custom correct response & image position with counter

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 25, Visits: 208

I have an experiment where participants have to choose which of three images they have seen before. Each image has a number underneath (1,2 and 3 - always in the same locations) they enter the number on the keyboard that corresponds to the number underneath the correct image - but the location of the images is random.

I've done this by setting the image positions with a counter - see below

<picture D>
/ items = ("D.png")
/ hposition = counter.poscounter.selectedvalue
/ vposition = 50

<picture D2>
/ items = ("D2.png")
/ hposition = counter.poscounter.selectedvalue
/ vposition = 50

<picture Dcorrect>
/ items = ("Dcorrect.png")
/ hposition = counter.poscounter.selectedvalue
/ vposition = 50

<counter poscounter>
/ items = (25, 50, 75)
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always

So this means the correct response will vary on every trial depending on which location picture.Dcorrect is allocated to. I have tried to record the correct response based on location in an expression update in the trial. But I can't get this to work, the data records expressions.correctpos as 1 every time and always thinks the correct response is pressed even when it's not. The trial is below...

<trial doughnut>
/ ontrialbegin = [
values.category= "food"
/ ontrialbegin = [if (picture.Dcorrect.hposition= 25) expressions.correctpos = "1"
else if(picture.Dcorrect.hposition= 50) expressions.correctpos = "2"
else if(picture.Dcorrect.hposition= 75) expressions.correctpos = "3"]
/ stimulusframes = [1=D, D2, Dcorrect, no1, no2, no3]
/ validresponse = ("1", "2", "3")
/ iscorrectresponse = [expressions.correctpos]
/ ontrialend = [
if (trial.doughnut.correct) {
values.foodcorrect +=1

- In addition two of the images seem to overlap sometimes - but not consistently?

Any help would be appreciated. I have attached a shortened version of the script too.

Thank you
short version mem test.iqx (279 views, 3.00 KB)
D.png (269 views, 32.00 KB)
D2.png (275 views, 36.00 KB)
Dcorrect.png (277 views, 39.00 KB)

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