Randomizing twice?

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Group: Administrators
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beccabos - Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I have a script that includes randomizing users to one of 28 conditions. When testing, some users were randomized twice; that is, they did the whole thing twice in two different conditions. I can't find anything in the script that would indicate to do that-- each randomization option ends with an end page, and is only selected 1/28 times. Has anyone else come across this? Is this an Inquisit 5 bug?

Would really appreciate any advice or ideas! Thanks so much. 

I'm not aware of any bug that would cause this. It's either a mistake in the script, or the respective participants actually started the script twice (getting condition X in the 1st run, condition Y in the 2nd run). It's impossible for me to say anything more without seeing the actual code as well as the data (including subject and group ids) for the "users [who] were randomized twice."

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 24, Visits: 59

I have a script that includes randomizing users to one of 28 conditions. When testing, some users were randomized twice; that is, they did the whole thing twice in two different conditions. I can't find anything in the script that would indicate to do that-- each randomization option ends with an end page, and is only selected 1/28 times. Has anyone else come across this? Is this an Inquisit 5 bug?

Would really appreciate any advice or ideas! Thanks so much. 

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