= 60000]

This code will not allow the openended to terminate until at least 60 seconds have elapsed.

Simple and nice ;)
My attempt was too complcated


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